Chapter 623 Confused
But this time, Jing Shengchen decided to have flowers, to confess, to do all the things between couples, to do all the things between husband and wife, he wanted to give her the most perfect relationship, A most perfect marriage, a most beautiful love, so that two people have no regrets.

In the dark night, there is no trace of light.

After a long walk, Jing Shengchen finally arrived at his apartment. He took out the key from his trouser pocket and was about to open the door, but found that he had forgotten to bring the key.

He laughed a little.After being with Gu Xiaobai, he was also infected by her confusion.

His mind was filled with a brief blank, and his whole thoughts drifted far, far away——

"A Sheng, I'm so lazy and confused, but you still love me so much. I must have saved the galaxy in my previous life."

"A Sheng, I... lost my way again!"

"A Sheng, I...I...I forgot to bring the key again."


In his mind, it was the look of her doing something wrong, sullen and depressed, and her confused look... No matter what she looks like, he likes her, he likes her so much that he goes crazy!

However, Gu Xiaobai, who Jing Shengchen was thinking about, left the Chu family with a suitcase in hand. Even though she ran into the servants of the Chu family when she left, she shook her head to tell them not to make a sound. , keep quiet.

The night was as thick as ink, and the cold wind blew past gently. On the endless and silent street, Gu Xiaobai dragged his suitcase and headed towards Dai Yujun's house.

It's just that Gu Xiaobai didn't expect that he would meet Jing Shengchen in the dead of night.

That's right, it's Jing Shengchen!

After forgetting to bring the key, Jing Shengchen really couldn't resist the erosion of longing, so he ran to find Gu Xiaobai.

The apartment that Jing Shengchen bought was near Imperial University. This apartment was bought half a year ago. The reason why he bought it was because he knew that Gu Xiaobai was going to teach at Imperial University, and he wanted to give her a home.

Dai Yujun's home is not far from Imperial University and is in the same direction as Chu's house, but in two directions with Jing Shengchen's apartment.

Therefore, Jing Shengchen was able to meet Gu Xiaobai so unexpectedly.

Two people who miss each other clearly have a lot to say to each other in their hearts, but after such a sudden encounter, after their eyes met, they couldn't even say a word.

"Why are you here?" Eyes met, there was a moment of silence, and Gu Xiaobai finally spoke first.

She was afraid that the atmosphere would suddenly become silent.

Jing Shengchen originally wanted to say, "I miss you." However, when the words reached his lips, he couldn't utter a word.

In the dark night, his pair of obsidian-like phoenix eyes quietly looked at the girl standing in front of him.

He really wanted to hug her in his arms, but as soon as he stepped out, he shrank back. He was no longer qualified to hug her.

He is a little decadent.

She looked at him who bowed his head and said nothing, smiled wryly in his heart, shook his head, pulled up the suitcase, and walked straight to his side.

She didn't miss him, she didn't even put her eyes on him, just like that, she walked straight past him.

His heart trembled suddenly, and he began to throb with pain.

Is this the end between him and her?Did the two people who love each other the most become passers-by?

Do not!
He doesn't want to!

Thinking of the days without her for the rest of his life, he was so sad that he cried, and his whole body was in a state of suffocation.

(End of this chapter)

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