Chapter 559
"This is where the police work. If you want to interview, go to the side, so as not to affect our work."

The chief of the police station spoke very well and reminded me very gently.

It's just that Cheng Youyun didn't listen to what he said or just ignored it.

Cheng Youyun said to the chief of the police station beside her, "Help me quickly, help me drive these people away, if they don't drive them away, maybe they will still smear me."

She winked at the director, obviously trying to seduce her with her beauty, but unfortunately, the director didn't buy it at all.

"This is a matter between you public figures. Of course, it's up to you to resolve it. As for whether the media reporters present will smear you, I don't know." The director said with a flat face, "However, Cheng Youyun You made a lot of noise in the military hospital, and tried to murder Gu Xiaobai again and again, which triggered the alarm..."

The director's words immediately excited the media present.

With that sentence just now, the media present could easily write dozens of headlines——

"The old childhood sweetheart turned against each other?"

"Cheng Youyun broke into the military hospital at night to murder Gu Xiaobai?"

"Shocked! Cheng Youyun sneaked into the military hospital because of..."


The media reporters at the scene opened their minds one after another. With the director's words just now, they were no longer interested in Cheng Youyun's interview.

No, it should be said that I don't bother to interview Cheng Youyun anymore, the attitude she gave them just now has already displeased them.

As the saying goes, if you ignore me today, you will not be able to climb up to me tomorrow!

Media reporters always hold grudges, today, Cheng Youyun offended them, and they naturally wrote down the account.

Cheng Youyun's face turned pale instantly!She didn't expect that it's fine for the bureau chief to be ungrateful for her sneaky glances, but she even revealed this matter in public.

Looking at the excited media, she quickly said, "It's not like this..."

The media reporters present sneered slightly in their hearts, and even a male reporter asked her directly, "Cheng Youyun, why did you just say that you were going to visit the sick Gu Xiaobai, and you were kicked out by her ungratefully?"

"You obviously went to murder her, and she is not a fool. If you don't drive you out, are you going to wait for you to kill her?"

This male reporter has the inside story, and he is the one who sent a text message to tell Cheng Youyun that Cheng Youyun was taken away by the police.

This male reporter has a certain authority and credibility in the entertainment industry.

"It's really her who framed me..." Cheng Youyun hurriedly said pitifully.

The male reporter saw that she was still determined to plot against Gu Xiaobai and his goddess, so he sneered suddenly, and the question became sharper.

"According to my statistics, you and Gu Xiaobai have been tied together on hot searches for at least a hundred times this year, and you were the first to bring it up every time, and Gu Xiaobai didn't bother to reply except for a few sentences occasionally. you."

"What exactly did Gu Xiaobai do to make you smear her all the time? Is your so-called childhood sweetheart love true or false?"


After asking one question after another, Cheng Youyun couldn't stand it at all, and almost fainted on the spot. Fortunately, at this time, her manager rushed over, and brought six assistants with her.

(End of this chapter)

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