Chapter 898
Chapter 920 Fighting Four

At that time, he was very angry about Gu Xiaobai's ignorance and flattery. He felt that as the most powerful man in the world, he should not be as knowledgeable as her.

It was her loss that Gu Xiaobai looked down on herself.

Shanzicheng thought that after returning to the country of America, he could find a few beauties to have a good time, and by the way, he could forget Gu Xiaobai with a shot.

However, what he didn't expect was that this Gu Xiaobai seemed to be poisonous, and once he got on it, he would get rid of it very quickly. He tried his best to ask, but he still couldn't forget it.

He even dreams of Gu Xiaobai in his dreams every night.

Shan Zicheng thought, why is Gu Xiaobai so lingering?

He was tortured by Gu Xiaobai every day, desperately trying to forget, but she seemed to be under a spell, he would think of her when eating, he would think of her when he took a bath, no matter what he did, he would think of her.

Later, he heard such a sentence: If you can't forget someone and can't let go of this relationship, then the best way is to start a new relationship.

Shan Zicheng felt that this sentence was very reasonable, so he decided to find a random woman to associate with, and he would definitely forget about Gu Xiaobai.

However, in the end he still couldn't forget Gu Xiaobai.

Since I couldn't forget it, I went to grab it back, so Shanzicheng came to Huaguo again, and confessed to Gu Xiaobai again.

However, Gu Xiaobai still rejected him.

Imperial University.

School gate.

Shan Zicheng held a megaphone in one hand and shouted loudly, "Gu Xiaobai, I like you!"

"Gu Xiaobai, Shanzicheng loves you, no matter how old the earth is, or whether the sea is dry or rocky, as long as you don't give up, I won't give up."

Obviously, this time, Shanzicheng has made sufficient preparations for the confession, so even the language of the confession has become extremely beautiful, and it seems that he is very cultured.

However, because of his howling, a group of people gathered around the gate of Imperial University.

When Gu Xiaobai walked to the school gate, she saw Shanzicheng for the first time, and she turned around to leave.

Helpless, Shan Zicheng also saw her, and immediately ran to her, blocking her way.

Gu Xiaobai glanced at Shanzicheng helplessly, "Why are you here again?"

"I'm coming after you!"

"I'm already married." Gu Xiaobai said righteously, she had no interest or even the slightest bit of love for this son of her enemy who killed her parents.

Now she just wants to cultivate her own power, and hopes that one day she can get revenge.

When Gu Xiaobai said the word "marriage", the air pressure in Shanzicheng's whole body became lower, and a chill radiated from his whole body.

Because Gu Xiaobai was able to remarry Jing Shengchen, it was unavoidable for him to assist him. Regarding this point, he really realized what it means to be aggrieved.

"You can get divorced even if you get married." Shan Zicheng said with a smile, as if he really didn't take the fact that Gu Xiaobai was married seriously.

No, it should be said that Shanzicheng doesn't take Jing Shengchen seriously.

"So, I can refuse your confession!" Gu Xiaobai said with a smile showing eight teeth.

Shan Zicheng was taken aback for a moment, but he quickly recovered his thoughts, and he smiled, "One day you will be moved by my love. What is Jing Shengchen? He has always been his defeat."

"Impossible." Gu Xiaobai said very firmly, "I don't think you are the type I like."

(End of this chapter)

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