The Immortal Xiaoqiang of the Great Desolation

Chapter 180 Xiao Qiang Arrives to Save Hongyun, Zhou Tian's Siege is Really Burning

Chapter 180 Xiao Qiang Arrives to Save Hongyun, Zhou Tian's Siege is Really Burning

Seeing Hongyun exploding his body, Kunpeng yelled that it was not good, and was about to turn around and leave, but he heard, "All laws are forbidden, open", as soon as the words fell, Hongyun's rapidly burning body recovered, but the body was bloody.Kunpeng heard the sound and looked, only to see a person riding a nine-color deer coming, it was not Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang came to Hongyun, frowned and looked at Hongyun's distressed appearance, handed Hongyun a yellow plum, and said, "Friend Hongyun, leave this to me." After finishing speaking, he turned and glared at Kunpeng.

Hongyun knew that he was seriously injured and could not help Xiao Qiang, so he said to be careful, and retreated to the foot of a mountain to recuperate. Xiao Qiang asked Nine Colors Deer to help Hongyun protect the law.

Seeing Hongyun leave, Xiao Qiang put on a stance, and angrily scolded Kunpeng, "Kunpeng, you are so brave, you dare to hurt my friend Xiao Qiang, you will definitely suffer a lot in the near future..." As soon as the words fell, there was a change in the sky .The sky was full of stars shining brightly, and 360 five demon gods flashed in the air instantly, surrounded Xiao Qiang, sealed off the space, and made Xiao Qiang no chance to summon his avatar.

Afterwards, two more figures flashed beside Kunpeng, not Dijun and Fuxi, it turned out that Dijun and the other three had already planned Hongyun's Primordial Purple Qi, but they had nothing to do with Hongyun's two friends Zhen Yuanzi and Xiao Qiang. Yuanzi has a book in his hand, his defense is unparalleled, it is difficult to break through, and he is a character that cannot be easily provoked.

And Xiao Qiang was the one who used the three corpses incarnate to resist Di Jun and Tai Yi, and the body fought against the saint Lao Tzu.Therefore, the four of Di Jun carefully planned, after Hongyun left Longevity Mountain, let Kunpeng ambush Hongyun, if Xiao Qiang rushed to support, they would ambush the demon god and trap Xiao Qiang with Zhou Tianxing's formation.

Originally, Di Jun didn't intend to provoke Xiao Qiang and Zhen Yuanzi's powerful enemies, but after experiencing the tragedy of his wife and children, his family broke up and his family was destroyed, Di Jun became crazy. Started on Hongyun.Once you snatch the Primordial Purple Qi, send it to Wa Palace, and give it to yourself as the only flesh and blood left. Even if you lose the Lich War at that time, relying on the two saints of the Yaozu, you will definitely let the Yaozu dominate the wilderness again .

"Hehe, I didn't expect that Pindao would need to bother the three quasi-sages to take action. It seems that you are determined to win the Primordial Purple Qi." Zhou Tianxing's formation has been activated, and Xiao Qiang has no way to escape. Press sneered.

"Jie Jie..." Taoist Kunpeng gave a strange cry, held the Sky Demon Sword, and slashed towards Xiao Qiang. The emerald green sword light turned into a hundred feet in size, crossed the sky, and slashed towards Xiao Qiang.

When Fuxi and Di Jun saw that Kunpeng had already made a move, they also started to do the same. Fuxi played the Fuxiqin, and the multicolored sound waves turned into sword lights and flew towards Xiao Qiang.With a shake of Dijun's left hand, the Liangyi emerald light appeared in his hand. Dijun tapped lightly with his right hand, and a bean-sized flame floated out from the wick. The red and white flame gradually grew in the wind, turning into two hundreds of feet in size. The fire dragon roared towards Xiao Qiang.

"Hmph." Xiao Qiang raised his brows coldly, and gave a clear drink, a yellow plum tree appeared above his head, emitting fairy light, rushing towards the surroundings overwhelmingly.

Kunpeng Taoist's sword glow and Fuxi's sword glow were swept away by Huang Zhongli's fairy light, and they were silently wiped out by the fairy light all over the sky. Only the fire dragon and fairy light transformed by Emperor Jun's Liangyi Jinghuo stalemate.

Suddenly Kunpeng laughed sinisterly, and then took out a golden banner from his bosom, covered with mysterious runes, and embroidered in the middle was the image of a golden crow flying high, the whole banner was filled with a strong radiance Qi.Nadijun and Fuxi also took out the same flag from their bosoms, stood in three directions, recited the mantra, and waved the flag.

The sun from the scorching sun between the sky and the earth instantly became hotter and hotter. The sun with a radius of hundreds of miles gathered towards the banners in the hands of Di Jun and the others. Countless golden light particles gathered between the sky and the earth, turning into a raging fire. The sun is really hot, and the scorching temperature scorches the void for a while.

The name of the three golden flags and streamers is: Sun God Banner, which is made by Emperor Jun using the golden crow divine feather mixed with various sun-attributed geniuses and earthly treasures. Invite the sunshine of a hundred miles around, turn it into the real fire of the sun, and burn all kinds of evil spirits.If it is daytime, you can even get the blessing of the sun star, and the power will increase by [-]%.And in the Zhoutian Xingchen formation, the power is three times stronger.

The real fire of the sun all over the sky connected into one piece, enveloping Xiao Qiang and the fairy light all over the sky, and the fairy light collided with the real fire of the sun, making a crackling sound.

After a while, the outermost celestial light was burnt by the real fire of the sun until it became reddish and dim, and the celestial light shrank a circle.When Xiao Qiang saw this, the corners of his eyes twitched, but there was nothing he could do, and he couldn't help being a little anxious.

"Haha! Xiao Qiang! Patriarch, if I don't burn you to death today, it will be hard to get rid of my hatred." Taoist Kunpeng laughed gloatingly.

"Bah! Kunpeng thief! Even if I die today, you don't even think about hurting Hongyun to get the primordial purple energy!" Xiao Qiang gnashed his teeth and cursed.

"Hmph, it looks like your bones are really hard, I'm here to loosen your bones." After Kunpeng said, he circulated his mana, and his mana poured towards the sun god's banner like running water for free, and the god's banner burst out with a bright golden awn, The real fire of the sun soared, and the light in the middle of the sun was crackling, and the speed of its ablation was faster.

In desperation, Di Jun and Xiao Qiang had no choice but to increase the mana in their hands, causing the remaining two Sun God banners to burst out with bright golden light.

However, Xiao Qiang is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He gritted his teeth and relied on his immortal body to forcefully rush out of the encirclement of the real sun fire, but the real sun fire is not ordinary after all. , the mana has also been reduced by five or six levels, and Di Jun can predict Xiao Qiang's direction at any time in the Zhoutian Xingchen formation. The real fire of the sun is chasing Xiao Qiang all the time. ...

Just millions of miles away at Wuzhuang Temple on Wanshou Mountain, Zhen Yuanzi held a book from the ground and confronted Tai Yi with an angry and helpless face, while Tai Yi stood outside the gate of Wuzhuang Temple with his eyes closed, with a chaotic little mouth. The clock keeps turning around the sun.In front of the gate of Wuzhuang Guanshan on Wanshou Mountain, Zhen Yuanzi tightened the book on the ground in his hand, and said in a deep voice: "Friend Taidao, don't you think that poor Daoist is easy to bully?"

Hearing this, Taiyi opened his eyes and looked at Zhen Yuanzi, then closed his eyes again, and said slowly: "It's useless to say what you say today, if you want to save Hongyun, you have to do something."

"Okay! Let Pindao see the power of fellow daoist Chaos Clock." After finishing speaking, Zhen Yuanzi touched the ground with one foot, and it turned into a wisp of green smoke and floated into the air.Tai Yi raised his head and looked in the direction where Zhen Yuanzi disappeared, and he also flickered and disappeared in the same place.

Zhen Yuanzi is not an idiot either. Even if he has never tried the power of the Chaos Clock, he knows the power of the two innate treasures in Sanqing's hand. The Chaos Clock, which is also one of the three treasures of Kaitian, should It won't be the slightest difference from Taiji Diagram and Pangu Banner.If such a powerful weapon is deployed, it will probably take only a few hits, and his Wuzhuang Temple will be razed to the ground...

(End of this chapter)

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