Chapter 886
Chapter 910 Two Changes

This candidate is Xiao Zeyan who has transformed from an idol star to a tough guy actor.

Xiao Zeyan was born in a singing talent show. He used to look like a pretty boy, especially attractive to girls, so he was very popular at the time.

However, due to the weakening of the Chinese music scene, not only singing could not support himself, but making a record would cost him money, so he transformed into an actor.

At first, he took advantage of his appearance to act in a number of idol dramas with male number four. Although this male number four didn't have many roles, he was a domineering president and a dedicated personality.

This kind of personality is easy to attract fans, so he became an instant hit.

Taking advantage of this momentum, he took over two more idol dramas, and since then his popularity has skyrocketed and he has become one of the top traffic niches. Of course, many black fans have criticized his acting skills, and he can only rely on idol dramas for food.

Xiao Zeyan is very strong and has a lot of self-esteem. He couldn't stand others talking about him like that, so he took the initiative to transform.

Transformation is a very difficult thing, especially when a handsome boy like Xiao Zeyan transforms into a tough guy. Therefore, many people looked down upon him and even laughed at him during his transformation.

However, after several years of hard work, he still transformed, and the transformation was successful, and he also won the title of best actor, which affirmed his acting skills.

Gu Xiaobai also knew about Ji Shuoming's refusal, and recommended Xiao Zeyan as a candidate, so she naturally had no objection.


Time flies, and it will be Saturday in a blink of an eye, and this day is also the time for Gu Xiaobai to shoot VG.

Jing Shengchen and VG made an appointment to shoot at ten o'clock, but they still arrived at VG company at nine o'clock, but they chose to go to the coffee shop next door.

Because arriving too early would bring pressure to the parties, they waited until 9:40 to enter VG's company.

VG Company, Director's Office.

"I'm sorry, due to Gu Xiaobai's series of scandals on Weibo today, the company decided not to use her to shoot the cover of this issue of Children's Day." The director of VG sat on the chair with his legs crossed Speak casually.

She didn't even look at Jing Shengchen and Gu Xiaobai, she didn't pay attention to them at all.

Hearing her words, Jing Shengchen naturally wanted to ask clearly, "Whether it's true on the Internet is debatable, but since your company doesn't choose Xiaobai, why didn't you let me know in advance?"

When they arrived at the company, they began to say that they would not use Gu Xiaobai as the cover model of the latest issue of the magazine. This... This is completely ignoring her, and Jing Shengchen naturally cannot tolerate it.

The corner of VG's director's lips curled into a smile, "Sorry, I forgot." She simply put her feet on the desk and said she was sorry, but she didn't feel the slightest bit of emotion in her behavior. Feel sorry.

"As one of the top five magazines in Huaguo, our VG is very busy." What she meant was that she knew that Gu Xiaobai would not be allowed to shoot this cover, but she just didn't tell because she was so busy that she didn't even have time to tell.

She was blatantly ignoring Gu Xiaobai, or she was deliberately embarrassing others.

Gu Xiaobai quietly looked at such an aggressive VG director, she was glad that she started recording when she came in, because in her impression, Cheng Youyun had a very close relationship with this director.

"Let's go, since your company is so busy that we don't even have time to call, let's not bother people here, after all, this is VG, one of the top five first-line magazines in Huaguo." Gu Xiaobai got up from his chair and faced Jing Shengchen said.

(End of this chapter)

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