Chapter 646
Ever since he met Gu Xiaobai, Nangong Mochen seemed to be a sister-in-law. Whoever dared to make his sister unhappy, he would make anyone unhappy. At this moment, he wished he could pull out Jing Shengchen who had hurt his sister and whip him ten thousand times. If he found out that he was still helping the Jing family to remarry these two, I'm afraid he would die an ugly death.

He knew Nangong Mochen's tricks, even the older generation of Nangong family shunned him when they saw him, how could he not be afraid of him as the principal of Imperial University?
At this time, the principal of Imperial University still has a hard time in his heart and can't tell!
Gu Xiaobai didn't give him a chance to continue talking, but said very rudely, "I don't agree with this matter, so don't worry about it, just let it go, hang up."

"Ah..." The principal of Imperial University dared to stop him, but when he heard the sound of "beep beep beep", he hung up the phone helplessly.

He shook his head, then called Jing Shengchen, told him about Gu Xiaobai's attitude, and hung up immediately, he was deeply afraid that this person would also get angry.

After hanging up the phone call with the principal of Imperial University, Gu Xiaobai casually found a suit of clothes to put on, and was about to leave Dai Yujun's house.

Because she knew that after she rejected the "Management Department"'s request to participate in the winter training, Jing Shengchen would definitely come to her. Before the two divorced, she told him that when she was a teacher, she would live in the Here is Dai Yujun.

Therefore, in order not to let him find him, not to continue entanglement with him, and to have contact with him, Gu Xiaobai decided to leave Dai Yujun's house for a few days to live with his brother for a while.

She knew that if Jing Shengchen knew that she didn't live with Dai Yujun, she would look for her at her brother's place, but so what?

Now, her elder brother is angry. Because of her divorce from him, the Jing family was cheated of 10 billion Hua Guobi by herself, and she felt very aggrieved and began to smear herself on the Internet. His brother was so angry when he saw it, so he Seeing Jing Shengchen was very unpleasant.

Therefore, even if Jing Shengchen guessed that she lived at Nangong Mochen's side, he couldn't do anything.

"Grandpa Dai, I don't live here anymore. I'm going to live with my brother. If Jing Shengchen comes to inquire about me, he won't say anything." She hurriedly finished speaking and left up.

Dai Yujun couldn't catch up even if he wanted to, so he could only sigh in the end: "Oh." His cloudy eyes were full of pity, and the old woman beside him also sighed in distress.

Gu Xiaobai lives with them these days, they know how good she is, before when she said that she would come to live with them, they just thought it was a joke, or she would only stay for two or three days occasionally, who would have thought that she would live forever Going on, this made them love Gu Xiaobai even more.

Gu Xiaobai hurriedly left Dai Yujun's house, but unexpectedly, she walked out of the alley, and as soon as she stepped into the street, she saw Jing Shengchen standing under the street lamp.

His figure is very tall and straight, and the light shone on him, covering up his hostility and scheming. He is like a little brother next door, very warm and kind.

However, Gu Xiaobai knew that all of this was an illusion.

Almost without thinking, Gu Xiaobai turned around and went back to Dai Yujun's house. She called Nangong Mochen in a panic and asked for help anxiously, "Brother, come to Grandpa Dai's house to pick me up, Jing Shengchen has been standing on the street , I can't go to your place."

(End of this chapter)

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