Chapter 773 Bicycle
Chapter 790 Bicycle

Seeing Gu Xiaobai ignoring himself, Jing Shengchen felt a little frustrated. Last night, the phone conversation between the two of them was still in my ears. His anger, his irritability, his speaking was sharp and mean, his questioning, All this he himself knew.

He knew that he was cruel to her last night. At that time, after hanging up the phone, he regretted it.

He did regret it.

Gu Xiaobai seems to be a kind of heart-piercing poison. He can control his emotions very well in front of other people, but... only in front of her, he loses control time and time again.

He used to laugh at the brother around him for being a big jealousy and being too domineering to his girlfriend, but after he fell in love with Gu Xiaobai himself, he realized that the so-called big jealousy, the so-called domineering, all of these are just It's just because he loves her so much that he is extremely possessive.

He used to laugh at the brother around him for being a strict wife and being too weak in front of his girlfriend, but when he fell in love with Gu Xiaobai himself, he discovered that the so-called "strict wife" is a kind of love It reflects that after falling in love with someone, you will find that you can give all your majesty to others, but you can only give your own softness to your wife.

He used to laugh at the brother around him as a wife slave and was too gentle to his girlfriend, but after he fell in love with Gu Xiaobai himself, he realized that the so-called "wife slave" was not that Zhou Yu beat Huang Gai, one was willing to beat the other. I just want to suffer.

Whether it's a big vinegar vat or a "strict wife" or a "wife slave", if a man loves you enough, he will use his tenderness to care for you, protect you, warm you, and love you.

Because they love you, they are willing to change themselves and devote all their energy to the love of their life, only to warm you.

Even though Gu Xiaobai ignored him, Jing Shengchen pulled back his face, walked up to her with a bicycle, and said to her, "Mr. Gu, it is said that girls wearing high heels are not good for their feet, otherwise, I'll take you."

Gu Xiaobai was a little surprised, but in just a few days, Jing Shengchen even knew this, but she still gave him a blank look, and said casually, "A girl who doesn't wear high heels is a girl?"

"You men hate girls wearing high heels because you are short and afraid that you will be ridiculed if you are not taller than your girlfriend who wears high heels."

Jing Shengchen looked at Gu Xiaobai, and then at himself. He was quite satisfied with his height of 1.91 meters above sea level, because he felt that it was impossible for his girlfriend to be taller than him in high heels.

So, he smiled and said, "Mr. Gu, I am 1.91 meters tall, the situation you said will not happen to me, and the reason why I carried you is entirely for your sake!"

"Hehe." Gu Xiaobai sneered, and asked him back, "Jing Shengchen, do you hate the girlfriend who walks with you but is taller than you?"

Jing Shengchen didn't know why she asked this question. He looked at her and found that her height was only 1.7 meters. Even if she wore ten centimeter high heels, her height would not be comparable to his own, so he replied ,:"Hate."

"Then you want to chase me, but it's useless." Gu Xiaobai stepped on the ground fiercely, his high heels made a "clang clang" sound, and said with a contemptuous glance at Jing Shengchen.

(End of this chapter)

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