Chapter 880 Certificate of Merit
Chapter [-] Certificate of Merit
The result came out soon, Gu Xiaobai was No.1 in the end, and Yang Shuqun was the last one, but what Gu Xiaobai cared most about was naturally the No.1 award from the stingy and stingy program group that spent huge sums of money.

Not only Gu Xiaobai is looking forward to the No.1 reward, but Yan Tianning and other five guests are also looking forward to it.

So, under everyone's expectations, the program team readily presented the No.1 swimming reward - a certificate.

That's right!It is a certificate of one yuan that can be bought in bookstores.

Gu Xiaobai borrowed the certificate from the assistant director, and said in surprise, "This is the reward for No.1?"

The director nodded.

Gu Xiaobai was still a little unwilling to give up, raised his eyebrows and said, "Director, our show is really stingy! The No.1 reward is a certificate."

Although he knew that the program team was stingy, the director didn't want to just admit it. He looked at Gu Xiaobai and said, "No, our program team is not stingy! Isn't this because Children's Day is coming? We are following the six It’s a Children’s Day custom.”

The director's words are high-sounding.

Gu Xiaobai rolled his eyes directly, and said helplessly, "Even if it's Children's Day, No.1 won not only a certificate, but also a variety of notebooks and pens, no matter how bad it is, there are also candies!"

"You are too big, you don't need to eat candy!" The director directly said knowingly.

Gu Xiaobai curled his lips, "After all, I'm not stingy!"

After the swimming competition came to an end, Gu Xiaobai and the others got a short chance to rest, but they soon ushered in their third task.

During the three days and two nights of "Travel with the Wind" recorded in Shacheng, Gu Xiaobai and others were undoubtedly accompanied by happiness and heartbreak. Bo.

[Gu Xiaobai]: The program team is really stingy!The program team is really stingy!The program team is really stingy!Say important things three times.

Because some of the recorded programs were not broadcast live, many netizens and fans expressed their doubts about why she posted this Weibo?
The point is, after she posted Weibo, Yan Tianning seemed to enjoy seeing things, and even reposted it. Then, Lu Xingyu, Yan Yufan, Yang Shuqun, Fan Yanghong and others all reposted it together.

This makes netizens even more curious, why is this program group so stingy?Since the broadcast of "Travel with the Wind" last week, the ratings have broken three, and countless sponsors have ushered in advertising. How could it be possible to be short of money?

Netizens were very curious, extremely curious, scratching their heads to know the reason, but there was no follow-up after Gu Xiaobai posted that Weibo, and the official Weibo of "Travel with the Wind" did not come out to explain.

Therefore, under the curiosity of countless netizens, the Sunday file of "Travel with the Wind" has also arrived, and it will be broadcast immediately.

Compared with the uneasiness of the first episode, the director of the second episode is very calm. After all, the ratings of the first episode were broken 3, so this variety show can continue, so there is no need to worry too much.

However, to the director's surprise, the ratings of the second episode still broke 3, and it was even higher than the first episode. This was quite unexpected, after all, the second episode I don't have the curiosity of the first episode, and various TV stations have also released travel variety shows. Logically speaking, the ratings will drop.

(End of this chapter)

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