Hidden marriage favor: the queen's wife, want to hug

Chapter 864 Cheng Youyou is Cheng Youyun

Chapter 864 Cheng Youyou is Cheng Youyun
Chapter 880 IX Cheng Youyou Is Cheng Youyun

The old master of the Qin family was furious, and directly locked Qin Muchang at home, grounded him, and confiscated everything he had. When he became sensible, knew that he was wrong, and understood where he was wrong, he would release the grounding .

Therefore, when Godfather Quan contacted Qin Muchang for help, the call he received was not himself, and he also sought help to no avail.

When he knew that Qin Muchang would not help him, Quan Godfather knew he was doomed.

The reason he dared to discredit Gu Xiaobai was because Qin Muchang was behind him.

Because, Godfather Quan knew that Qin Muchang was from the Qin family of the hermit family, and he also knew that in front of the hermit family, the so-called five major families in the imperial capital and the so-called number one power in the imperial capital were nothing.

His unscrupulous slander has now brought retribution to him.

After Ruo Jing Xing posted the photos on Weibo, careful netizens discovered that Ji Shuoming's wrist was tied with gauze, and there were bloodshot eyes on the gauze. Suddenly, many netizens thought of a possibility——

Ji Shuoming committed suicide!
Many netizens know that Ji Shuoming suffers from severe depression. He might commit suicide when?
Therefore, when someone guesses that Ji Shuoming committed suicide, Gu Xiaobai and Ruo Jingxing know about it and save them, they are a kind of hug after life and death, a kind of comfort, a kind of encouragement, and a kind of death. The encouragement that still has lingering fears after Li escaped.

This guess quickly won the approval of many netizens.

I have to say that netizens are really like Conan, guessing the truth from the gauze and bloodshot.

Now that he has guessed the truth, it means that the embrace of Ji Shuoming, Gu Xiaobai, and Ruo Jingxing is normal and there is no ambiguity. A proof of wanton smearing.

So, netizens were angry——

——Hehe, you claim to be a blogger with positive energy, and you claim that you won't discredit celebrities, why?Are you slapped in the face now?Wouldn't your conscience ache for deliberately smearing Gu Xiaobai?

——Just ask if you slap your face?Tsk tsk, look at the Weibo you posted, what a righteous and awe-inspiring statement, but now it has become your satire.

——Wait until you are sued by Shangguan Yuanfeng for your title!What about those netizens who abused and satirized Gu Xiaobai?

After the netizens guessed the truth, Ji Shuoming, who had just been discharged from the hospital, also posted a Weibo——

[Ji Shuoming]: It is indeed suicide!But he was rescued!I'm really sorry for causing trouble to everyone!In the past year since I returned to China, I committed suicide three times, and I was rescued by Xiaobai three times. I don’t want to be miserable, and I don’t want everyone to worry. Even if one day I disappear in this world, you don’t want to do it And cry.

Ji Shuoming's admission of suicide made many netizens unbelievable. After all, it is one thing to guess, but another thing to actually admit it.

However, when netizens thought that when Ji Shuoming was smeared by various marketing accounts when he first returned to China, he directly said this sentence——

"I have depression and I love men. There is nothing to hide. Whether you like it or you are sad, whether you are desperate or turning dark, I... I will not care about it."

Only then did netizens realize that Ji Shuoming is still the same Ji Shuoming, what to say, he never thinks that depression is bad, nor does he think that homosexuality should die, just as he wrote in his Weibo profile——

(End of this chapter)

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