The Immortal Xiaoqiang of the Great Desolation

Chapter 157 Tongtian Settles on Jinao Island, Styx Creator Asura

Chapter 157 Tongtian Settles on Jinao Island, Styx Creator Asura

In other words, Master Tongtian was swept away by Yuanshi Tianzun's words, and brought a group of Jiejiao disciples to the East China Sea.

At this time, the prehistoric land had not yet been broken into four major continents, but the eastern part was still the place with the most natural treasures, outstanding people and outstanding talents.The East China Sea is vast, and the islands are inlaid on the East China Sea like stars, with blue waves and sparkling waves!
On this day, everyone stopped over the island with a radius of one million miles, and saw: old pines, green and green mountains and hazy mountains, like autumn waters, the same color as the sky;The fairy peaches and fairy fruits are like golden pills; the green poplars and willows are like jade threads.At that time, I heard the yellow crane singing Gao, and every time I saw the green luan flying and dancing.

According to the insightful eyes of the Master Tongtian, this is a place where the spiritual veins gather for tens of thousands of miles. There is an ancient god and demon named Jin Ao. Because of his huge body, he does not hear the Dao, and it is difficult to shed the demon skeleton. After a long time, there are all things on his back. Generation, like rooted in the bottom of the sea, emerges abruptly!

The teacher was overjoyed, it was like a fairy mountain and treasure island, after counting with his fingers, the secrets turned around, and he suddenly realized that this was the location of the Taoist Taoist place, and then a thought came, that Jin Ao was also extremely psychic, and he understood that this was a great chance , with the protection of saints, you are not afraid of disasters, and you can also hear the Tao, so you kowtow endlessly, and the treasure island is in turmoil.

The group of disciples were terrified, and it took a long time to realize that it was a huge golden ao. They never saw the truth, and sighed the magic of good fortune, and there is everything in the Zhoutian world.

Jin Ao crouched on all fours, supporting the treasured island with a radius of millions, stable and motionless, the blue brilliance shone, and the restriction covering the treasured mountain behind him was removed, welcoming all the sect members!
The light of the leader fell from the sky, flying sand and rocks, and the mountains and rocks cracked. There were countless sand, stones, and trees that were covered by an invisible giant hand. According to the design and wishes of the great architect, amazing construction activities were carried out.

Layers of treasure pavilions, numerous carved buildings, stand in the center of the island like a magic axe, broad, majestic, majestic, connected to the ground veins, dense purple air transpiration, auspicious clouds gathered, and clouds and mist; Runes, mysterious and mysterious!
On a floating treasure hall, hang a plaque with the big characters "Biyou Palace" written in flamboyant and phoenix dancing! The 72 o'clock white rainbow traverses the sky, and the 360 ​​five-star arch bridge drives around the treasure hall.The leader and a group of disciples walked in slowly, the cloud bed rose, the leader sat upright, and the disciples sat quietly on the futons in the hall without mentioning it.

Since then, Jin'ao Island has become the Jujiao Dojo, Shangqing Immortal Palace!
Lao Tzu left East Kunlun, drove all the way, and finally came to the top of the first mountain, pointing to the treasure mountain, and suddenly rose ten thousand feet. On the top of the mountain, there was a purple treasure hall, and the treasure plaque "Eight View Palace" was hung.

There is a place in the prehistoric world. Since the beginning of the sky, the world's turbid air has gathered here. Over time, a sea of ​​​​blood and a river of blood that cannot be seen at a glance has formed here.This place is a famous and dangerous place in the prehistoric world. Some people with low supernatural powers will be swallowed by the river Styx instantly when they enter it.Those with great magic power also need to rely on the protection of their own magic weapons to get down the Styx River.However, since the emergence of the Great Desolation, although there are supernatural beings who have entered the Styx River, no one has been able to enter the depths so far.

In the Nether Blood Sea, a placenta was conceived innately. The Patriarch Styx was born. After tens of thousands of years of cultivation, he suffered through the Nether Blood Sea and had great supernatural powers.

However, the ancestor Minghe, who lives in the sea of ​​blood, is the incarnation of the most evil in the world.He even listened to Taoist ancestor Hongjun preaching in Zixiao Palace, and his cultivation base has already reached the extreme state of Daluo Jinxian.Even a few years ago, with the two worldly weapons of Abi and Yuantu, he beheaded the evil corpse and reached the realm of quasi-sage.But it is also due to innate limitations, no matter how much Styx cultivates, he can't kill a good corpse.

Watching Empress Nuwa make people holy today, I also want to establish a family just like Empress Nuwa made human beings. It is best to use this merit to become holy. A good corpse is also a good thing.

This Styx is also extremely intelligent, he does what he says, and sees countless living souls struggling in this nether sea of ​​blood.Styx had an idea, used the Blood God Dafa, separated four blood god sons and threw them into the Nether Blood Sea.

This son of the blood god is like four balls of blood mist, ignorant, without wisdom, being directed by Styx into the sea of ​​blood, he began to continuously devour the struggling souls in the sea of ​​blood.These living souls only felt that they were surrounded by a cloud of blood mist, and their remaining consciousness was pulled away bit by bit, slowly dissipating, and finally even the whole soul was swallowed by the blood mist.

Or there are powerful ghosts, who realize something is wrong as soon as they are entangled in the blood mist, and let out a howling sound of ghosts. There was always no other way but to disappear into the sea of ​​blood bit by bit.

As the blood mist formed by these four blood god sons devoured more and more living souls, they gradually condensed into a solid body, with a human form, but the foundation is still shallow, and only a rough outline can be seen. Patriarch Styx felt proud , it seems that my method is effective.After devouring enough living souls, the four blood god sons finally condensed into shape, and four ferocious figures came out of their shapes.

"See the leader." The four of them knelt down facing the Styx river on top of the churning sea of ​​blood.

Styx ignored them, but with a wave of his hands, the sea of ​​blood suddenly rolled over, swallowing thousands of living souls in an instant. When the wave of blood calmed down, thousands of blood bubbles were formed on the sea of ​​blood, and the blood bubbles burst after a while. Thousands of people came out of it.

Styx looked at the thousands of people in front of him, and the four people in the lead, he was satisfied, and said with a smile: "From now on, you will be the Asura clan, hahahaha."

"I have met the leader." Thousands of Asuras responded with a loud bang.

This Asura tribe is also strange, men are ugly, but women are as beautiful as flowers, it is really strange.

However, the ancestor Minghe founded the "Asura" clan, passed down the magic cultivating system, and performed the magic skills of the Asura clan.Zizai Tianboxun is also the Demon King of Asura, and his wife, Tianfei Umo.There are also Indra, Vishnu, Lutoro, ghost mother and so on.

As soon as the Asura clan stood up, the heaven and the earth had their own induction, and a golden pillar of merit dropped from the sky and landed on Styx.Bathed in the golden light of merit and virtue, feeling that the mana in his body that has not changed for many years is improving little by little, Styx urged his painstakingly cultivated Blood God Dafa to use this golden light of merit to kill the good corpse.

At the critical moment when Styx was about to cut out the good corpse, the golden pillar of merit disappeared, holding back the good corpse that Styx was about to cut out. But there was nothing he could do, he could only wait for the opportunity in the future.

Another race appeared in the prehistoric world. Xiao Qiang, the patriarch of the Zerg clan, knew it immediately. After returning to Luojia Mountain, the evil turned into a whim, chest tightness and irritability, and the book of the underworld in the Forbidden Tower was also restless. disturbed.

Xiao Qiang contacted the knowledge of the previous life, and it is not difficult to deduce that reincarnation will appear, so the incarnation of evil left Luojia Mountain with Xue Hong, who had killed the evil corpse...

(End of this chapter)

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