Chapter 764 I'm a Man

Chapter 780 Six I'm a Man
But at this time, he spoke again, "Nangong Mochen came to Jing's house to look for me that day, and he said that the reason you wanted to divorce me was to save me. You don't want me to be targeted by that force, and you don't want to see me. Let me die because of your parents."

A few days ago, she was always puzzled when her brother suddenly went to Jing's house to fight Jing Shengchen.

However, she guessed in her heart that maybe her brother was angry with Jing Shengchen for pestering her so much that he beat him, but... But, she never thought that Nangong Mochen would reveal the secret in her heart.

And still tell Jing Shengchen.

Gu Xiaobai divorced Jing Shengchen because he didn't want him to die. If Jing Xing could know it, Ji Shuoming could know it, and everyone in the world could know it, but...

But... Only Jing Shengchen can't know.

Because if he found out, everything she had done would be in vain.

His words caught her off guard.

She was silent for a while, and finally recovered her thoughts and calmed down her emotions. She said flatly, "You think too much."

"My brother beat you because he heard that you were still pestering me at the International Talent Exchange Conference, so he was so angry that he beat you. He deliberately said this reason to make you think it was serious and make you feel guilty about me."

"My brother, you know very well. As his long-lost sister, he can't see, see, or hear that I'm being bullied, or by a scumbag who deceived me and used me as a substitute."

She deliberately put words such as "scumbag", "stand-in" and "deceit" very hard.

He said nothing.

However, at this time, he took a look at the night, and started to sneer in his heart. Gu Xiaobai knew him very well, and he knew her very well.

Therefore, when Gu Xiaobai kept explaining and laughing at himself, he knew that she was guilty and she was lying.

He also knew that Gu Xiaobai must be touching her nose at this moment, because she can't help but make this small gesture when she is lying.

Just as Jing Shengchen expected, Gu Xiaobai was indeed touching his nose.

Jing Shengchen, who had remained silent on the other end of the phone, made Gu Xiaobai a little at a loss, she didn't know what was going on in his mind at this moment.

When she thought about it and hung up the phone, Jing Shengchen on the other end of the phone suddenly spoke.

"Gu Xiaobai, you are lying!" His tone was very firm.

Gu Xiaobai's heart skipped a beat at first, she didn't know how Jing Shengchen knew she was lying, but she still stabilized her emotions at the first moment, she said carelessly, "I'm lying?"

"Hehe." She sneered, "Jing Shengchen, you know that I hate cheating the most, so how could I lie?"

After saying this, she suddenly felt that her tone of voice was a bit soft, and she immediately continued, "That's right, you never loved me from the beginning to the end, and you always used me as a substitute, nothing but lies or lies, how could you will understand me?"

She said it half teasing, half self-deprecating.

Jing Shengchen frowned, feeling a little prickly in his heart, he couldn't hear the prickly things in her words.

"Are you touching your nose now?"

Gu Xiaobai didn't know why Jing Shengchen said this sentence suddenly, she felt a little out of his head, making it impossible to guess what he wanted to do?
(End of this chapter)

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