Hidden marriage favor: the queen's wife, want to hug

Chapter 511 Little Junior Sister [5 More]

Chapter 511 Little Junior Sister [5 More]

Dai Yujun frowned, and after a while, he waved his hands, "Okay then." He looked at Gu Xiaobai hesitantly, and originally wanted to continue persuading him, but when the words came to his lips, he said Unable to speak, he had no choice but to give up.

Gu Xiaobai also knew what Dai Yujun was going to say, but she didn't want the old man in front of her to work for her, let alone let him know that she was hacked.

That's right!

Gu Xiaobai was hacked again!
Not only Gu Xiaobai was hacked, but Ruo Jingxing, Ji Shuoming and others were also hacked, and even the entire "Red Makeup" movie was hacked.

The text message that Chu Jingyu sent to Gu Xiaobai just now told her about this matter.

The cause of the incident was as follows. The incident at the Kunxu Hotel a few days ago was not reported by the media present because the Ouyang family intervened to stop it.

And the reason why the Ouyang family took action to stop it was because Liu Yiling and Cheng Youyun also recorded the content that day, and used it as a threat to Ouyang Tianyou to stop those media.

What they recorded was Ouyang Tianyou's miserable appearance and Ouyang Yanxu's embarrassment. Therefore, Ouyang Tianyou had to accept the threat of the two of them.

After the two men threatened Ouyang Tianyou, they observed carefully for two days. Indeed, there was no news or black material about them on the Internet. Therefore, after the two teams discussed, they decided to set up a frame.

Back then at the Kunxu Hotel, Ouyang Tianyou satirized that Liu Yiling and Cheng Youyun would win the Golden Mouse Award for the supporting actress and actress who were bought by Chu Tianyou with money. Although the Golden Mouse Award hadn't started yet, it was indeed a fact.

Therefore, Cheng Youyun and Liu Yiling discussed and planned to say that Gu Xiaobai and Yan Tianning bought the judges of the Golden Mouse Award, but they were stopped by their team.

Cheng Youyun and Liu Yiling should thank their team.

If they really smeared these two people by saying "Gu Xiaobai and Yan Tianning bought the judges of the Golden Mouse Award", I'm afraid they will end badly.

The reason for saying this is, first, Cheng Youyun and Liu Yiling were the ones who really bought off the judges.If the judges were bribed, with the ability of netizens, sooner or later they would pick up on the two of them. At that time, the actress who just got it would become a nightmare.

Even the actress bought it, so it can be seen how angry the netizens will be!
Second, whether Gu Xiaobai or Yan Tianning said that they bought the judges, many people would not believe it at all. What's more, it is not known whether the movie "Red Makeup" will participate in the Golden Mouse Awards. If they don't participate, they will be beaten. What should I do if my face is damaged?
The team behind Cheng Youyun and Liu Yiling finally discussed and decided to have the three major film festivals personally prevent "Red Makeup" from participating in the film festival.

And in order to let the three major film festivals in Huaguo speak out at the same time to prevent "Red Makeup" from participating in the film festival, Liu Yiling and Cheng Youyun also sacrificed a lot of color.

Therefore, when Gu Xiaobai saw the text message sent by Chu Jingyu, she immediately decided not to participate in the three major Huaguo film festivals, and she already had a counterattack strategy in her heart.

She stood up and said to Dai Yujun, "Grandpa, I'm going to record the song first, and when I'm done with work, I'll come to accompany you. Then, don't dislike me."

Dai Yujun smiled, "No. Pay attention to your body."

"Dai Jiansheng, Lang Ziheng, if you don't take care of Xiaobai, be careful that I will break your legs." Dai Yujun, who had spoken kindly to Gu Xiaobai before, turned his head and said sternly.

(End of this chapter)

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