Chapter 339 Irritability
"Chu Jingyu, you are a veteran in the entertainment industry. I don't trust you at all when I make a deal with you." After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

At this moment, her emotions were very complicated, even a little irritable.

The car accident of her parents was not because she forgot but because she buried it deep in her heart. She was afraid that if she talked about it or put it in her heart, she would not be able to help but make a big fuss.

The car accident of her parents was not a simple car accident, nor was it caused by Gu Qianheng's brother and Cheng Youyun's sister having a fierce quarrel in the car because of their relationship.

Her parents' car accident was a calculated calculation.

At least, in her current opinion, she found out the truth of the car accident that year. The Gu family intervened, and the Jing family, the head of the five major families in the imperial capital, also intervened. Even... even the National Security Bureau of Huaguo intervened .

When she thinks of her parents' car accident, her head hurts and her heart hurts. Her whole body starts to tremble, and the hatred in her heart can't be controlled. She squats down, wraps her hands around her knees, Buried in the legs.

She misses Jing Shengchen, misses him very much, this miss is more intense than before.

She quickly turned on the phone, pressed the number 1, and the call was dialed out. Gu Xiaobai kept this number in his heart because it was Jing Shengchen's number.

The reason why Jing Shengchen's number is set to 1 is because she is afraid that she will be helpless, that she will encounter difficulties, and that she will be able to call him as soon as possible when something happens to her.

There was a smile on the corner of her lips. It turned out that Jing Shengchen had already occupied an important place in her heart before she knew it, and her dependence on him was beyond her imagination.

The first sentence after the phone is connected is——

"A Sheng, I miss you, I miss you so much!"

Jing Shengchen on the other end of the phone frowned, even though Gu Xiaobai's voice was the same as before, he could still hear her trembling voice, as if she was crying.

"Are you on the set? Or?" He asked, but he was also a little anxious, and said to the meeting on the computer, "This is the end of today's meeting."

Turn off the computer, get up from the chair, open the door again, quickly leave the room, and go towards the crew where Gu Xiaobai is.

"Yeah." The person on the other end of the phone replied sullenly.

"Wait." He was very anxious, he knew that something must have happened to Gu Xiaobai, he suddenly felt that the two words he just said were a bit serious, so he said softly, "Stay where you are, I'll go find you. "

"Don't hang up your phone." He added.

After a while, Jing Shengchen came to the set.

He found where Gu Xiaobai was at the first sight.

He quickly walked in front of Gu Xiaobai, squatted down, watched her bury her head in her lap, then hugged her whole body, and said softly, "What's wrong?"

Gu Xiaobai raised her head and looked at him, but she couldn't say a word. She was in a bad mood, and she was afraid that the sharp words would be the kind of sharp tone that kills one thousand and self-defeating eight hundred.

She didn't want to hurt him, even if it was unintentional words or words that hurt him when he was angry or in a bad mood.

Her A Sheng is so good, how could she be willing to hurt him, holding it in the palm of her hand, even if it hurts in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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