Chapter 543 Brother 1
"In two days, I will bring my lawyer, my grandfather, Grandpa Chu, and my brother Nangong Mochen to the Jing family to discuss the divorce with you. We...see you then."

This sentence is very short, it can be finished in almost three seconds, but it took Gu Xiaobai three minutes to finish it, and she even exhausted all her strength to say such a sentence.

He looked at her blankly, he knew that he had hurt her, she was crying so much, he really wanted to hug her and comfort her, but he knew that he was not qualified to do so now.

He was like a walking dead, staggering on his feet, he didn't even know how he left the ward, but he knew that he was very embarrassed when he left the ward.

Watching Jing Shengchen's figure disappear from her sight, Gu Xiaobai didn't cry, but her heart was still terribly uncomfortable.

Ruo Jingxing and Ji Shuoming pushed away and walked in, and asked in a low voice, "Are you finished talking?"

"Yeah." Gu Xiaobai looked out the window and replied sullenly, "The talk is over."

"Where are my grandfathers now?" Gu Xiaobai said.

Ruo Jingxing replied, "They are all in the Chu family."

"Tell them not to come here. I will be discharged from the hospital in two days. As for... As for Nangong Mochen, he can come whenever he wants, and he should be recognized."

Although she was in a coma at the time, she was still conscious, and she heard the doctor's words——

"Fortunately, there is such a brother. He even drew 1000ml of blood in one breath, and almost passed out during the process. I also want to have such a brother."

Gu Xiaobai did not expect that Nangong Mochen would do this to her younger sister who hadn't met yet.

I remember that when the two met for the first time not long ago, the two had a very unpleasant quarrel, but he actually drew 1000ml of blood for himself. You must know that the hospital has a clear regulation that blood can only be 200ml or 400ml, and any more will stop it. However, Nangong Mochen actually made 1000ml.

Gu Xiaobai didn't hate Nangong Mochen, and she was only angry at the beginning because he misunderstood Gu Zhanzhong. She planned to recognize him, but it was not the right time, and she didn't want him to bear the burden of his parents' car accident.

"Then I'll call him." Ruo Jingxing said.

"You are lucky to have a brother like him. Since your accident until now, you have been guarding you. You even had a fight with Jing Shengchen to accompany you at night. But, he knows that you don't want to see him now." , so I always sit on the chair in the corridor outside, and sleep on that chair at night." Watching Ruo Jingxing walk out in a hurry, Ji Shuoming explained.

Gu Xiaobai finally shifted her eyes from looking out the window to Ji Shuoming, she looked at him hesitantly, and finally asked, "Just now, he knows about me and Ah...Jing Shengchen? "

Ji Shuoming nodded, "He found out the truth of the car accident at the first time, so he ran to Ouyang's house, directly abolished Ouyang Tianyou, made Ouyang's house into a turmoil, and then let Chu Yuanfei be in the house again." He was locked up in prison for a few more months, he..." He glanced at Gu Xiaobai, wanting to know her reaction.

Seeing her pale face, he couldn't tell whether he was happy or not, but he still finished his sentence, "He is really kind to you, and he has always done so many things for you silently, but never said it out. "

Gu Xiaobai's mood is very complicated. It turns out that Nangong Mochen has done so many things for her unknowingly. Indeed, she will be very happy to have such a big brother.

(End of this chapter)

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