The Immortal Xiaoqiang of the Great Desolation

Chapter 203 Ksitigarbha joins the Western religion, and re-enters the underworld to make an oath

Chapter 203 Ksitigarbha joins the Western religion, and re-enters the underworld to make an oath
Let's say that His Holiness Ksitigarbha surrendered and preached Dafa and explained the teachings. I don't want to, just when he talked about ecstasy, the image of a saint will rise in the West.The dense fragrance, the strange fragrance hits the ground, the epiphyllum blossoms, and emerges out of thin air; the relics shine, and hang high in the sky;

The Ksitigarbha Dynasty looked over, and saw a thousand-leaved green lotus slowly turning in a ball of golden and bright Buddhist aura, and a Taoist with double-clawed buns and beautiful flowers on his head came sitting down in lotus.From time to time, a song came: wearing a Taoist uniform, holding a branch in his hand, often preaching by the Bade Pond, and talking about the Three Vehicles under the Seven Treasure Forest;Floating and true Taoist, the beauty is really amazing; practice to live in the scenic spot in the west, and cultivate to live forever and get rid of the dust.The body of the lotus is infinitely wonderful.The leader of the west, Daxian, came.

The Ksitigarbha King did not dare to be negligent, so he made a gesture and said, "It turned out to be a sage from the West. May the sage live forever, and forgive the poor for not being far away!" After passing away, he said solemnly: "Now the Taoist friend came to the south of the prehistoric and desolate, the Buddha's light is radiant, I feel this opportunity in the Western Paradise, and I am here to form a good relationship with the Taoist friend."

The venerable pretended to be confused and asked: "I don't know how to form a good relationship?" Zhunti shook his head, looked proud, and said: "My western scenic spot is the hometown of pure and eternal happiness. I am here to invite fellow Taoists to share this boundless blessing. Lectures on the Great Dharma of the Three Vehicles, without attachments or hindrances, to achieve the right fruit, to complete the indestructible body of the vajra, wouldn't it be beautiful!"

The Venerable looked hesitant and hesitant.Zhunti was very anxious, so he said: "Listen to the poor Taoist: the golden light of the precious flame illuminates the eyes, and the western magic method is the most subtle; thousands of wreaths are infinitely wonderful, and thousands of auspicious lights are born one after another. It is rare for a person to hold a divine pestle. It's not easy; we will go to the Lotus Terrace Meeting together, and we will know that the Dao has been accomplished."

After saying that, a holy image appeared, with eighteen hands and 24 heads, holding the canopy of wreaths, flower jars and fish intestines, and holding divine pestles, precious files, golden bells, golden bows, silver halberds, banners and other pieces.The body of the holy image is yellow and white, with various solemnities. It is dressed in white with patterns on its waist, and a heavenly robe with light Luo Chuo sleeves, tied around the waist with a slow belt.The body has 32 features and [-] kinds of good, purple and gold, surrounded by bright flames, with three eyes and eighteen arms.

The three eyes represent the eyes of the Buddha, the eyes of the Dharma, and the eyes of wisdom, which means that the three truths are not vertical or horizontal, just like equality.On the eighteen arms, white snail treasures are used as bracelets, which means that the sound is better than the good.The central two hands make the dharma seal, in order to break the three barriers of greed, ignorance and ignorance in the human world, the dharma benefits students, teaches people to learn the law, and makes them witness the three kayas.

The Venerable Ksitigarbha took a look, clapped his palms and praised: "Western magical methods are incomparable and unique, but I'm afraid that I can't stand the constraints of the religious rules. Although I yearn for it, I'm afraid that the rules of the leader will be broken. What can I do?" said Wan's expression was sad, showing a trace of pity.

This Zhunti couldn't understand the meaning of these words, brushed the wonderful tree of seven treasures, and said: "Fellow Taoist, don't worry, my Western Ultimate Bliss World is clean and free, and if you don't believe it, I will ask you to make three chapters ?”

This remark hit the heart of His Holiness Ksitigarbha King, he was depressed for a moment, and said: "Forget it, since the leader is sincere. If the poor Taoist pushes back and forth, it seems a bit petty."

Ksitigarbha King opened his pink lips slightly, exhaled the scent, and said, "Poverty is free-spirited and calm, not suitable for killing, and does not want to cause karma. If you want to enter Buddhism, you need to follow me a few things."

Zhunti wanted to become Ksitigarbha with all his heart, and when he heard that there was a door, he nodded quickly and said, "Fellow Taoist, come quickly!"

The Ksitigarbha King said slowly: "One is that the poor Taoist vowed to save all living beings, so he cannot return to the Paradise for the time being; the second is that the poor Taoist only listens to the call, but dispatches troops and generals, and it is up to the poor Taoist to make decisions on his own. , cannot be forced; thirdly, Pindao needs an orthodox Buddhist name in order to act!"

Zhunti thought about it, the three requirements, only the second one made him quite embarrassed, this one only listens to the announcement, not the tune, it is inevitable to feel a little self-reliant, but what the West needs at this time is the great prosperity brought by this person Tianzhao, you can't force it to be obedient, and there are countless sages in the west, so it's easy to do it if you want to.

After thinking about it properly, he said, "What fellow Taoists said, made the poor Taoist have a hard time. However, I am thirsty for talents in the west, and I would like to open the door of convenience for my fellow Taoists to get started. The poor Taoist agreed."

As soon as the words fell, the void shook; the sky was bright and bright, but the sound of rolling thunder rang in my ears.In the long river of fate, the Buddhist talisman "卍" shines brightly, and the long river of Buddhist fate suddenly grows stronger, and the luck is as strong as ever.

The whole body of Zhunti shines brightly, the white hair between the eyebrows turns like a circle, and the light between the eyebrows shines. The golden light illuminates countless worlds in the ten directions.The pure and wonderful lands of the Buddhas of the ten directions all manifest in it.There may be a country, which is composed of seven treasures; there is another country, which is pure lotus; there is another country, which is like the palace of the sky; there is another country, which is like a glass mirror.The lands of the ten directions are all present in the middle.There are immeasurable lands of Buddhas like this, which are magnificently displayed.

With his right shoulder parted, he flew around the Ksitigarbha King three times, and the word "卍" flew out from his chest, which turned into a stream of light and flew directly into the center of the His Holiness' eyebrows. Zhunti was solemn and solemn, with his sandalwood mouth wide open, making thunder sounds and lion roars, He shouted: "Poverty Zhunti, the Western sages, today granted the seal of the Buddha to the venerable Ksitigarbha King, and granted him the title of 'Nanwu Dayuan Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva', with great compassion, 'Patience is like the earth, calm and considerate' It is as deep as a secret treasury, and it was granted the title of 'Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva'. Amitabha, Buddha of Infinite Life!"

As soon as the words fell, a huge Buddha wheel rose from the top of the head of the king of Tibet, and there were countless Bodhisattvas, mahasattvas, gods holding vajras, gods of the body, gods of feet, dojo gods, city gods, earth gods, mountain gods, and forest gods. , Sea God, Water God, River God, Harvest God, Medicine God, Vulcan God, Wind God, Space God, Fang God, Night God, Day God and other gods.

Sit upright on a lotus, put your hands together, and recite the scriptures, shaking the heavens and the earth. After countless scriptures are blurted out, they will turn into golden streams, fly among the [-] mountains, turn into western mandala flowers and fall, and enter the bodies of beasts , Washing away all the evil spirits, a lotus imprint appeared on the forehead, and in an instant, he could hear the Buddha's teachings and cross the threshold of transformation.

The Western Ultimate Bliss also echoes each other from afar, and immeasurable light rises, like the sun and the moon, and the light illuminates the world in the ten directions. The land of Yanfu Temple, even the eastern part of the prehistoric wilderness, is swept away. The Four Swords of Zhu Xian and the Pangu Banner were inserted at the junction, radiating precious light, forming a barrier, resisting firmly.

Seeing the Western Buddha's light condensing Bodhi and relics attacking, Tai Chi's two forms of divine light are flowing in black and white, smashing them all and turning them into spiritual energy; As the banner fluttered, streaks of gray sword energy flew out, chirping, cutting the virtual image of the golden lamp shell leaves.

Every household in the wild west burns stoves and hangs colorful decorations, beats wooden fish, recites Buddhist scriptures, and recites the Buddha name "Amitabha". For a while, it seems that the flood is full of pure lands of Buddhas, where bliss is everywhere.

Above the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss, a giant gilt Buddha of unknown size and breadth sits down in lotus, holding a twelfth-grade golden lotus in his hand. His eyes are closed and never opened. The sound of a golden bell and jade chime above his head is endless. The Buddha emerged, muttering to himself, chanting scriptures and mantras.

Suddenly, the milky white Buddha wheel at the back of the head ignited raging flames, and the golden lotus in his hand released twelve kinds of precious light, which turned into beams of light that soared into the sky and shot directly at the long river of fate of the Buddhist gate in the outer sky. Suddenly, a bird with wonderful wings flew out with a pippala flower in its beak, circled the talisman nine times, then spread its wings and soared into the sky.

Passing through heavy clouds and mists, I came to the southern part of the prehistoric region, stopped in the sky above Wangyue Peak of Lianhua Mountain, and with a neighing sound, the pippala flower fell and floated to the top of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, turning into a western Buddha fruit, the size of an egg, Entering the top chakra, suspended above Qianye Xinlian, blooming bright brilliance.

It is precisely the blessing of the Buddha's name that can be performed by the Zhunti leader, but the bestowing of the Buddha's fruit requires the guidance of Taoists with the help of the twelve golden lotus in the West. At this time, the luck of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is also truly connected with the West.

Zhunti congratulated and said: "Friends of Taoism are overjoyed. From then on, I will be a Buddha in the Western Buddhism, enjoy immeasurable bliss in peace, save hundreds of millions of sentient beings in the sand of the Ganges River, have immeasurable merits and virtues, and immeasurable life Buddha!"

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva raised his eyebrows, opened his red lips, and said in return: "Disciple, when visiting the leader, you should do your best to spread the Buddhadharma, convert all living beings, save the suffering, and save the suffering, so as not to disgrace your own Dharma name." Gently shake the wonderful tree of seven treasures, and drive away on the cloud.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva squinted his eyes, staring at the west, with an inexplicably strange expression, then restrained his emotions, opened his sandalwood mouth slightly, and the Sanskrit sandalwood singing rang out day and night from the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

And Xiao Qiang and the others in the South China Sea were also staring at the Buddha's auspicious aura rising from the south of the Great Desolation with piercing eyes, but their eyes were full of joy, unlike the frowns of other Taoist Qi practitioners.

Although the sage Laozi in Bajing Palace was pale, like a corpse in water, he thought to himself; Yuanshi Tianzun in Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain was out of breath, and the corners of his mouth were also twitching muscles, sneering.

After Ksitigarbha finished speaking the rest of the scriptures, he straddled the Truth Listening and drove towards the underworld, entered the sea of ​​blood, and saw ghosts of various races lingering at the mouth of the blood sea, crying day and night, filled with black air, Wanting to devour people, it is ferocious and terrifying, beyond words.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva couldn't bear it, so he sat upright and listened, holding a precious orb in his hand, and the orb bloomed with a milky white halo.Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva slapped his forehead, the colorful light wheel slowly rotated, the golden Buddha wheel washed away the hostility, and the golden ferry of black and yellow merit and virtue was reincarnated.The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva fell down and sat down, with a solemn treasure appearance, uttered colorful sounds, and recited the "Sutra of Morality and Exaltation of the Dead":
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust!Today's evil, tomorrow's reward.The person who harmed you will either be harmed by others in the future, or fall into the endless hell forever, and cannot be reborn.When can we repay each other's grievances?Reincarnation today, rebirth tomorrow.Peace be upon the dead, peace be upon the living!Dust to dust, dust to dust, ghosts, listen to orders, wash away grievances, rebirth from Nirvana, immeasurable heaven!

The immeasurable scriptures that radiate light absorb the aura of heaven and earth, the essence of the sun and the moon, and turn them into golden lotuses, floating towards the innocent souls. Visible to the naked eye, the black air dissipates, the hostile energy disappears, the ferocity is no longer there, and the expression is serene, smiling, and flies into it. Six realms of reincarnation and reincarnation go away, good, good!

Here, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva clasped his hands together and swore, "Amitabha! I wish that throughout the future kalpas, there should be sinful and suffering sentient beings, and that there should be a wide range of expedient means to liberate them. May I face the pure lotus-eyed Tathagata statue from now on, However, in the next hundreds of millions of kalpas, there should be all the hells in the world, as well as the sinful and suffering beings of the three evil ways, vowing to rescue them. Let them leave the evil realms of hells, animals, hungry ghosts, etc. Those who have repaid their sins will become Buddhas after all. , and then I will become enlightened."

As soon as Ksitigarbha's great wish came out, the heaven and earth responded, and I saw that Ksitigarbha was covered in golden light, singing Sanskrit sounds a cappella, and the strange fragrance hit people.All the dead souls in that prefecture felt his virtue, and knelt down to worship and congratulate him.

Ksitigarbha was neither happy nor sad, with a kind face on his face, he said: "The poor monk would like to live in the underworld forever, influence the Asura tribe, and achieve the right fruit. Vow: Only when all sentient beings are exhausted can they prove Bodhi. Hell is not empty, so I swear not to become a Buddha." .”

Since then, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva has been in charge of the underworld, helping Emperor Fengdu, Hades of the Ten Temples, Judge Cangjie and Zhong Kui to manage the underworld.And Jin Chanzi and others were also allowed to seek the way successively, were awarded the title of Buddha, and were bestowed with Buddha fruit. In this way, the four of them successfully joined the Western religion.On Mount Luojia in the South China Sea, Xiao Qiang can finally wait for the Fengshen to arrive with peace of mind...

(End of this chapter)

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