Chapter 731 Another Lie
Gu Xiaobai suddenly had a strange feeling. She originally thought that these two men were simply confronting each other, but now hearing their conversation, the two of them seemed to have known each other for a long time, or they were not strangers at all, and even The two were once very close.

Otherwise, how could these two people know such intimate things as what books each other likes to read?

Gu Xiaobai's heart was full of thoughts, but her face remained calm, and she continued to watch the confrontation between the two.

"Hehe. Shanzicheng, don't wrong me, I'm not as naive as you at all." Jing Shengchen said.

Shan Zicheng sneered, "Jing Shengchen, you dare to act or not, you are full of lies, no wonder Gu Xiaobai divorced you."

"Look at your mouth is deceit, who would marry a liar." Shan Zicheng uncovered Jing Shengchen's scars without hesitation, and even sprinkled salt on the scars.

Regarding the divorce between Gu Xiaobai and Jing Shengchen, other people may not know the reason, but Shanzicheng knows it. This matter is not a secret in the Jing family. It is not easy for him to know. .

When he came to participate in the competition of the International Talent Exchange, Shan Zicheng did some research on Gu Xiaobai, including her marriage and divorce with Jing Shengchen.

For Shanzicheng, Jing Shengchen used to be his comrade-in-arms, and they were also friends, but it all belonged to the past, and now...they are rivals in love!
Jing Shengchen didn't expect that Shanzicheng would use his rebuttal to directly shift the topic to him, and tell the reason why he and Gu Xiaobai divorced.

This point, he really did not think of it.

And Shanzicheng is indeed smart and cunning, just like in the past, he was the most outstanding one among them in the international talent camp.

But so what?
Times have changed, he lost to Shanzicheng at the International Talent Camp because he kept a low profile and didn't want to fight, but now...his deep phoenix eyes fell on Gu Xiaobai.

Now... it is Gu Xiaobai who Shanzicheng wants to fight with him, he will not admit defeat, nor will he give in.

Shanzicheng can catch his pain points, and so can Jing Shengchen.

Jing Shengchen looked straight at Shanzicheng, and said casually, "Have I deceived Xiaobai, am I a liar, it seems that you have no right to know, but you..."

"It's you... Shanzicheng, you are a picky eater, you don't know how to cook, and you have straight male cancer, and you look down on women, and you are very possessive. You want to marry Gu Xiaobai, it's just a momentary interest. She's interested, and you'd dump her without hesitation."

"You are like this. For women, you have always adhered to changing women like changing clothes. You always feel that it is their honor that you can give them some time together."

Jing Shengchen was eloquent.

At this moment, Gu Xiaobai felt certain in his heart that Jing Shengchen and Shanzicheng knew each other, and they were once very good friends.

Jing Shengchen knew the shortcomings of Shanzi City.

Shan Zicheng also knew about Jing Shengchen's shortcomings.

These two...

Gu Xiaobai suddenly realized it, no wonder, Shanzicheng and Jing Shengchen, these two people, always have similar behaviors and aspects, almost exactly the same.

For example, the two people dismissed her at first, the two confessed to her domineeringly, and the terrifying possessiveness, and they even said the same thing when they declared their sovereignty.

(End of this chapter)

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