Chapter 324

Chapter 340

Gu Xiaobai simply pulled Yan Tianning away, "Let's go. Let's talk about the lawsuit by the way."

Yan Tianning followed her directly.

Although it snowed all day yesterday, the weather is a bit hot today. The two found a big tree and stood under the tree to talk.

"If you need a lawyer, I can introduce one to you." Gu Xiaobai said to Yan Tianning.

Yan Tianning said cautiously, "Will it be too much trouble for you?" After she finished speaking, she realized that she had said something wrong, and she was a little embarrassed, but she didn't know how to explain it.

Gu Xiaobai wasn't angry either, she smiled and said, "Don't be cautious, I know that you are lacking in communication, and I also know that you have no other intentions."

"This lawyer is from China, but I met him in the United States. He is very capable in litigation, and he is usually involved in large multinational lawsuits." Gu Xiaobai said.

Yan Tianning said with a smile, "If he's free, I might need him."

Gu Xiaobai smiled, "You should have explained the things on the Internet long ago. Although it doesn't matter if you don't fight or snatch, but if you keep letting them slander and use you to attract traffic, those marketing accounts are likely to give you credit." A messy charge."

"I know. I just don't want fans to spend time on me. I want them to spend more time with their parents and relatives, and study harder." Yan Tianning explained.

Gu Xiaobai touched her hair, "Actually, if you really think about your fans, you should open Weibo. Then guide them slowly, so that they may form a habit."

"I have plans to open Weibo, but I'm not used to it." She raised her eyes and looked at Gu Xiaobai, "I'm a little sensitive and easy to act emotionally, and I can't speak yet. I..."

She hesitated to speak, "I'm afraid... I'm afraid of causing trouble to myself, my fans, and others." She paused, and finally chose to say this.

"Fool, being yourself is the most real thing! That's your Weibo, what you want to say, what you post is your own business, if someone says something about you, or smears you online, you can just go back .”

Yan Tianning still has concerns, she is used to keeping a low profile, and she refuses many commercial things.

Gu Xiaobai naturally also saw her concerns, so he continued to use strong medicine, and said to her, "You should give fans a platform for interaction. You are their belief and their ideal guide."

Yan Tianning nodded, "After the filming is over, I will open Weibo immediately."

"By the way, you asked your assistant to contact your official support club. Although you disbanded them, I think it is necessary for you to re-establish them."

"Thank you." Yan Tianning said with a smile.

She looked at Gu Xiaobai and found that the woman in front of her was very temperamental and beautiful, and the most important thing was that she knew what she was thinking and what worries she had.

"Actually... I've been thinking about whether to go to court, until Jing Shengchen came to me and talked to me all night, and got the evidence that those two people stepped on me to wash my name, so I decided to go to court of."

"Jing Shengchen must love you very much." Yan Tianning said.

 [There are more changes. 】

(End of this chapter)

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