Chapter 584 Idol
Gu Xiaobai took Ji Shuoming and others to an inconspicuous small shop, not to mention the remote location, and it was still in a muddy alley.

She walked with Ji Shuoming and others for a long time before finding this store based on her memory.

"Here we are." She said to Ji Shuoming and others.

Lu Chi frowned and said, "Are you sure?" He raised his eyebrows and said, "There's not even a store in a general location. Are you sure this store in front of you can design clothes that meet our requirements?"

"Yeah." Gu Xiaobai patted her chest, she said with a smile, "Don't look at it as inconspicuous now, but in a short while, the clothes designed by this store will make the whole world crazy, and even make the whole world crazy about it. "

From people's point of view, Gu Xiaobai's words were completely whimsical, and she was talking big, but what she said was true.

In her previous life, Cheng Youyun entered the entertainment industry. With the help of Gu Qianheng and others, she also went to the red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival. At that time, she waited for many months to buy clothes from the store in front of her. I only got the clothes for a million dollars.

But now, this store is inconspicuous, and the owner of this store, Gu Xiaobai, still knows him.


The door opened.

A somewhat obese blonde woman came out, the moment she saw Gu Xiaobai, she immediately cheered loudly, "Oh! My dear Gu, I finally waited for you."

She directly stretched out her arms and hugged Gu Xiaobai.

Gu Xiaobai also responded with a smile, "Honey, I'm here to see you."

The two hugged each other tightly.

After hugging for a while, Gu Xiaobai whispered in the blonde woman's ear, "Joe, did I bring you a surprise?"

"Surprise!" The blond woman became excited, and she cheered loudly, "What surprise?"

Gu Xiaobai pretended to be a joke on purpose, and said in a low voice, "Who is your idol?"

The blond woman froze for a moment, then opened her eyes wide and patted her chest, "Really? You brought him?"

"Look forward by yourself." Gu Xiaobai said softly in her ear.

After hearing this, the blond woman moved her eyes away from Gu Xiaobai's body, and finally landed on Ji Shuoming's body.

The moment she saw Ji Shuoming, the blond woman burst into tears, crying with joy, her heart was so excited, her feet were jumping, her hands were at a loss, she didn't know where to put them.

"Oh! My dear, actually brought me my favorite idol." She wept with joy, choked up several times before finishing her sentence.

After finishing speaking, she quickly turned around and walked to the door. Just as she was about to close the door, she quickly said to Gu Xiaobai, "Honey, wait for me a moment, I need to dress up, I am so sloppy now, This... this must not be seen by my idol."

After saying this in a hurry, she closed the door and ran into the house to change her clothes. She even put on all the cosmetics she hated.

After half an hour, the blond woman opened the door.

"Oh, my dear, I'm sorry to keep you waiting." Although she was talking to Gu Xiaobai, her eyes secretly moved to Ji Shuoming.

She thought that she would not be noticed by looking at her secretly like this, but when her eyes met Ji Shuoming's dark pupils inadvertently, she was a little flustered, and her whole face turned red, as if for a Seeing his idol, he has struggled for a long time, saved money for a long time, and secretly thought about it for a long time, just like a little fan.

(End of this chapter)

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