Chapter 760 Teacher Gu
"Stupid human beings, you actually think our management students are crazy, don't you know? Teacher Gu, she is very passionate in class, and she is also very humorous. From time to time, she slaps her tongue, occasionally pointing out the country, and even mocking... ...By the way, you really don't know, after all, you haven't taken her class, emoticon pack: mocking face."

There is no doubt that Jing Shengchen replied to this post wearing a vest!
Since the last time he put on a vest and fought with Gu Xiaobai's black fans on Weibo, he felt that wearing a vest was a very interesting thing.

Of course, even if the Imperial University forum cannot be anonymous, but for Jing Shengchen, who is not short of money, after seeing this post, he simply paid for the Imperial University forum and used his own privilege to give an anonymous account. .

That's right, he is so cool, handsome and domineering, that's how cool he is!
Jing Shengchen looked at the post in front of him, with his legs crossed, feeling very proud of himself wearing a vest.

And his reply also attracted countless replies:
"Teacher Gu? Is it the one who kicked Gu Xiaobai away from the instructor of Huaguo National Security Bureau on the playground?"

"That's right! We, Mr. Gu, are just cool!" A student from the Department of Management replied to the above question.

The students of Imperial Capital University were extremely shocked. The management students are notoriously dislike studying. This... Gu Xiaobai just came to Imperial Capital University not long ago, how could he teach this group of students to be "obsessed with studying" , "The only thing in this world that can't be let down by learning" is the nerd?

"Let me go, this Gu Xiaobai has only been in Imperial University for a month, and he has turned the group of students in the management department into good students who love learning. This...she can't use magic?"

"Upstairs, it's true that Gu Xiaobai came to Imperial University for a month, but she asked for 20 days of leave because she wanted to participate in the international talent exchange meeting, and yesterday was her first class..."

"I have such ability in the first class, I'll go, Goddess... Oh, no, it's the male god, the male god is simply amazing!"

You read that right, a male god!
Ever since Gu Xiaobai kicked an instructor from the National Security Bureau away during military training at Imperial University, many people now call her a "male god!"

However, not only the students of Imperial University had doubts, but even those netizens who followed Weibo to watch Imperial University were also very puzzled.

In the eyes of these netizens, Gu Xiaobai thought that teaching management students at Imperial University was just messing around, but who would have thought that she... She turned those dandies who only know how to eat, drink and play into a lover of love. Good students, this... how can they have no doubts?
But doubts are doubts, no one will think that Gu Xiaobai is hype. After all, no matter whether it is strength or popularity, she does not need hype now. After all, she is the only one with more than [-] million Weibo followers.

The forum of Imperial University was full of turmoil, and the entire post remained high. However, what made this post even more popular was a paragraph of Jing Shengchen's reply in a vest.

[Anonymous] It is said that Shengchen, the number one power in the imperial capital, also transferred to Gu Xiaobai's class. When he introduced himself, he mentioned his favorite hobby...

He deliberately didn't finish his sentence, the purpose was to whet the appetite of the netizens who watched this post, but what he didn't expect was that the netizens ridiculed him in every possible way.

(End of this chapter)

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