Chapter 588 Inside Story
"I'm going to make the world go crazy for the clothes I design."

"I believe in you." Ji Shuoming said.

After Gu Xiaobai and Ji Shuoming's red carpet clothes were confirmed, Celia.Jowett also cast her eyes on Ruo Jingxing and the three of them. She scrutinized the three of them carefully and immediately got inspiration.

Maybe God was so kind to her, not only let her meet her idol, but also made her inspired.

"Dear Gu, please sit here first, I think I know how to design clothes for the three of them." She hurriedly left these words, because she was afraid that the inspiration would suddenly dissipate.

When Gu Xiaobai saw her like this, he knew that she was inspired, and she and Celia.The two of Jowett have known each other for more than two years, and they have lived together for half a year, so they are already used to her behavior.

Looking at the fat Celia.Jowett ran out like the wind, and she explained to the puzzled Ruo Jingxing and the others, "This is her inspiration."

Ruo Jingxing looked at Gu Xiaobai worriedly and said, "Now it's just a design drawing, I don't know how long it will take when the design comes out, we only have two days, is it enough?"

"Enough." Gu Xiaobai said loudly, and she smiled at Ruo Jingxing, "Celia Jowett is not an ordinary person, she seems to have a super talent for design, and behind her The family is not simple, let alone two days, even one day, she can still get the clothes out."

Hearing Gu Xiaobai's words, Ruojing Xing and the others also breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that the matter was settled, Yan Tianning, an internet-addicted girl, started to browse Weibo, but just after she logged on, she found that she and a few people present were once again on the headlines.

She clicked in to take a look, and found that Cheng Youyun, Murong Yuchu and others stepped on them to hype them up, and they also hyped that she had great acting skills.

"Xiaobai, Jing Xing, we are both on the headlines again, Cheng Youyun, Liu Yiling and others are really stubborn, they have been stepping on us to hype!" Yan Tianning said mischievously, sticking out his tongue, as if to say something A trivial matter.

Ruo Jing Xing shook his head, very helpless.

Gu Xiaobai said to Yan Tianning, "Let me, let me see, what's wrong with them recently?"

"After the three major international film festivals are over, I will clean them up and get them out of the entertainment circle completely, so as not to keep them and harm others." Gu Xiaobai took Yan Tianning's phone, casually scanned the content, and said disdainfully.

Her tone of voice was very contemptuous, as if she didn't take Cheng Youyun, a popular little actress, seriously.

"Boring!" She returned the phone to Yan Tianning, and said jokingly on the corners of her lips, "You think you have acting skills because you got a movie queen by bribery and prostitution?"

"Even the Golden Mouse Award, one of the most authoritative movies in Huaguo, can be hyped in secret. No wonder Huaguo's movies never go abroad." Ji Shuoming also sighed deeply.

He was right.

At present, there are basically inside stories in the film festivals in Huaguo, and many actresses are determined by going through the back door.

"Fortunately, I didn't participate in the three major so-called authoritative film festivals in China, otherwise it would be too disgraceful." Gu Xiaobai said calmly, and in his words he sneered at the three major film festivals in Huaguo.

While Gu Xiaobai and others were chatting, Celia.Jowett also drew the dresses of Ruo Jingxing and the three of them, which are still the clothes of the ancient Chinese style.

(End of this chapter)

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