Chapter 720 Surprise
At this time, the host of the organizer also came to the place where the ingredients were selected, and saw Gu Xiaobai and others confronting the Dwarf Kingdom and the Bangzi Kingdom, so he walked over.

For things like watching gossip and teasing, it is not only the hobby of netizens from Huaguo, Bangziguo and Dwarfland, but also netizens from the United States are also very enthusiastic.

And the host of the organizer happens to be from the United States, and his greatest hobby in life is to watch and tease each other!
Seeing the three countries of Hua Guo, Dwarf Country, and Bangzi Country get together, the host of the organizer smelled the smell of "tearing force" and walked over immediately.

The host of the organizer is called - Alan.Adams.

Allen.Adams is the host of the highest-rated talk show in the United States. He is loved by the audience in the United States. He is also a very knowledgeable person. He can do both comedy and slickness. Therefore, many people call him—— A well-rounded person.

Allen.With the microphone in his hand, Adams made a grimace on his western devilish cheeks, and said exaggeratedly to the camera, "Oh! Dear viewers, guess what I saw?"

"That's right! It is the three countries that have always had disputes and torn each other, the Hua Country, the Bangzi Country, and the Dwarf Country."

"Of course, they got together again. Guess what they will fight this time?"

As soon as he finished speaking, without breathing, Gu Xiaobai said first: "Oh! Alan Adams, I have to correct you a little, Huaguo doesn't like disputes, and peace is the most important thing, but some countries think Inferiority, self-seeking abuse, we have to help them, we are helping others!"

Allen.Adam was immediately surprised, his dark green eyes were radiant, and he looked at Gu Xiaobai in amazement. The little girl in front of him looked young, but her mouth was not inferior to him at all!

He naturally understood the implication of what Gu Xiaobai just said.

What Gu Xiaobai said just now, first explained that Hua Guo was cleared away, and then expressed her position. Hua Guo is a country that values ​​peace as the most important thing. This also mirrors Hua Guo's foreign policy. After that, she sneered. The Fanbangzi Kingdom and the Dwarf Kingdom bluntly said that these two small countries are just feeling inferior and looking for abuse, while the Huaguo argues with them because it is completely helpful.

In just one sentence, it expresses multiple layers of meaning, which is really amazing!
Why do Bangzi Kingdom and Dwarf Kingdom feel inferior?

Of course, in front of Hua Guo, they are inferior in terms of economic strength, and they are still inferior in terms of military strength. If they don't feel inferior, whoever feels inferior!

Allen.Adams's beautiful eyes stared at Gu Xiaobai for a while, then a smile appeared on his resolute cheeks, and he said to her, "Wow? Look, dear Gu, what ingredients did you choose?"

He stared straight at the ingredients in the basket in Gu Xiaobai's hand.

And the Bangzi Kingdom and the Dwarf Kingdom, who had just been ridiculed by Gu Xiaobai, heard Alan.Adams moved the topic to the ingredients, and suddenly felt ridiculed, and the opportunity to fight back came.

"Hahaha! Stupid people from Huaguo actually took tofu, and you guys have to make boiled tofu!" The person who spoke was the person headed by Bangziguo, and this person was called Kataoka Hikaru.

Then the person headed by the dwarf country also echoed, "Alan Adams, do you know? People from Huaguo, they don't know how to cook!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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