Chapter 569 You are so angry
"Grandpa...don't be angry." Gu Xiaobai didn't take the Jing family's threats seriously at all, but said with a faint smile, "Want to kill me? It depends on whether they have the ability." She was extremely confident said.

She turned on the phone she was playing with in her hand, and then she played a recording.

This recording is about the Jing family Jingli going to the hospital to threaten him and scolding her for having no tutor to force her to divorce Jing Shengchen.

"If I die, then the centuries-old reputation of the Jing family will also be ruined." She said with blazing eyes, "Do you really think that I dare to be arrogant in front of you, and I don't have a few cards?"

"I have many other recordings of this kind. I have recorded the fourth master of the Jing family, the fifth master of the Jing family, and some younger generations of the Jing family who threatened and despised me. If you want to listen, I will It can be released." Her exquisite face looked very calm, and those clear phoenix eyes were also plain, making it impossible to see what was going on in her heart at this time.

The Jing family never expected that Gu Xiaobai would still hold the recording in his hand!


The content of this recording was recorded when they went to find Gu Xiaobai.

This shows that Gu Xiaobai had already planned everything, so he recorded it in advance.

The faces of the elders of the Jing family of the hermit family became more and more ugly. At this moment, if they could, they would directly kill Gu Xiaobai.

If it wasn't for Gu Zhanzhong, Chu Boyu, Nangong Jingfeng, and Ouyang Jianyu, they would have made a move right now.

"Okay! Very good!" The old man headed by the Jing family of the hermit family gritted his teeth, and then he set his eyes on Jing Shengchen, "Look, what kind of person did you marry? You have all planned your thoughts on my Jing family, do you still hate us for forcing you to divorce?"

Gu Xiaobai smiled coldly, and said sarcastically, "Tsk tsk, why didn't you say that your Jing family deliberately caused a car accident and almost killed me? Why didn't you say that you were not willing to spend the 10 billion Huaxia coins for Jing Shengchen? ?”

"In your opinion, I am not worthy of Jing Shengchen, but don't forget, he chased me for two years and finally forced me to obtain a certificate. During this marriage, he even knew that I used him , taking advantage of his status, it's not that he hasn't divorced me yet."

She let out a long sigh, but she was very proud, "He! He is just a fool. He loves me to the point of humbleness. If you accuse him now, it will only make him feel resentful towards you."

When Gu Xiaobai said these words, many people thought she was crazy, but she actually said these words in front of Jing Shengchen, these words were a huge harm to him.

The Jing family members all know Jing Shengchen's temperament, and he would definitely be angry if he is ignored or despised like this.

The Jing family, including several elders of the Jing family from the hidden family, laughed in their hearts. They thought Gu Xiaobai was stupid, and they even saw the scene where Jing Shengchen got angry.

They began to feel complacent in their hearts, thinking that Jing Shengchen could handle this marriage without their efforts.

However - they were disappointed!

With a smile on the corner of Jing Shengchen's lips, he said with great interest, "In your eyes, I'm only worth 10 billion Huaxia coins?" His deep phoenix eyes flashed narrowly, "I'm worth 50 billion at least." Huaxia currency." His words almost made the Jing family vomit blood with anger!

(End of this chapter)

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