Chapter 740 Reasons
"Nangong Mochen is right, he is indeed not a man!"

"He is an out-and-out scumbag!"

He always used his special occupation as an excuse to hide from her, deceiving himself again and again, but what about her?
If she hadn't despaired of him, if she hadn't loved him deeply, how could she forgive him again and again?

"In order not to let you die, that's why...she decided to divorce you so hard." The words Nangong Mochen said echoed in his mind all the time, more like a curse, suffocating him, It made him want to sink down.


Nangong Mochen looked at Jing Shengchen who was curled up on the ground, seeing him crying so miserably, the whole person looked extremely embarrassed, and the anger in his heart also disappeared a lot.

He had never seen Jing Shengchen like this before.

No matter in the eyes of outsiders or their friends, Jing Shengchen is the kind of proud man who is aloof and does not get close to strangers.

He is in high spirits!
He is in high spirits!
His ambition is high!
He is an unattainable winner in life!
How could he be so embarrassed?
Nangong Mochen looked at Jing Shengchen who was crying like a helpless child, and let go of his clenched fist. For some reason, at this moment, he really couldn't let go.

It was also at this time that he discovered that he also loved Gu Xiaobai for Jing Shengchen, and there was love between them, but there was a big gap between the two people's dedication to love.

He understands Jing Shengchen's helplessness, and also knows the special nature of his profession.

If Jing Shengchen fell in love with another girl, maybe Nangong Mochen could understand everything he did and concealed, but... But, the person he fell in love with was Gu Xiaobai.

Gu Xiaobai is Nangong Mochen's younger sister.

It was the younger sister that Nangong Mochen had been looking for for more than ten years, the younger sister that he wanted to protect and hold in his hands all his life, so even though he understood what Jing Shengchen did, his heart was still full of anger.

Nangong Mochen took a deep look at Jing Shengchen, he shook his head and sighed, pulled his tie with his hand, and finally walked towards the door.

However, at this moment, the door opened, and when he looked at the person at the door, his whole face was stunned.

"You... why are you here?" Nangong Mochen was a little annoyed, he never expected her to come.

"Brother." The person at the door called out in a low voice, and the pair of phoenix eyes were full of worry and said, "Are you alright?"

That's right, the person who came was Gu Xiaobai.

The reason why Gu Xiaobai came to Jing's house was that Jing's family called her to tell her.

At that time, the Jing family saw Nangong Mochen's aggressiveness, and without saying a word, they punched Jing Shengchen, and they were kicked out of the bedroom. Because they were worried about the safety of the "tyrant", they called Gu Xiaobai.

The Jing family kept saying bad things about Nangong Mochen on the phone, Gu Xiaobai just replied coldly, "If my brother is bad, Jing Shengchen is even worse, and your Jing family is even worse. Extreme."

There was a smile on the corner of Nangong Mochen's lips. His sister didn't blame him, but cared about him immediately. This made him feel very good, and there was a warm current flowing slowly in his heart.

"It's okay." Nangong Mochen patted Gu Xiaobai's head and said softly.

"It's fine." Gu Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief, looked up at Nangong Mochen and complained, "The Jing family called me just now, saying that you are extremely arrogant in the Jing family and want to kill people..."

(End of this chapter)

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