Chapter 809 Journey 4
Chapter 830 Journey 4
"I also want to give me money, my brother who wants to support me, and won't let me go out to work, woo...why does my brother only call me stupid!"

"I also want such a brother plus 1"

"plus 2"

"plus 10086"

"Add ID number."


Cui Hongwei also laughed, and so did the others present.

"Come on, Xiaobai, you can show off your brother if you have nothing to do. Is this really okay?" Cui Hongwei said.

Gu Xiaobai curled her lips, "It's nothing bad." Suddenly, a smile appeared on her lips, "Otherwise, next time, I'll talk about that old man Chu Boyu and the second uncle who always wanted to take me to the army for training." , and the third uncle who set a small goal for me to earn [-] million first, or let the fourth uncle who always wants me to study medicine, holding a needle like a nurse Rong wants to stab me."

Cui Hongwei quickly waved his hands, "Xiaobai, will you be beaten up if you talk about the Chu family like this in front of millions of viewers?"

"They are reluctant to beat me. After all, I am the only girl in the Chu family and their princess, how could they be willing to beat me." She suddenly gave a wicked smile and said in a vicious way, "Let me tell you something? "

"What material?" Cui Hongwei opened his eyes wide, expressing his curiosity, "An old man like me likes to gossip."

"Chu Jingyu? That's right, that arrogant dandy young master. He was beaten all the time in the Chu family, and he didn't even dare to say a word. After all, it's true that a foolish and stupid person like him would be beaten if he disagreed with him." Pitiful!"

"Pfft!" Cui Hongwei laughed straight away, "You are not afraid, they will look back and settle accounts with you?"

"Who told them not to give me money!" Gu Xiaobai said helplessly.

And the netizens who watched the live broadcast were happy again, because they saw that Gu Xiaobai sold Chu Jingyu without hesitation, and used various words to "hack" the Chu family, and they immediately felt happy.

Because, they knew, it was because the Chu family treated Gu Xiaobai very well that she would say that.

"Hahaha! God, is it really okay for you to blacken your family so much?"

"Hahaha! If my brother gives me money, I will show it off. If the Chu family doesn't give me money, I will be hacked!!! Hahaha, you are amazing my male god!"

"Hahaha, no wonder Fourth Uncle wanted to stab you with a needle, and Mother Rong wanted to stab you after hearing that, okay?"


Netizens think that Gu Xiaobai is really down-to-earth!
The other people who participated in the recording of the program also laughed immediately.

Yang Shufeng: "I didn't expect you to be this kind of goddess!"

Yan Yufan said, "I didn't expect you to be this kind of male god!"

Fan Yanghong: "You guys have said everything, what can I say?"

After such an interruption, the six of them became one with each other, and the atmosphere was very good. However, as the saying goes, a teacher who doesn't want to make trouble is not a good host.

So, Cui Hongwei came to do something again.

"Since Gu Xiaobai broke the news, then next, you guys will also come to break the news, but don't break the news about your family, just talk about the news in the circle."

"I'll go, Mr. Cui, you are going to make trouble!"

However, Yan Tianning raised his hand at this moment, "Report to the teacher, I want to break the news first!"

"Okay, you come." Cui Hongwei said to Yan Tianning.

Yan Tianning clasped his hands together and said, "Ruo Jingxing, you must not watch the live broadcast, and if you watch it, don't hit me... Otherwise, I will die a miserable death!"

 Good night, little angels! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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