Chapter 541 Explanation [5 more]

"You are my first love. I have never loved Lan Mengjiao, whether she is dead or alive."

Gu Xiaobai looked at him, pointed at her chest, she shook her head, and said in pain, "A Sheng, I love you to the bone, I can't leave you anymore, but at the same time, I also love you If you have enough disappointment, this love is equal to disappointment, even if I am reluctant to leave you, I still have to get a divorce."

"I...I can't live in my own lies all my life, and I can't use lies to deceive myself. You really love me, and I have never been disappointed in you."

"My heart hurts so badly that I can't breathe." She clutched her chest, and looked at him with red and swollen eyes, "You know what I'm thinking right now?"

He shook his head, indicating that he didn't know.

"I'm thinking why I didn't die in this car accident, so that I don't have to know all these things, let alone bear the truth of my parents' car accident, and don't have to worry about whether to recognize my brother Nangong Mochen, let alone How to get revenge on Gu Qianheng and Cheng Youyun, the two murderers who once killed me."

"I'm tired, tired!"

Every word she said made his heart ache. Seeing her in pain, he wished he could slap himself twice.

"Xiaobai, I didn't mean not to tell you to find out the truth about the car accident."

"I can explain about Lan Mengjiao."

"Whether it's Lin Yumeng or Ouyang Yanxu, I won't let them go."

"I know that the Jing family was involved in this matter, but I will definitely explain to you."


As soon as he finished speaking, Ruo Jing Xing burst out laughing.

She sneered and said, "Jing Shengchen, who are you lying to? You can only deceive Xiaobai, a silly white sweet who is caught in the whirlpool of love."

"Save these explanations for Lan Mengjiao." She said bluntly.

It was the first time that Ruo Jingxing saw Gu Xiaobai crying so ferociously, his beautiful and clear phoenix eyes were already red and swollen.

Ruo Jingxing knew that Gu Xiaobai had put too much affection into this marriage with Jing Shengchen, if possible, she didn't want the two of them to divorce.

But...she has to be ruthless, she has to be this bad guy, because she doesn't want Gu Xiaobai to live in Jing Shengchen's lies, and she doesn't want all the love she gave to turn into wishful thinking, and she won't be able to get anything in return for the rest of her life.

"Shut up." Jing Shengchen was very irritable, "This is a matter between me and Xiaobai, you, an outsider, can't interfere."

"Don't be mean to her." Gu Xiaobai said to Jing Shengchen.

Jing Shengchen suddenly looked like a deflated doll.

"Jing Xing, I know you're doing it for my own good. You and Ji Shuoming go out first, and I'll have a good talk with him. By the way, you can call Shangguan Yuanfeng to help me draw up a divorce agreement."

As soon as she finished speaking, Ji Shuoming pulled Ruo Jingxing away.


After a while, only Jing Shengchen and Gu Xiaobai were left in the room.

Gu Xiaobai wiped away her tears, and said frankly, "A Sheng, I love you to the bone, but so what? I still want to divorce you."

"Perhaps you can explain everything." She looked at him, picked up the mobile phone beside the bed, opened it, unlocked it, and said seriously, "How do you explain the password of this mobile phone?"

"How do you explain this WeChat thing?"

"You know I hate cheating on me, and how many times have you cheated on me since you married me?"

(End of this chapter)

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