Chapter 794 Psychology Lesson

Chapter 810 Seventh Psychology Class
"It's just that I don't want you to protect me. I don't want you to have even the slightest injury. It's said that whoever falls in love first loses first, but it's not true."

Gu Xiaobai thought of this sentence when he was taking a psychology class.

At that time, it was a teacher-student interaction session, and a girl stood up and asked a question——

"May I ask Teacher Gu, is there any way to get out of the predicament of breaking up in love and getting out of divorce?"

Gu Xiaobai looked at the girl, and when she asked this question, her clear phoenix eyes already had some crystal clear tears.

She knew that this girl hadn't gotten out of the predicament of falling out of love.

Gu Xiaobai smiled, looked at the girl and replied, "It's not that terrible to lose love. If you love someone and give everything, then there is nothing you can't afford to lose?"

"If you can't come out, you don't have to force yourself to come out. Sometimes, it's better to live in the memory, live in the memory, and live in reality."

"You should be happy. In your university and your student life, you can give your heart without hesitation, and you can get a love. Even if this love ends in tragedy, that is something to be proud of. "

"Can you afford it, can you put it down? No, since you have picked it up, when you want to put it down, that is your own business, and it is your right!"

"However, whether it's lovelorn or divorced, you once loved a man again, devoted your heart and soul to this man, and even gave everything, but girls, you must remember that when you split up, you don't have to worry about it too much." Entanglement, too much reluctance, because your self-esteem does not allow it, understand?"

Gu Xiaobai stood on the podium and talked eloquently, while the students in the audience, following her words, had already moved their eyes to Jing Shengchen.

Everyone present knew the relationship between Jing Shengchen and Gu Xiaobai.

Once, the two of them were married in a low-key manner. Later, when Gu Xiaobai became popular, he announced his relationship on a variety show and told fans that she had a husband!
But now, the two of them divorced with a high profile, which has become the talk of everyone after dinner.

Now, with their identities, Gu Xiaobai is a teacher and Jing Shengchen is a student.

Jing Shengchen even announced in a high-profile way that he wanted to pursue Gu Xiaobai.

And what Gu Xiaobai said just now, didn't he respond to Jing Shengchen's pursuit from the side?
Jing Shengchen was slightly taken aback, but smiled wryly in his heart, "He thought he knew the real reason for the divorce between the two, and he did everything for her silently, so that they could be together."

But what?
They are far, far away from being together.

She once said, "I have some problems that even I hate very much. For example, I don't know how to turn back."

So, he divorced her, even if she loved him deeply, she would not be alone with him, let alone give him a chance to pursue her!
Said she was ruthless?

It is indeed ruthless, but it is also a matter of principle!
The whole classroom fell into an extremely heavy atmosphere. Fortunately, at this moment, the bell for the end of get out of class rang, and Gu Xiaobai showed a just right smile, "Class is over." After finishing speaking, he was the first to walk out of the classroom.

She walked a little fast, a little hasty, and her mood was a little depressed.

However, what she didn't expect was that the more she wanted to escape, the more she wanted to leave Imperial University quickly, but she just couldn't do so.

Imperial University, on the playground.

The students of Imperial University are all excited!
"Someone confessed to Mr. Gu, and it was done by helicopter." Some students said with no surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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