Chapter 837 Break 3
Chapter 860 Breaking 3
At the time of the Ferris wheel, the ratings of "Travel with the Wind" broke 3.

"Breaking 3?" the director of "Travel with the Wind" said stupidly, and it took a long time before he realized that the ratings of the first broadcast were indeed breaking 3.

All of a sudden, the entire backstage staff cheered.

And it is understandable that "Travel with the Wind" can break 3 in the section of the Ferris wheel.

Both Gu Xiaobai and Jing Shengchen are super popular, and the popularity of Shanzicheng itself should not be underestimated. Naturally, the ratings of the three of them will explode when they appear together.

What's more, Shanzicheng's helicopter and rose proposals have already attracted attention, and Jing Shengchen, a scumbag with a "stand-in" label, has been entangled with Gu Xiaobai in every possible way.

Two big men duel for a woman, and these two men are the world's leading men, but this woman is talented, beautiful and powerful, the love affair of these three people is naturally eye-catching.

As for the video of the Ferris wheel being shot, many netizens watched the live broadcast, and Gu Xiaobai also posted a Weibo question on Weibo. This wave of attention naturally attracted those who had not watched the live broadcast. Very curious.

Shanzicheng is the proud son of heaven, the heir of the Shan family, the first family in the United States. He proposed twice with helicopters and roses, which shows his affection for Gu Xiaobai.

And what about Jing Shengchen?From the number one young master in the imperial capital of Hua Kingdom to the number one scumbag in China, this scumbag has no shame in pestering Gu Xiaobai in every possible way.

To sum up, a woman would choose Shanzicheng, but why did Gu Xiaobai choose Jing Shengchen in the end?
What made these netizens who didn't watch the live broadcast even more confusing was why so many people were scolding Shanzicheng?

As a result, all kinds of publicity and curiosity attracted countless viewers, which also made the ratings of "Travel with the Wind" break through 3.

Breaking the ratings of 3 is so difficult for a variety show. Therefore, the official blog of "Travel with the Wind" naturally released the draft as soon as possible.

However, what surprised the directors and screenwriters of "Travel with the Wind" is that since the ratings broke 3 in the Ferris wheel, it has remained at the stage of breaking 3 and has never dropped.

And the scene of Yan Tianning, Lu Xingyu, and Gu Xiaobai in the kitchen made the ratings reach a peak again, even reaching a rating of 3.5, which... is really unbelievable.

All in all, "Travel with the Wind" achieved great success in the first episode. Of course, the biggest beneficiaries of the show's success are the six guests who participated in the show. Their popularity has skyrocketed again.

Gu Xiaobai's fans have already reached [-] million. Although the number of fans has increased again, it is not obvious, but Lu Xingyu and Yan Tianning are two people whose number of fans has increased too much.

Yan Tianning's culinary skills directly gave her a lot of points. Although the neighbor's personality is "not very good at talking", those clear phoenix eyes are irresistible.

And the words "I'm not a motherfucker" that Lu Xingyu said three times on the important matter really made many netizens laugh. They have never seen such a straightforward and cute male star.

The success of the ratings is a good thing for Gu Xiaobai, but at this time, she is very troubled, because the place where she lives has attracted a lot of competition.

(End of this chapter)

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