Chapter 866 The Sad Cheng Youyun
Chapter 890 The Sad Cheng Youyun

This reply got likes from many netizens, and at this moment, through the revelation of the evil brother, Ji Shuoming personally came out to fight back, and many netizens realized an important point - Cheng Youyou is Cheng Youyun.

Cheng Youyun had aroused the anger of the netizens back then!
After Gu Xiaobai won the International Best Actress Grand Slam, Cheng Youyun's actions were exposed by many netizens, and she directly became the object of ridicule by netizens.

What she did back then, to be honest, even La Hei would despise her dirty hands!
However, netizens did not expect that Cheng Youyun had only disappeared for half a year, and went to Bangziguo for plastic surgery, and even returned to Huaguo's entertainment industry. It seemed that she would play the heroine of Lu Qingrong's new movie.

A mouse crossing the street who was shouted and beaten by everyone half a year ago is now going to play the heroine of Lu Qingrong, the top director in Huaguo.

So, they went to Lu Qingrong's Weibo to leave messages. Some people gave him some information about Cheng Youyun's scandals and what he had done, while others launched a boycott.

Netizens are always powerful.

Soon Lu Qingrong posted a statement on Weibo and responded to his new movie——

[Lu Qingrong]: I am indeed preparing for a new movie, but I want to make it clear that my new movie does not have a heroine, and I am currently planning to invite Ji Shuoming and Gu Xiaobai to play the leading roles in this movie, but it is somewhat difficult. Some of the rumors are all false, please fans, movie fans don't believe it.

Lu Qingrong's response made the netizens very comfortable, as long as Cheng Youyou, no, it should be said that Cheng Youyun is not the heroine of the movie, but sharp-eyed netizens discovered that Director Lu's new movie does not have a heroine.

No heroine?

Netizens have always been open-minded, and they seem to have thought of an impossible possibility.

——Director Lu, there is no heroine in the new movie, is it... the kind we think? ? ? ?
Lu Qingrong was still checking Weibo, so he replied directly:
[Lu Qingrong]: There are some things that we just need to understand in our hearts, and if we speak out, people who are interested will report them.

This netizen was excited when he received Lu Qingrong's reply.

However, after Lu Qingrong replied a few times, he was in no mood to reply again, because his son Lu Chi came to play cruelly with him.

"Dad, didn't you say that the new movie will have me as the protagonist and Yoyo as the heroine?" Lu Chi felt very upset when he saw his father slapping Cheng Youyun in the face on Weibo, and felt aggrieved.

Lu Qingrong saw his son yelling at him because of a woman, and complaining in a tone full of complaints, he couldn't help feeling cold, so even the tone of his words was very rude.

"Lu Chi, I'm very disappointed in you." Lu Qingrong said directly.

Lu Chi also noticed the sharpness of his father's words.

Lu Qingrong looked at Lu Chi, looked at him like this, and said lightly, "You are my son, there is nothing wrong with me praising you, after all, as your father, I have an obligation to praising you."

"However, the premise of praising you is to find a script that suits you."

Lu Chi was in a fit of anger, so he couldn't listen to Lu Qingrong's words at all. He even felt that this was... This was an excuse his father made for not wanting to praise him.

(End of this chapter)

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