Chapter 503 Anti-lip [3 more]

Murong Sitong immediately opened his eyes wide, a little unbelievable.

She had been hearing about Chu Yuanfei and Nie Yuman being caught in prison yesterday. At that time, she was gloating and felt that she must thank the person who put her eldest brother and sister-in-law in prison if she had the opportunity.

But what she didn't expect was that the person who put Chu Yuanfei and Nie Yuman into prison was Ruo Jingxing.

She sucked in a breath of cold air.

If Jing Xing took old master Chu's favorite eldest son into prison and still stayed in the Chu family, and still had breakfast, this... Murong Sitong didn't dare to think about it any longer.

Her dark pupils looked at Ruo Jingxing a little dodging, a little scared, and a little terrified.

After taking a deep breath, she automatically ignored Ruojing Xing and Gu Xiaobai, but looked at her husband. She sat beside him, and said, "Chu Chenxuan, heal or not. , you give me an answer, so I can reply to others.”

"No doctor." Chu Chenxuan said a word coldly.

"Okay. Then I won't treat you." Murong Sitong said coldly, but she left her seat directly and walked to another place, which was a little far away from Chu Chenxuan.

She is... angry!

"Fourth aunt, you can't be like this?" Gu Xiaobai didn't take her fourth uncle seriously at Murong Sitong's arrogance at all, and she was a little annoyed immediately. She said casually, "Fourth aunt, you That friend is more important than fourth uncle?"

"Can you guarantee that Fourth Uncle can cure this disease?" Gu Xiaobai asked casually.

Murong Sitong was taken aback for a moment, then smiled at her, "It's just a minor illness, with your fourth uncle's medical skills, it can naturally be cured."

"A minor illness!" Gu Xiaobai deliberately raised his voice, "Since it's a minor illness, just ask him to go to the hospital or clinic to have a look. Why bother Fourth Uncle."

"Fourth Uncle's medical skills are not bad, but he still has to work in the research institute every day, and occasionally goes to Imperial University to take classes. It shouldn't be necessary for him to take care of such a minor ailment, after all, he is already tired enough. "Gu Xiaobai looked at Murong Sitong with a smile that was not a smile. When she said this, her tone was very flat, and even her clear phoenix eyes were very flat. It was impossible to tell if she said this on purpose or without a doubt.

"Xiaobai, you still don't understand." Murong Sitong took a deep breath. Gu Xiaobai's words just now made her unable to react for a while, but she then said, "My friend trusts Brother Xuan's medical skills, and I personally asked him to If you leave me alone, I will naturally agree, otherwise... it won't make sense!"

"And this friend's status is not low. After Brother Xuan cured him, his popularity in the imperial capital has also increased, and he can also make the other party owe favors. This is a good thing for your fourth uncle."

Murong Sitong acted like I was thinking about my husband, which made Gu Xiaobai and the others sick.

Gu Xiaobai chuckled softly, "Aunt Si is really kind to Uncle Fourth! I really envy Uncle Fourth who can marry a wife like you."

Murong Sitong smiled in his heart, and suddenly felt that Gu Xiaobai was nothing more than that, he was so easy to fool, he was bluffed by a few nice words from you.

However, in the next second, she wanted to strangle Gu Xiaobai to death.

"However... Fourth Aunt, you should first consider Fourth Uncle's health. Seeing a doctor is not a short-term thing, especially Chinese medicine, which pays more attention to pulse, palm reading, face reading and other things. It takes a long time to write a prescription and to accompany the dosage of herbal medicine, taking the time of my fourth uncle..."

(End of this chapter)

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