The Immortal Xiaoqiang of the Great Desolation

Chapter 131 In order to cut good corpses to seek merit, yin and yang help each other to make a marri

Chapter 131 In order to cut good corpses to seek merit, yin and yang help each other to make a marriage

Tai Yi shook his head, let himself clear up, and said to Di Jun: "Brother, don't think about it now. We should first think about how to deal with it first. In this retreat, brother, I will rely on the avenue in the Chaos Clock combined with the evil spirit of many years of fighting. , Perfectly melted the evil corpse, but the second corpse can't cut anything. What about you?"

Di Jun sighed: "Although my Hetu Luoshu is the best innate spiritual treasure, it is far inferior to the Chaos Clock. Now I have only perfected and harmonized the evil corpse. I have no idea how to go next. It will be extremely difficult to go further within the time frame.”

"Hmm." Tai Yi replied.After all, they are brothers who have lived for tens of millions of years, and they know each other clearly, and he also knows a little about Di Jun's situation.

Tai Yi looked at the sky, and said nothing more.Taiyi carefully recalled what Hongjun said.There are three roads to proving the Tao, proving the Tao with strength, proving the Tao by beheading three corpses, and proving the Tao with merit and luck.Emperor Jun Taiyi took the road of combining the three corpses and the luck to prove the way, mainly killing the three corpses, and gathering Qi luck to assist.But neither of them can make the two of them break through their cultivation, so what about merit?

"Brother, I have a solution." Tai Yi grabbed Di Jun's hand and said excitedly,

"The plan will come out?"

"The Dao ancestor said that there are three ways to prove the way. We should not think about proving the way with strength. We can't cut out the second corpse with the help of luck. What about merit? We cut out the evil corpses by relying on the merits of the heavenly court. Can we also use merit to help when we cut out the second corpse? You must know that evil corpses can be opportunistic and be chopped out with great merit. Then good corpses must be cut out with great merit. Adding merit to the body, doing thousands of good deeds, accumulating thousands of vows and incense, supplementing merit and virtue, and fulfilling our own good thoughts, as long as we perform great merit for one more day, we can kill the good corpse." Taiyi didn't talk nonsense, and directly I thought about it and told Di Jun.

"Yes, merit. As long as we have merit, we cut out the good corpses, and then kill our obsessions. Without the primordial purple energy, we can't become holy immediately. We can also become Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. The Taoist ancestor said that the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Fairyland In addition to being unable to mobilize the power of heaven and immortality, other saints are equal. If we prove the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, we can compete with Pangu's real body, defeat the witch clan, and gather great luck to become saints Already." Di Jun was also very clear about it, thinking of the curve path of proving the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo first, and then a saint.

Merit, where is the merit?Di Jun couldn't think of it for a while, so he had to look at Tai Yi.

Taiyi stretched out his hands, pointed directly at the opposite lunar star, and then slowly said: "The sun and the lunar yin, with the aura of yin and yang in the ancient times, attract each other, which is determined by the number of days. If the sun and the yin and the yin are integrated, the yin and yang of the heavens and the earth will be determined." , there must be merit and virtue. Moreover, the combination of yin and yang will inevitably increase the luck. With the help of merit and luck, the elder brother is expected to break through the difficulties in one fell swoop! Such a good thing has all benefits but no harm. The eldest brother must take this opportunity to make good use of it. Make plans, don’t miss the opportunity.”

"My dear brother, why do you only say that I am the only one? There are two concubines on the Taiyin planet. One of my brothers will marry the other. Wouldn't it be better to share the merits of yin and yang?"

"Brother, although I know that this is an act of merit, we don't know how much merit it will have. The great merit of establishing the heaven is only to help us kill the evil corpses. If the merit is not enough for two people to kill the good corpses, wouldn't it I wasted this opportunity? And you don’t have to blame yourself, brother, I have the Chaos Clock in my hand, the congenital treasure contains a complete primordial purple energy, although it can’t be used to prove the way, but if you can fully comprehend it, the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can be expected "Brother, don't hesitate."

"Brother..." Di Jun held Tai Yi's hand, unable to speak for a long time.

As expected of a generation of heroes, Di Jun quickly recovered his mood and discussed with Tai Yi about proposing marriage to Tai Yinxing.

Images of Xi and Chang Xi appeared in Di Jun's mind.The older sister, Xihe, looks luxurious and graceful.When it comes to appearance, it is the crown of all female fairies.When Di Jun was listening to the sermon in Zixiao Palace, he had seen his peerless demeanor with his own eyes.Such a beautiful woman, who would not want to be able to marry her as a wife and accompany her every day?And the younger sister Chang Xi is pure and lovely, lively and unrestrained, and still maintains the sixteen or seventeen-year-old face. Although her appearance is not inferior to that of her elder sister Xi He, it does not conform to Di Jun's aesthetics, let alone the standard of the heavenly empress. .

"Brother, otherwise, Xihe would be the Queen of Heaven, and Chang Xi would be the concubine of Heaven. Wouldn't it be nice for Big Brother to hug him from left to right. Haha..." Tai Yi teased Di Jun.

"My dear brother, the two ladies are extremely beautiful, and I would be happy to marry both of them, but this marriage is a matter of merit. You have withdrawn, my dear brother. Who knows if the merits shared by the three of you are enough for me to kill the good corpse?" Or marry Xi and Empress, I will share this merit with her, and I will be more confident that I will cut off the third corpse." At the end of the speech, Di Jun's demeanor was undoubtedly revealed, marriage is a small matter, and merit is a major matter.

The two brothers made a decision that Dijun would marry Xihe.Although the brother made the decision, Xi He on the Lunar Planet had to agree.Di Juntai only saw the two Taiyin goddesses four times in total, three times to listen to the sermon in Zixiao Palace, and one time when the Heavenly Court was established, many great gods came to congratulate, Xi and Chang Xi also arrived.They met three times and didn't have a deep friendship. They proposed marriage hastily, but they still haven't been beaten back. The two brothers are in trouble.

"Why don't we ask Empress Nuwa to help me to propose marriage. Empress Nuwa and Taiyin have a good relationship, and Empress Nuwa has a holy throne and a noble status. It would not be considered an insult to Empress Xihe if she went to propose marriage. "Di Jun thought about it, and thought of Nu Wa's head.

"Okay, for the sake of elder brother, I will go to Fengqi Mountain in person. Elder brother, please wait, brother, I will go." After finishing speaking, Tai Yi disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Taiyi left the gate of heaven, descended from the prehistoric world, and arrived at Fengqi Mountain in less than a day.When Taiyi told Nuwa about Di Jun's desire to marry Xihe, Nuwa immediately agreed.Nuwa, as the emperor of the Heavenly Court, has shared the luck of the demon clan. Dijun's marriage has merit and virtue, which increases luck, and Nuwa can also get a lot of benefits from it.Empress Nuwa played with the red hydrangea in her hand and said in her heart: I really want to do whatever I want, I just thought the teacher said that my merits and virtues are sanctified and I want to make some merits, so here I come.I am also very happy at the moment, and try my best to promote it.

Nuwa and Taiyi flew to Buzhou Mountain to cross the heaven and go to the outer starry sky.

But it is said that Empress Nuwa came to the Sun Palace, and only for a moment, she saw the demon emperor Jun dressed in Chinese clothes, and came out to greet her in person.The two welcomed Empress Nuwa into the palace, sat down as host and guest, and ordered their demon immortals to offer fairy fruit wine, and then told Empress Nuwa of their intentions.

Empress Nvwa then said: "Your majesty's meaning is clear. The sun and sun are all transformed by Pangu's wisdom eyes, and each is born with the energy of yin and yang. However, only yin does not grow, and solitary yang does not grow. Yin and yang combine to form all things. Your Majesty has such a heart, and Nuwa will do her best to facilitate this." The demon emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi were overjoyed at the moment.

Empress Nuwa left immediately and came to the Taiyin star.On the lunar planet, compared with the sun star, it is a different scene. It is deserted and deserted, and there is little life.The Taiyin palace is located in the middle of the Taiyin star, it is neither as gorgeous as the Sun palace, nor as lively as the Sun star, it is very deserted and quiet.

Empress Nuwa walked to the palace gate and said her Taoist name to the palace, and after a while, she saw Chang Xi, Xihe, two empresses dressed in palace attire, coming in style.

(End of this chapter)

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