Chapter 361 Fool
"In the future, if he smears the Chu family on the Internet because of hatred, then... then, the reputation of the Chu family will fall to the bottom, right?"

Chu Jingyu's dark pupils suddenly widened, and he looked at Gu Xiaobai in disbelief. She not only sued him, plotted against him, but... even threatened the old lady of the Chu family.

Why didn't he realize that she was so courageous?

It's bigger than the sky!
The curvature of the cheeks of the old man of the Chu family was just right, and he looked at Gu Xiaobai with a lot of admiration, and he said lightly, "I didn't come to let you go back to the Chu family..."

"That's here to kill me." Gu Xiaobai interrupted him suddenly, the smile on his lips became deeper and stronger, "It seems to be possible."

The smile on her face is getting bigger and bigger, and the curvature is getting more and more beautiful. Her clear eyes are like a pool of spring water, and she said with a little annoyance, "That's right, you could have allowed your eldest son to kill your fifth son 16 years ago." , how can you show mercy to my granddaughter who has never met?"

"After all, only the eldest son is the real one." She said casually, her tone was very light, but Chu Jingyu, Jing Shengchen and others also heard it.

Is she... is she courting death?
What does it mean that the eldest son is his own?
Isn't this... a mockery of the old man of the Chu family being cuckolded?
The old man of the Chu family is called Chu Boyu.

The name Chu Boyu has nothing to do with the personality of the old man of the Chu family.

The Chu family has been in the military circle for generations. Therefore, when the old man of the Chu family was born, his father asked a retired old professor from Imperial University to name him, hoping that his son would not be in the military circle again.

When Chu Boyu was a child, he also made it clear that he would not join the military circle, and felt that his name was a bit insulting, which made the father of the old man of the Chu family happy to death, but, in unexpected circumstances, he went to join the mercenary.

Chu Boyu hurriedly glanced at Gu Xiaobai's profile last night, and what impressed him most was her mouth.

At that time, he found it by accident. Gu Xiaobai told a teacher and the school director that when he was crying, the corners of his lips raised unconsciously, and he also liked her a little bit in his heart, because he felt that she was like him.

Now that they met for the first time, and confronted for the first time, he thought, Gu Xiaobai's character and his mouth really suit his taste.

When he heard that Gu Xiaobai was going to be a teacher at the Imperial University, he couldn't stop laughing from ear to ear. The Chu family has been mixed in the army for generations, and they have always been called reckless. Therefore, the recent generations of the Chu family have always wanted to The children are cultivated into cultural people.

Helpless, although the Chu family was instilled in the back of the Chu family with the idea that everything is low-grade and only studies are high, but each of them either went to the military circle or the business circle.

However, this also gave the Chu family an additional title - lack of money.very poor.

Even though Gu Xiaobai's words were sarcasm and sarcasm to Chu Boyu just now, he was not angry, but said with a smile, "I want to see if that kid Chu Yaotian is better than him?"

"It's not as good as others, but it's more than enough compared to your children of the Chu family." She said bluntly, since Chu Boyu talked about her father, she naturally wouldn't embarrass her father.

Chu Boyu chuckled lightly, "You are quite confident."

"Of course." She spoke casually, "Chu Jingyu, the eldest son of your Chu family, can only play tricks that can't be put on the table. Apart from threatening threats, he is also a fool who thinks he can control everyone... "

(End of this chapter)

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