Hidden marriage favor: the queen's wife, want to hug

Chapter 350 Don't even give me a chance to prove it?

Chapter 350 Don't even give me a chance to prove it?
"A Sheng, you have never believed that I love you, and now I do this to prove that I love you." She looked at the resolute him, and the moonlight set him off even more beautifully, "You...?"

"You... don't you even give me a chance to prove that you love you?" She cried miserably, as if she had been wronged, she cried until she hiccupped.

He frowned, even feeling a little irritable, "This is different."

"The truth about your parents' car accident is your number one priority..."

"No, you are my top priority! No one can compare to you." She interrupted him.

His heart was full of happiness, but he couldn't smile.

He said, "Xiaobai, running away won't solve the problem, why do you want to prevent me from meddling in your parents' car accident?"

She was about to blurt out because of the nightmare, but when the words came to her lips, she couldn't speak them out.

She knew that this reason could not convince him.

She planned to adopt a coquettish and coquettish attitude to make him forget about it.

But... no use!
Jing Shengchen was determined to meet Chu Jingyu and the old man of the Chu family this time, and he was also determined to intervene in her parents' car accident.

She felt weak for a while.

She looked at him, wiped away the tears on her face, her dark pupils were turning round and round, and suddenly, a smile appeared on the corner of her lips, this smile was a bit obscene.

He was stunned.

But I heard her say, "A Sheng, wait for me." She quickly threw off the quilt on her body, got out of bed, and ran to the bathroom.

She washed her face with hot water in the bathroom, then hurried outside and came to the bed, she looked at him, her eyes were shining, and there was a sense of narrowness hidden under the light.

She watched him knead the center of his brows, and the smile on his lips was extremely evil. She made a bold decision, she...she...she...pounced on him directly.

When he wasn't paying attention, she jumped on him directly.

She was still blowing in his ear, her eyes were flickering, her thin lips were slightly opened, and said, "A Sheng, let's do some exercise."

Exercise here specifically refers to what should be done between husband and wife.

Now that she and Jing Shengchen have disagreements over "whether or not I can see Chu Jingyu and the old man of the Chu family" and "should Jing Shengchen intervene in the truth about her parents' car accident", this disagreement almost caused the two of them to quarrel get up, then...

Then, Gu Xiaobai wants to use the sports between husband and wife to solve these two problems.

There is a saying that there is nothing that cannot be solved by sex, if one sex is not enough, then two times... and so on.

Before he could speak, she blocked his thin lips with her mouth.

"Hmm." That was all he could make.

He actually... was forced to bow by her overlord.


The moon and stars gradually disappeared into the sky, and when the first ray of light shone on the earth in the morning, Jing Shengchen also woke up.

Although the two of them had a fight very late last night, and they didn't go to bed until four or five in the morning, but he still woke up, because Gu Xiaobai's stomach was starved because he didn't eat breakfast before, so after getting married, he would eat breakfast every morning Cook millet porridge for her.

What happened last night was nothing, but he had already made up his mind to meet Chu Jingyu and the old man of the Chu family today.

He gently put Gu Xiaobai who was sleeping on him on the bed, covered her with a quilt, and then gently left the bed to cook porridge for her.

To say that Jing Shengchen is a boyfriend of 24 filial piety is nothing but ah!
(End of this chapter)

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