Chapter 658 Devil
When Jing Shengchen saw Rong Zisheng for the first time, he knew that he was not easy to mess with, and he was a strong opponent, but he did not expect that his methods were really powerful, and he came to the imperial capital within a year.

It has to be said that Rong Zisheng is an opponent not to be underestimated.

Jing Shengchen still remembered that the eyes of Rong Zisheng looking at Gu Xiaobai were full of endless possessiveness, and he had a deep understanding of this look, because he himself was like this too.

He understood his feelings for Gu Xiaobai very well, he loved her deeply, his love went deep into his bone marrow, that's why he looked at her with that kind of "possessive" eyes, that kind of "crazy" eyes.

But Rong Zisheng also has such eyes, which means that he loves Gu Xiaobai.

Jing Shengchen directly threw out the pen in his hand, a look of fear flashed in his phoenix eyes, his whole body exuded a breath of horror, "He will never allow others to touch Gu Xiaobai, because she belongs to him."

He got up from the chair directly, and said to his subordinates, "Go, take all the SS-level tasks for me, and I will finish these tasks as soon as possible."

The subordinate instantly raised his eyes and looked at Jing Shengchen in disbelief. He opened his mouth to persuade him, but when he saw those extremely fierce eyes, he couldn't say anything.

"Go out." Jing Shengchen waved his hand.

After his subordinates went out, he slumped on the chair again, completely different from the aura of a king who ruled the world just now, this time, his breath became a little sad.

He opened the drawer and took out the photo frame, which contained a photo.

The person in this photo is a woman, this woman smiles all over the country, her appearance is really shocking, and this woman is Gu Xiaobai.

His calloused hands touched the cheeks of the woman in the photo frame, and he said in a low voice, "What should I do with you?"

After speaking, tears fell down his face, and he cried... the crying became more and more cruel.


A few days later, the entire Internet was incomparably crazy——

"The President of Country X was murdered..."

"The president of Country Y was shot..."

"Today, the president of country H was assassinated while riding in a car..."


A piece of news about the killing of the president appeared on Sina Weibo. Netizens in Huaguo looked at the news in shock. They all developed their imaginations and boldly guessed who killed these presidents.

They never thought that the person who killed these presidents was Jing Shengchen, let alone that he killed all these presidents in only three or four days.

president!This is the most supreme person in a country, and he is surrounded by some powerful people to protect him. Whether it is his office or his home, there are a lot of organs hidden, and there are many heavy weapons that have not been released yet, but he is so heavily guarded and protected. President, he was killed, and the murderer couldn't even be found.

And after Jing Shengchen was doing crazy tasks, Gu Xiaobai's competition for the quota of the International Talent Exchange Fair is about to come to an end, and there is only one final round of assessment left. If there are no accidents, she should be able to get the quota.

The final round of competition for the quota of the International Talent Exchange Fair is to adapt to the situation.

The assessment of adapting to the situation is actually very important. Many unexpected things will occur in important occasions such as international competitions, so this requires a lot of talents to be able to respond flexibly.

However, Gu Xiaobai, who was expected to get a quota, had an accident because of the news that Jing Shengchen's life and death were uncertain.

(End of this chapter)

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