The Immortal Xiaoqiang of the Great Desolation

Chapter 191 The girl dies and Jingwei fills the sea, Shennong sues the ancestors in grief

Chapter 191 The girl dies and Jingwei fills the sea, Shennong sues the ancestors in grief

Just as everyone was busy preparing for the succession ceremony and happily preparing to welcome the new co-lord of the human race, bad news suddenly came.A clan soldier came to report: "Princess Nvwa was playing on the beach of the East China Sea. Unexpectedly, she was dragged into the sea by the dragon clan who came suddenly and unexpectedly. Now her whereabouts are unknown, and her life and death are unknown!"

Princess Nvwa is Shennong's favorite daughter, but now her whereabouts are unknown, and her life and death are unknown. How can this not make Shennong Yandi heartbroken?The hero does not talk lightly when he has tears, but he has not reached the point of sadness; Shen Nong sighed with tears: "Nvwa, my child, I only blame my father for being busy with business recently, so I don't have time to play with you. Even if I want to, it's too late. "Under this blow, Shennong, even though he had already attained the position of celestial being, fell ill suddenly, and the ceremony of passing on the throne had to be postponed helplessly.

Let's say that Shennong had a little daughter named Nvwa.The girl is petite and exquisite, she is very cute, she has a heart of justice and compassion, and she often helps those in need, so everyone loves this kind-hearted little girl, and Shennong loves her very much. , as a treasure!But Shennong is busy with affairs and has no time to take care of her.Nvwa left the tribe on her own, and came all the way east.People along the road saw her lively and lovely, and she was the daughter of Shennong, so they also stayed with her and gave her meals.

The girl came all the way to the East China Sea, and it was just the time of sunrise, and she saw the golden crow rising in the east, shining on the entire sea level with thousands of rays of light, just like a sea of ​​golden brilliance rising from the tide; sea geese hovered in the sky, and there were countless fairy birds Dancing to the sun and singing loudly.A white line in the distance is coming towards this side quickly, from far to near, it is truly spectacular.Accompanied by the sound of crashing waves, a wave hit the girl, submerging her in an instant, and when the wave receded, I saw the girl protruding her small head out of the sea, shaking the sea water on her head, Immediately, the girl cheered, and plunged into the sea again to play and play, and the joyful laughter spread far away.

Just when Nvwa was enjoying herself, she saw a dragon suddenly appearing in the sea. Nvwa didn't know the danger, but looked at this dragon family that she had never seen with great interest.

Seeing that the girl was not afraid of him, the dragon who appeared suddenly felt a little angry.He only heard him say: "You little baby, you dare to play on this seaside without anything to do. Don't you know that this sea is under the jurisdiction of our Dragon Clan? Also, why don't you bow down when you see this prince?"

Seeing that the sudden appearance of the Dragon Clan was so unreasonable, Nvwa said: "I am the daughter of the Emperor, Nvwa, and I only respect Empress Nuwa and the Holy Ancestor. You are just a small dragon, why should I bow down to you?"

The Dragon Clan who appeared suddenly heard that the girl was so bold, couldn't help being furious, and said: "Well, you little boy dared to be so rude to the prince. If I don't kill you today, I will not be able to relieve the anger in my heart."

The dragon clan is born to resist water and pass through thunder, let alone a nine-clawed golden dragon.Although that Ao Bing only showed his real body in the sea, shaking his head and tail, the East China Sea had already rolled up huge waves, and there were layers of anger.

Unexpectedly, the girl suddenly became turbulent, even if she knew, the girl is just a child, so what can she do.A wave flashed by, and the girl was sucked into the sea water, and the girl who suddenly changed suddenly turned pale with fright and struggled repeatedly.However, in these layers of mountains and waves, even a strong and strong man could not be spared, but after a while, the girl lost her strength and was submerged by the surging sea water, her hands and feet were all limp, and she sank to the bottom of the sea.

After the weather calmed down, there was no longer any girl in the sea, the third prince laughed triumphantly, and went back to the Crystal Palace surrounded by a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

Not long after the third prince left, I saw a spirit floating from the sea. This was the girl's soul. It looked back in the direction of Chen Du and hissed to the sky, but it couldn't make any sound. She was unwilling The ground screamed vigorously, but it was useless, and suddenly felt resentment, soared into the sky, and instantly turned into a bird, which was shaped like a crow, with a tattooed head, white beak, and bare feet, making the sound of "Jingwei, Jingwei", calling The sound is miserable!

Jingwei bird flaps its wings all the way and often travels between the West Mountain and the East China Sea with wood and stones in its mouth. It vows to fill up the East China Sea, day after day, year after year, and never give up!

It is said that Shennong returned from his three-year tour of the world, and was busy discussing human affairs with Xuanyuan after returning.It wasn't until now that the clan soldiers came to report that they heard that the girl hadn't returned for three years, and she couldn't find it everywhere, so she was shocked.

Shennong had no choice but to drag his sick body to Huoyun Cave 33 days away, and asked Emperor Fuxi about the whereabouts of the girl.Emperor Fuxi was shocked when he pinched his fingers and said to Shennong: "You come with me!" After saying that, they did not wait for Shennong's words, and the two set up auspicious clouds and headed north. After a day's journey, they came to Fajiu Mountain forward.

I saw that there were many dead trees on Fajiu Mountain, and a bird was standing on a dead tree, calling "Jingwei, Jingwei".Perhaps because of his blood, Shennong burst into tears when he saw the Jingwei bird. He hurried towards the Jingwei bird and shouted tremblingly, "Girl, is it you? I am the emperor!"

The Jingwei bird seemed to have never heard of it, and just flew towards the direction of the East China Sea with the dead wood in its mouth. No matter how Shennong shouted from behind, there was no response!
Shennong stared blankly at Jingwei's leaving back, and two lines of hot tears fell silently. He turned his head and asked Emperor Fuxi: "Dare to ask the emperor, why did the girl become like this?"

Emperor Fuxi sighed sadly and said: "Nvwa went to the East China Sea to play, and she didn't want to be drowned by the third prince of the Dragon King of the East China Sea. !"

Shennong couldn't bear it any longer when he heard the words, and burst into tears, his voice was sad, and hearing the tears, even Emperor Fuxi was depressed!

It is said that Shennong was very sad when he saw his favorite little daughter, Nvwa, turned into a Jingwei bird. Emperor Fuxi comforted him and said, "Shennong, you don't have to do this. Reunion!"

Shennong wept with joy when he heard the words, "Is this really true?"

Emperor Fuxi nodded and said: "It's true! You know that the holy ancestor has an incarnation sitting in the underworld. You can follow me to Mount Luojia to ask the holy ancestor. The holy ancestor is merciful and will definitely help the girl out of trouble!"

Upon hearing this, Shen Nong said eagerly: "If that's the case, I hope the emperor will take Shen Nong to Mount Luojia to see the Holy Patriarch!"

Fuxi nodded, and immediately set up auspicious clouds to carry Shennong to Mount Luojia.

After traveling for less than half a day, the two came to the South China Sea, where they could see the smoky Mount Luojia from afar.

When he came close, he saw Taoist Huanghua waiting, seeing Fuxi and Shennong's happy faces, he stepped forward and asked, "Why are the two emperors here?" Shennong wanted to kneel down to worship the teacher, but Taoist Huanghua refused, so he declined Said, "Now that you are the emperor, you don't need to bow down to me, a half salute is enough." Helpless, Shennong had to do a half salute.

Taoist Huanghua saw Shennong's sad expression again, and asked why, Shennong suffocatedly told the story.

Taoist Huanghua nodded and said: "Master and all the senior uncles are waiting in the main hall, please follow me." He took out a piece of cyan jade pendant from his bosom, and exhaled fairy air towards it, only to see that the jade pendant immediately emitted a cyan light. The arc-shaped shield protected the three of them, and the road was unimpeded, and those big formations protecting the island had no effect on the three of them!

After passing through the formation, I finally saw the true face of Luojia Mountain. I saw: the mountain peak is emerald green, and the fairy clouds are diffused around the mountain peak; On the golden bridge; all kinds of fairy grasses and elixir can be seen everywhere, and the fairy air is tangy and intoxicating.Shennong was worried about the baby girl at this time, so he had no intention of yearning for such a beautiful scenery.Taoist Huang Hua brought Shen Nong and two people to the main hall of Mount Luojia, and saw Xiao Qiang and the others sitting on the cloud bed from a distance, ethereal and unpredictable!Lupao and others stood aside.

The two did not dare to neglect, hurriedly quickened their pace, came to Xiao Qiang, respectfully said: "Greetings to the Holy Patriarch!"

Xiao Qiang nodded, first said to Fuxi Shennong: "The Holy Emperor is exempt from the courtesy." Then he said to Shennong: "I know about the girl, just wait a moment!" Taoist Huanghua also nodded beside him.

Shen Nong was overjoyed and thanked again, then stood up and waited anxiously.

In the East China Sea Dragon Palace, Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, is listening to the turtle prime minister report on various affairs during this period of time. wide trust.After all the affairs were reported, Prime Minister Gui's eyes flickered, and after a long time he hesitated and said to Ao Guang: "Your Majesty, I have one more thing to report to you, so I ask you to step back."

Ao Guang was taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately said: "Prime Minister Gui, what can't be said?"

Prime Minister Gui then said: "Three years ago, the third prince drowned a little human girl by the sea. According to his subordinates' inquiries later, she was actually the beloved daughter of the human emperor Shennong."

Ao Guang was furious when he heard the words: "Why did you report this to me now? Hmph, this bastard has caused such a disaster today, why don't you go and find him!"

The prime minister didn't dare to neglect, hurried out of the hall and ordered someone to look for the third prince.Not long after, the third prince came to the main hall, looked at Ao Guang's gloomy face, felt uneasy, stepped forward and asked cautiously: "I don't know why the father called the child here?"

With a sound of "pa", the third prince was knocked down by Ao Guang before he could react, with five big fingerprints on his face, half of which was red and swollen in an instant.Ao Guang angrily pointed at the third prince and shouted: "You evil beast, you dared to drown the emperor's daughter in water, and you didn't report it to me afterwards, you know that the emperor Shen Nong is the future holy emperor, now You have caused a catastrophe, are you going to implicate my entire East China Sea Dragon Clan?"

The third prince's face was instantly pale and bloodless when he heard the words. He is also a senior member of the Dragon Clan, so he naturally knows the significance of the Holy Emperor to the Dragon Clan.The dragon clan can become the totem of the human race and the symbol of the emperor. Fuxi has contributed a lot. Once Shennong gets angry and abolishes the totem of the human race, the luck accumulated by the dragon clan after the first robbery of the Dragon Han Dynasty will be reduced. It's time to let anyone bully you.

(End of this chapter)

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