Chapter 802 Relying on Your Love

Chapter 820 Relying on Your Love

"What's more, there are secrets between you and me. Whether it's you or me, this marriage is always full of deception."

For example, she knew that she was reborn in exchange for him, she had already died once, and Jing Shengchen... He also had many secrets, and she had never known these secrets.

There was silence for a while.

Jing Shengchen's sneer came from beside his ear, "Gu Xiaobai, whether it's friendship or love, you are always so sensible."

"You always say that you don't want to be a trouble to others, but have you ever thought that the so-called trouble in your heart is actually not a trouble in my eyes..."

"I even hope that you will cause me some trouble, so that I have a chance to flex my muscles, so that I can prove that I have the strength to protect you."

Jing Shengchen knew that what he said was very heavy and extremely unpleasant, but after seeing the news of Shanzicheng confessing to Gu Xiaobai and the words that they were together all over the Internet, he had already lost his mind.

He thought, since the soft ones are not good enough, then the hard ones should be used.

Gu Xiaobai remained silent.

Jing Shengchen continued, "Gu Xiaobai, you are a human being, and you also have a vulnerable side. Why do you overestimate yourself and think you can support others?"

"But..." Jing Shengchen knew that his next words were a bit cruel, he hesitated to speak, coughed dryly, and finally chose to finish his words.

"But have you ever thought that whether it's me, your brother, Ruo Jingxing, Ji Shuoming, etc., in our eyes and hearts, you are our sky."

"If you hold up a piece of sky for us, and finally...finally disappear in this world, then for us, the real sky has fallen!"

He almost snarled the last sentence.

Regarding Jing Shengchen's words, she was not angry at all, but smiled silently, "Yes, you are right." She said lightly.

She didn't think of what Jing Shengchen said, but so what?

"As you said, Gu Xiaobai is too selfish." She said softly.

But this sentence made Jing Shengchen swallow all the truths that he wanted to talk about, and he couldn't say a word.

He said so much, it can be summed up in two words - "selfish."

"You really want to be with Shanzicheng?" After a moment of silence, Jing Shengchen finally shifted the topic to the question he had always wanted to ask.

"None of your business!" She replied directly with these four simple and rude words.

Jing Shengchen felt restless.

"Gu Xiaobai, I won't let you be with Shanzicheng." He said angrily, "You are my man in life, and my ghost in death! Remember it!"

Gu Xiaobai smiled faintly, and said sarcastically, "Are you trying to force me?"

Suddenly, she changed the subject suddenly, and asked Jing Shengchen in a very contemptuous tone, "Are you willing?"

Are you willing?
Of course I can't bear it!
"How do you know I'm reluctant?" He said lightly.

Gu Xiaobai smiled, "Jing Shengchen, I have never doubted your love for me. You do love me deeply. You love me so much. So, why are you willing to force me? Why are you willing to force me?" Force me?"

"You rely on me to love you, so you are so confident?"

"That's right!" She admitted straightforwardly, "It's because of your liking and love that I do what I want so recklessly."

(End of this chapter)

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