Chapter 792
Chapter 810

"The movie "Red Makeup" helped Huaguo win the Grand Slam of International Best Actress and the Grand Slam of International Supporting Actresses, which greatly improved the status of Huaguo's movies in international movies, but that's it A movie by him cannot be shown in his home country, this... is really funny!"

"Hehe. The movie "Red Makeup" broke the record in the history of American movies. It swept the US 10.2 billion US dollars in a week, just like an American movie was released in China. This kind of proud movie, because some people, Now it can't be released in Huaguo, this... is really ironic!"


Netizens began to crusade against this "long point" frantically, and of course they also began to crusade against the three major authoritative film festivals in Huaguo.

"What is the Golden Mouse Award? There is no fairness and justice at all. To reject a film that caused the opening of the three major international film festivals ahead of time, and to disdain it, is so blind and brainless, just don't want it." Continue to do it."

This message has been liked and supported by many netizens.

"Longer" and the three major authoritative film festivals in Huaguo never thought that "Red Makeup" would be screened in the United States, let alone that this movie would be so successful and have such a good reputation.

According to related news, the movie "Red Makeup" has been evaluated by 10 people on foreign film rating websites, and the final evaluation score is as high as 8.9.
With a total score of 10, "Red Makeup" actually reached 8.9, which is enough to explain the success of this movie.

For a movie, many people demand that it can reach 5.0, so they will not complain, and "Red Makeup", which reached 8.9, is naturally the object of praise from netizens.

For a while, "Longer" and the three major Huaguo film festivals were at a loss for words. I didn't know how to explain it, let alone how to respond?
Two weeks later, "Red Makeup" swept the box office of 18 billion US dollars in the United States. Today, their daily box office is still within [-] million yuan, and the weekly box office of Bangzi Kingdom and Dwarf Kingdom have also come out.

In the weekly box office of Bangzi Country, there is no doubt that "Red Makeup" ranked first, and the box office also exceeded [-] million.

In the weekly box office of Dwarf Kingdom, no surprise, "Red Makeup" ranked first, and the box office also exceeded [-] million.

Due to the limited population of the two small countries, Dwarf Country and Bangzi Country, it is a symbol of strength that the movie box office can exceed [-] million. After all, it is unknown whether their own movies can have a box office of more than [-] million.

After learning about the box office charts of these movies, the netizens in Huaguo were outraged!

"The whole world is watching "Red Makeup", but the motherland as "Red Makeup" can't watch it. This... this is the biggest joke of this year!"

"In terms of death, I only submit to the three major authoritative film festivals. I really don't accept it, so I submit to you!"

"I always say that Huaguo's movies are bad, and now I have made a movie that shocked the whole world and the whole world. As the motherland of the movie "Red Makeup", Huaguo directly failed the review and cannot be released. It's really a joke. dead."


Netizens are very eloquent, and their parents can't recognize Huaguo directly to the film festival and "longer" scolding.

The person in charge of "Longer" looked at the situation on the Internet, and hurriedly went to Ji Shuoming in private to discuss with him that "Red Makeup" should be released in China and a certain amount of filming should be guaranteed.

"Longer" gave a lot of benefits, but Ji Shuoming was still unmoved, he directly refused, "The scale of the movie "Red Makeup" is too big, it is not suitable for release in China."

(End of this chapter)

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