Chapter 396 The program is recorded as usual
How could Ruo Jingxing not be angry!Gu Xiaobai and Ji Shuoming have always been her bottom line. She can bully, but others cannot.

That's how she defends her shortcomings.

What's more, the questions in the reminder card were not only aimed at Gu Xiaobai and Ji Shuoming, but also Yan Tianning and Lu Chi.

They are...they want the crew of "Red Makeup" to be boycotted by the whole people!

She looked at Tian Yongming and the others coldly, and sneered, "You say I'm bullying?"

"Very good! I'll show you how to bully others today." The smile on the corner of her lips was extremely coquettish, "Since you are so popular, so arrogant and arrogant, the variety show 'I'm Undercover' also has twenty After a few years of history, let it be everyone's best memory to quit the TV station."

Xia Yilan and the other four opened their eyes wide open, they could almost eat an egg with their mouths open, and looked at Ruo Jingxing in astonishment...

If Jing Xing wants to let the program "I am an undercover agent" become the history of Shacheng TV station, it means that "I am an undercover agent" will be eliminated from Shacheng TV station.


Xia Yilan and the others trembled violently.

What would they do without the show "I'm Undercover"?
They have always relied on their popularity and being the mainstay of Shacheng TV, so they only host the program "I am an undercover agent" on Shacheng TV, and spend the rest of their time busy with other activities, other TV stations, and other video sites to make money.

Leave Shacheng TV Station?
I'm afraid it's not that simple!Shacheng TV Station will not let them leave easily, even if they leave, they will have to pay Jue the liquidated damages.

What's more, even if they left, no one would want them?
Are they currently popular?


If Ruo Jingxing told the people in the circle what they did today, and then spread the word in the circle, there would be no TV station or video site to want them.

You know, what they did was to slander the guests on the show at will. This is already a matter of professional ethics. What's more, anyone can offend, but the guests cannot be offended. This is something everyone in the circle knows.

Because I accidentally offended the guest, if the guest is very famous and popular, not only the host will be "tormented" by fans, but even TV stations and video sites will be boycotted by fans. If you are a master hacker, you may hack your computer and spread all your black materials.

Without the variety show "I'm Undercover" to attract fans, without commercial performances, there is nothing, and they will lose exposure. Without exposure, within a year, they will be forgotten.

For Xia Yilan and others, they are used to being sought after by others, living in high-end villas, eating expensive things, and spending tens of thousands of cosmetics...

And if all of this is gone, they will only live worse than death.

They were extremely shocked by Ruo Jingxing's words, they looked at her with unbelievable eyes...

Xia Yilan took a deep breath, collected her emotions, and said to Ruo Jingxing, "We were wrong."

She directly admitted her mistake!
"Wrong?" Ruo Jingxing looked at her with a half-smile, his phoenix eyes were full of sarcasm, "How could you be wrong?"

"Not everyone can be on the show 'I'm Undercover'? If Jing Xing is not qualified, I won't be on it either." She looked at her sullenly, and said coldly, "Get lost."

(End of this chapter)

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