Chapter 592
And Gu Xiaobai and others also came to the signature wall. Everyone who came to participate in the Venice Film Festival and participated in the red carpet will sign their signatures. If they are lucky, they will be interviewed by the host.

And Gu Xiaobai and others are undoubtedly lucky, because the host stopped them and interviewed them.

The host of the red carpet show at the Venice Film Festival is a native of Italy, called Alec.McCready.He is quite famous in Italy, he is wearing a suit, and his amber eyes are particularly attractive.

"Oh dear Gu, your music is so beautiful!"

"Oh, my idol Ji Shuoming, you are simply amazing!"

Alec.McCready exclaimed at them, stretched out his hands and gave Gu Xiaobai and the others a polite hug. He looked a little excited, and his way of speaking was humorous.

"Alec McCready, thank you for your compliment." Gu Xiaobai replied very simply and generously. She first said it in Chinese language and then said it again in English.

Alec.McCready spread his hands like a funny kid, he deliberately teased her, and then asked a few more questions before letting Gu Xiaobai and the others leave.

And when Gu Xiaobai was about to leave everyone's sight and walk to the backstage, the whole audience was silent at this moment, and then, confessions sounded one after another——

"Gu Xiaobai, I love you!"

"Gu Xiaobai, I love you!"

"Gu Xiaobai, I love you!"

Say the important thing three times.

These confessions were not made by Hua Guo fans present, but by foreign friends.

These foreign friends knew that Gu Xiaobai would participate in the film festival, so they organized it themselves. They come from all over the world, and they have a common idol. Therefore, at this moment, they are supporting and cheering for their idol.

The words of these confessions made Gu Xiaobai, who was going backstage, stop immediately. She was a little surprised, she never thought that she would have fans or foreign friends.

how can that be?

Gu Xiaobai was puzzled, she would even think that it was specially hired by someone else.

However, no.

Gu Xiaobai doesn't know it herself, but she is the one who defeated the top ten monsters of Curtis Institute. Her reputation and appearance have already passed Curtis Institute's classmates, seniors, junior girls, and even some professors and deans in the world. The world falls apart.

There is a legend in Curtis College, and the protagonist of the legend is Gu Xiaobai.

The fan's confession brought tears to her eyes and moved her deeply.

And the barrage of Huaguo's live broadcast has long been frightened by her popularity!
"I'm going, this Gu Xiaobai is so popular abroad! This is unscientific!"

"Obviously already going international, but returning to Huaguo to be a little transparent who just debuted, never talking about his popularity, tsk tsk... This is really low-key."

Some people praise and others slander, and some gossip naturally appeared on the barrage.

"Hehe, I think this popularity is bought. The brokerage company behind Gu Xiaobai is really rich, and they put so much effort into supporting her."

"That's right. It's just to rub the red carpet. My goddess is the queen of the Golden Mouse Awards. How can she get so popular just by rubbing the red carpet?"


When these words come out, everyone present knows who these fans are. After all, every time Gu Xiaobai goes on a hot search list, there is always a person whose name also appears on the hot search list. The two of them seem to be double-sided tape, going hand in hand .

(End of this chapter)

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