Chapter 632 Have an opinion?
"Now, everyone, let me run 20 laps on the entire playground." She looked down at the 25 students present, her gaze was very flat, but it made people dare not refuse.

The 16 students who had just arrived thought that Gu Xiaobai was joking, and said indifferently, "Who are you? Why do you ask us to go out for a run?"

"If you asked me to run 20 laps, I'll run 20 laps. Wouldn't we lose face!"

"Beauty, although you are very beautiful... But it is impossible for me to go to the playground."


One after another voices sounded, all of them were dissatisfied, and while they were talking, Fang Haosheng led the first few people out of the place, and respectfully said to Gu Xiaobai, "Okay, teacher."

The 16 students who had just arrived were completely stunned. They thought they had seen hell, that rebellious Fang Haosheng was so respectful to the little beauty in front of him, and even... called her—teacher!

The little beauty in front of her looks like she is only about 20 years old, but she is their teacher?

The 16 people who had just arrived thought they heard it wrong, but when they looked at Fang Haosheng with wide eyes, they found that he was indeed very respectful to the little beauty in front of him!

"I am your counselor and also your teacher. I am in charge of you, so... in the management department, I have the final say!" Her kingly aura directly radiated, making people involuntarily want to submit to her.

The 16 students were stunned for a moment, and then burst out laughing and crying. They looked down on Gu Xiaobai just like Fang Haosheng at the beginning, and even thought she was a fool.

However, they couldn't laugh in the next second, because Fang Haosheng, who had been chatting and laughing with them, yelled at them angrily.

"Shut up! The teacher told me to run to the playground, so we will go to the playground." Fang Haosheng said seriously.

After he finished speaking, a few people standing behind him also echoed, "That's right." While they were talking, they also made a noise to wink at the dozen or so people sitting in their seats, trying to give them a hint.

It's a pity...these people didn't understand Fang Haosheng's hint, and even misunderstood his kindness.

"Fang Haosheng, don't you think that this little girl is beautiful, and you are fascinated by her? She just looks like, to be our teacher? Is she worthy?"

This sentence is particularly ugly. The first half of the sentence is frivolous, obviously teasing Gu Xiaobai, but the second half is arrogant, completely ignoring her.

Gu Xiaobai's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, she walked gently in front of the boy who spoke just now, picked it up with one hand, and threw him out of the seat.

She exuded a fierce aura all over her body, "It's not up to you whether you deserve it or not? It's up to me!"

"What the hell are you? How dare you throw me!" The boy felt that it was too embarrassing for him to be thrown out by Gu Xiaobai in front of everyone, so he cursed.

Gu Xiaobai's eyes turned colder, she never thought that there would be such an arrogant second generation ancestor in her class!

"Hit him until his nose is bruised and his face is swollen." Gu Xiaobai pointed at Fang Haosheng without even looking at the boy.

Fang Haosheng hesitated for a moment.

Gu Xiaobai's cold voice came to his ears again, "If you don't fight, I don't mind doing it myself..."

Before he finished speaking, Fang Haosheng started.


"Tsk tsk..."

"It hurts!"

There were sharp screams in the classroom...

(End of this chapter)

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