Chapter 528 Wake Up
Nangong Mochen followed the doctor and left in a hurry.

Time passed minute by minute, hour after hour.

Another long wait.

"The operation was successful, and the patient's life was out of danger. However, due to the impact on the head, the concussion was more serious, and her arm wound was deep. Even after it was cured, she could not lift heavy objects. Her legs were the most injured. You can't do strenuous movements, let alone run vigorously."

"By the way, due to anesthesia, the patient will wake up tomorrow morning, so someone needs to stay with him overnight."


"I come."

"I come."

Nangong Mochen and Jing Shengchen said at the same time.

Nangong Mochen looked coldly at the man with bandaged hands, "Jing Shengchen, you go back. My sister, I will take care of it myself."

From Nangong Mochen's point of view, the reason why Gu Xiaobai got into a car accident was Jing Shengchen.

He had heard that the Jing family of the hidden family was very dissatisfied with his younger sister, and had secretly made small moves many times, and even sent someone to destroy his younger sister's reputation, but fortunately, he dealt with it secretly.

"If it weren't for my sister's face, I would beat you today until you can't take care of yourself."

"Go back, the Nangong family will settle this matter with the Jing family properly!"

Jing Shengchen said hoarsely, "She is my wife."

"Your number one young master in the imperial capital can't even protect his own wife, so you still have the face to call her your wife!" Nangong Mochen sarcastically said.


The Chu family headed by Chu Boyu, Ouyang Jianyu, and the Nangong family all looked at Nangong Mochen and Jing Shengchen.

"Stop making noise." Ruo Jingxing said irritably.

Ji Shuoming was also in a very bad mood. He blamed himself, "I shouldn't have taken her back to China back then."

"Jing Xing, when she wakes up, let's go abroad, we won't come back, we'll never come back." Looking at Gu Xiaobai who was bloody and breathless, Ji Shuoming was terrified, he was terrified.

Ruo Jingxing nodded, "Yes. We're going abroad and won't come back."

She suddenly thought of something, so she quickly picked up her cell phone and called.


"Hello, Jing Xing, what's the matter?" The voice on the other end of the phone rang.

"Yue Yiran, hurry up, go back to China, Xiaobai got into a car accident and is temporarily out of danger, you come back quickly, I'm afraid... I'm afraid those people will continue to plot against her."


The person on the other end of the phone quickly hung up the phone and immediately booked a ticket to return home.

"Hey, Grandpa Gu, Xiaobai... she had a car accident." Ji Shuoming also called Gu Zhanzhong.

When Gu Zhanzhong heard this, he fainted. He quickly hung up the phone and took a private plane to return home.

It doesn't matter if it's Yue Yiran or Gu Zhanzhong.

Ruo Jingxing and Ji Shuoming's thinking is very simple, let these two seek justice for Gu Xiaobai, let them make the entire imperial capital fall apart.

Over there, Nangong Mochen and Jing Shengchen were still arguing.

"Who's staying?" said the nurse.



They all spoke in unison again.

"The patient is now transferred to the ICU ward, and only one person can go in to take care of him, and he has to wear a sterile suit when he goes in." The nurse added.

"I'll come, I'm his husband." Jing Shengchen said first.

The nurse glanced at him, then nodded and said, "Okay, then. Come with me, we'll change clothes first."

(End of this chapter)

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