Hidden marriage favor: the queen's wife, want to hug

Chapter 516 Open Your Kneel [3 More]

Chapter 516 Open Your Kneel [3 More]

The moment Gu Xiaobai opened his mouth to sing, Lu Xingyu and the others were shocked. Many fans would kneel. Originally, they were just smiling, but when they heard the girl's voice in the recording studio, they also Understand what it means to open your mouth and kneel.


Who is still singing about the bright moon, Gong Chanjuan
If we say that we meet in this life in the world
I'm afraid it's just an empty dream
Can't let go of missing, can't keep time


[ps: The lyrics are from the red makeup of the leader of ribs. 】

Those lines of lyrics ran out of her mouth, as if they were magical, hitting people's hearts, and they kept echoing in your mind.

This song--

Lu Xingyu was convinced, completely convinced!
He didn't expect that one day, he would be brought into the artistic conception created by the singing, and his mood would be happy and sad at the same time as the singing.

If not, because no sound is allowed in the recording studio, at this time, he might just hum along.

Dai Jiansheng and Lang Ziheng were even more dumbfounded. After that, their entire faces were extremely ashamed.

The reason why the two of them were so arrogant just now was because they wanted to give Gu Xiaobai a bad impression. In their hearts, it would be good if only Gu Xuerou was their junior sister, and they would not accept a second junior sister.

Even if the other party is the daughter of the junior sister, it won't work!

But... now, they are completely convinced!

Gu Xiaobai was still singing, everyone held their breath and listened to her singing.

Her singing voice is really beautiful... The joy and happiness in the early stage and the sadness in the later stage can be called the most abusive song at the beginning of the year.

Along with her own singing, Gu Xiaobai was immersed in her own singing, she even regarded herself as the heroine in the story in this song, and she was pouring her emotions into it.


After a song is over, the audience is silent!

After a while, the audience applauded thunderously, very enthusiastically, even Lu Xingyu applauded, being able to sing an ancient style song so perfectly is really not to be underestimated!

"Music genius!"

"It's great...the Chinese music scene can be saved!"


A sound of praise, a series of supreme evaluations, praised Gu Xiaobai to the sky.

In today's music world, pop music and rock music are the most popular. However, until now, only people like Lu Xingyu knew that the old-fashioned songs of Huaguo, which were despised by many people, would also be so beautiful.

They will also indulge in ancient songs one day, this... I really can't imagine.

Gu Xiaobai kept a faint smile on her face, but her eyes were a little red and swollen. If it weren't for the applause, she might still be immersed in the story of the song.

She took a deep breath and slowly walked out of the story in the song, she suddenly couldn't wait to see Jing Shengchen.

"It's over! It's over once!" A director in charge of recording music said with a hearty laugh.

After Gu Xiaobai thanked these people, she walked out of the recording studio. What surprised her was that Lu Xingyu was still there.

Lu Xingyu looked at her with fiery eyes. He pondered for a long time, and finally said, "I...can I post the song you just sang on Weibo?"

He knew the request was a bit abrupt.

Gu Xiaobai said disapprovingly, "Are you sure?"

"I have been hacked all the time on the Internet, and I am still being hacked now. If you are not afraid of being involved, you can do whatever you want." Gu Xiaobai said directly.

 The lyrics are from the red makeup of the leader of ribs.The lyrics are from the red makeup of the leader of ribs.The lyrics are from the red makeup of the leader of ribs.Say important things three times.

(End of this chapter)

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