Chapter 729 The Madman
Later, he found that his tone was not domineering enough when he said that he was getting married, so he set a deadline, and also showed a strong performance, making himself superior.

He wanted Gu Xiaobai to know that it was her honor to marry him.

"Get out." Gu Xiaobai was awakened by his words, and immediately sneered, "Shanzicheng, do you think there is really a possibility between the two of us?"

"Don't think I don't know, isn't your father calling you here just to deal with me?" Her beautiful phoenix eyes were full of sarcasm.

Shan Zicheng frowned, and his dark pupils flashed sullenly, he was... unexpectedly rejected by Gu Xiaobai!

Thinking about what kind of person he is in Shanzicheng, he will take over his father's great power in the future and become the overlord of this world, but...but, Gu Xiaobai actually refused to marry him.

He smiled with a ferocious face, "Gu Xiaobai, it's your honor to marry me." Suddenly, a smile appeared on the corner of his lips, "Since you know I'm here to deal with you, how dare you marry me?" Refuse to marry me? How courageous you are!"

"Hehe." Gu Xiaobai sneered, and met his gaze without fear, "If you are not brave enough, how dare you go against you, go against your father, how can you avenge my parents?"

Her eyes are very sharp.

He stared straight at Gu Xiaobai, and he had to say that at this moment, she aroused his interest even more, and a desire to conquer her surged in his heart.

"Gu Xiaobai, very good, you have caught my attention." He said.

Gu Xiaobai gave him a blank stare, "You think you are a domineering president?"

"Delusion is a disease that needs to be cured!"

She didn't want to continue to entangle with Shanzicheng. She was already sure that it was that force that killed her parents.

As for the reason for killing her parents, Gu Xiaobai is still thinking about it, because until now, she has not figured out the motive and reason for their killing.

She glanced at Shanzicheng lightly, then turned and walked away quickly.

Unexpectedly, she only took two steps before being stopped by Shanzicheng.

"Gu Xiaobai, you must marry me." Shan Zicheng said fiercely. Now, he can be sure that he is bound to win her.

Gu Xiaobai ignored him, did not respond, but turned around again and walked forward.

However, how could Shanzicheng let her leave so easily?
Shanzicheng stopped her again, and said very proudly, "Gu Xiaobai, I will go back to Huaguo to find you in two days. At that time, I will tell the whole Huaguo, the whole world, that you are my mother!" people."

"Remember, you are already my person. From now on, if, let me find out, if there are other people around you, I don't mind letting them drink tea and chat with Lord Yan." whispered in his ear.

Gu Xiaobai looked up at him, this person said this, his attitude was still casual, he seemed to be talking about an ordinary and trivial matter, and the smile on his lips was a bit evil.

She thinks he is sick!
"Crazy." She whispered, "You are a lunatic, a complete lunatic!"

He lowered his head, blowing in her ear, and said lightly and bloodthirstyly, "You just know?"


Suddenly, the corners of his eyes flashed, and he saw a figure running towards him and Gu Xiaobai. The smile on his lips deepened, and he hugged Gu Xiaobai who was about to turn around and leave with both hands. live.

(End of this chapter)

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