Chapter 854 Saved Me Three Times

Chapter 870 IX Saved Me Three Times
Ji Shuoming chased after Jinsheng Hotel, and Jinsheng Hotel is owned by Jing Shengchen, and this hotel is not far from Dai Yujun's home, so the two arrived at the hotel soon.

When Gu Xiaobai arrived at the hotel, it happened that Ruo Jingxing also arrived at the hotel.

Although the two haven't seen each other for a long time, they both saw each other's concern for Ji Shuoming when they looked at each other.

"Xiaobai, do you think Ji Shuoming will..." Ruojing Xing was already flustered, his mind was full of images of suicide, so he asked Gu Xiaobai worriedly.

She wanted to hear good news from Gu Xiaobai.

Gu Xiaobai shook his head, "Let's go up now."

The three of them quickly came to the outside of Ji Shuoming's room number. Gu Xiaobai knocked on the door, but there was no response after knocking several times, so he asked Jing Shengchen to go to the manager to get the key.

Just then, the door opened.

What came into view was Ji Shuoming's face that looked like a blank sheet of paper. He looked sick and weak, as if he would be blown to the ground by the wind.

His wrist was wrapped in gauze, but the gauze was already stained red with blood.

Ji Shuoming stretched out his hand as if nothing had happened, and said to Gu Xiaobai, "Xiaobai, you saved me again, you saved me three times in total."

"Shut up, let's go to the hospital." Gu Xiaobai interrupted him.

It was hard for her to imagine that if she came a step late, would Ji Shuoming just leave her like this, and the Yin and Yang would be separated like this?
Looking at the gauze on his wrist, she was extremely worried because she knew that just now Ji Shuoming committed suicide again by cutting his wrist!

These two words are so cruel and vicious, she doesn't even want to keep these two words from her mouth, heart or mind.

Ji Shuoming shook his head, the corners of his lips curled up, "No need. Just listen to me."

"Xiaobai, the first time I committed suicide was before the filming of "Red Makeup". At that time, Tang Yujin came to look for me, and..." He raised his eyes slightly to look at Jing Shengchen, "He also satirized me, Sprinkle salt on my scars, tell me that person is engaged again, and I cut my wrists when I couldn't think about it."

"At that time, you also called like this, calling tirelessly, so I didn't cut my wrist."

"The second time was when I came to the imperial capital. Before you got into a car accident on New Year's Eve, I made a decision that I never made. I wanted to be with Shangguan Yuanfeng, but on that day, he gave me a fatal blow." hit."

"The same experience as yours, Shangguan Yuanfeng has always regarded me as a substitute for his first love, and on New Year's Eve, his first love came back, and he watched me being insulted and abused by his first love in every possible way. For a moment, I felt that people all over the world were scolding me."

"I realized that this world is incompatible with me, and I should not belong to this world. At that time, I chose to end my life. However, when I just cut my wrist, I heard the news that you were in a car accident and almost died. , so I held back."

"And the third time, just now, I obviously cut my wrist, and I was about to say goodbye to this world, but, for some reason, when I heard the phone ringing, I almost realized that you were calling. I think, every time Every time I cut my wrist, you will have an accident and you will call."

(End of this chapter)

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