Chapter 683 Hijacking 1
He knows her poisonous tongue, her eloquence, and he has learned it a long time ago, but... but at this time, he really realized what it means to be said to vomit blood and die. She vomited blood and died in these heartbreaking words.

He was silent for a while.

"Some people are not something you can forget if you want to." He said this sentence sullenly. He took out the medicine from his pocket and handed it to her, "Take the medicine first."

She didn't pick it up, because she looked familiar with the medicine, and it was the medicine for her throat that she took before boarding the plane.

He will bring medicine to treat his throat, so he must know that she has been to the hospital to see him, and it was she who woke him up and knew about her throat bleeding.

So, does this also mean that he knows that she gave up her place to participate in the international talent exchange meeting in order to wake him up?
Gu Xiaobai thought secretly in his heart, and finally came to a conclusion that it would be easy for Jing Shengchen to know all of this, so he knew everything.

"No need." She said lightly. Just after she finished speaking, her throat felt unbearably sore at this moment, and she coughed a few times with difficulty.

He was a little flustered, and even the tone of his speech was accusatory, "Look, what is your hoarse voice like? You are still so stubborn, take your medicine quickly."

His concern fell into Gu Xiaobai's eyes but it was ironic.

Gu Xiaobai thought, what is he thinking about so anxiously now?He actually knew the whole story and knew that there was something wrong with her voice, so why did he keep pestering her just now, forcing her to speak?

"Jing Shengchen, stop acting, the reason why my voice is like this is not caused by you."

"You know."

"What do you want to pretend to care about me now? Do you want me to be grateful to you, or do you want to say that you love me? Or is it mean to mock me?"


Her words were extremely sharp, and she started the pattern of hurting herself by eight hundred and hurting others by a thousand.

"Yes, I'm cheap. I said it myself. I don't want to be entangled with each other anymore. We're all in peace. But when I heard that you were going to die, I still couldn't help but look at you, and even ruined my voice just to talk about you. gone."

"I'm cheap, you've lied to me so many times, you've already divorced you, you've got no position to care about you, and I'm not qualified to see you, but... But I can still get an international talent exchange meeting When there is a quota, I will go to see you desperately."


She said those hurtful words one after another, and she kept saying "slut" in her mouth. She degraded herself like dust.

He couldn't see her belittle him so much, his deep phoenix eyes were slowly aching, her words, every word, were obviously very simple, but they pressed him like a mountain, and he couldn't breathe.

He knew that she had paid a lot for him, and when these sacrifices became her hurtful and hurtful words, he was still in pain besides pain, and he couldn't find a word to refute her.

In Gu Xiaobai's eyes, his silence was an acquiescence.

To acquiesce means to admit that what she said is true.

"You spent so much effort to get on the same flight with me, just to mock me, the so-called missing you and loving you in your mouth are actually fake, they are all pretending, I will give you 101 for your acting skills Points, more points will not make you proud."

(End of this chapter)

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