The Immortal Xiaoqiang of the Great Desolation

Chapter 207 King Zhou wrote a poem and Nuwa was angry, and nine tails entered the court to harm the

Chapter 207 King Zhou wrote a poem and Nuwa was angry, and Nine Tails entered the court to harm the merchants

But it is said that after Emperor Xin came to the throne, Lizheng's wife Dongbohou Jiang Huanchu's daughter Jiang was the queen, Huang Feihu's sister was the imperial concubine of the West Palace, Yang was the concubine of the Xinqing Palace, and the concubines of the Three Palaces were all virtuous, chaste, gentle and virtuous.Wen You, Taishi Wenzhong, Prime Minister Shang Rong, Shang Dafu Mei Bai, Zhao Qi, etc., advised the government, Wu Youzheng Guo Wucheng Wang Huang Feihu and others settled the country, enjoying peace, all people are happy and working, the weather is good, the country is peaceful and the people are safe; the four barbarians hand over, Guests from all directions served, and the princes of eight hundred towns all ruled in Shang.The sages once said that one is born in sorrow and dies in peace. In this comfortable environment, Di Xin gradually lost his original ambition and indulged in wine and sex. Common people are forgetful. If you do a good deed, forget the mistakes you have made, you will also think of one mistake of yours and forget your merits.People have long forgotten the third prince who made great achievements in battle, and only remember Di Xin who is making people's lives miserable. So far, Di Xin has been called King Zhou.

In the seventh year of King Zhou, in the second month of Yangchun, the spring is warm and flowers are blooming, and the earth is filled with the breath of spring. On the main street of Chaoge City, the capital of Yin and Shang, there is a bustling scene.At this moment, I saw a knight rushing in from the city gate with a dignified expression.Regardless of the people who were knocked to the ground, they went straight to the palace.

On this day, Yin, Shang, civil and military ministers gathered in the palace, most of them didn't know what happened, only saw the grand master Wen Zhong's expression was solemn, he knew that something important had happened, and there was a lot of discussion.At this moment, I saw King Zhou coming down to the hall accompanied by Prime Minister Shang Rong. The face of King Zhou was gloomy, and no one dared to discuss it.

That King Zhou came to the main hall and said bitterly: "Yuan Futong is so courageous. His Yuan family has received great favors from our court for generations, and now he dares to entangle the princes of the 72nd Route to rebel. I will punish him."

The grand master Wen Zhong heard the words and said: "Your Majesty, this is not the time to worry about these things. Yuan Futong's rebellion has caused a mess in Beihai. Now it is right to put down the rebellion first. Otherwise, if we let it grow bigger and shake the country." Ben, it's too late."

That King Zhou also led the army to go out to fight, so he naturally knew how harmful the military disaster was, so he thought about it for a while and said: "In that case, I will have the Grand Master Lao go to Beihai on my behalf to arrest Yuan Futong, and I will interrogate him face to face. Ask him whose guts he borrowed." The reason why King Zhou sent Wen Zhong there was another thought.If there is anyone in the court who is afraid of King Zhou today, it is Wen Zhong.He has taught King Zhou for many years, and he has gained a lot of power.With him in the court, King Zhou would not dare to act recklessly, so he took the opportunity to release him, and King Zhou also wanted to take this opportunity to enjoy it.

Although Wen Zhong is aware of King Zhou's plan, but now the two of them are monarchs and ministers, and in front of the ministers of civil and military affairs, they don't want King Zhou to step down from power. He is now leading the order to go to Beihai, but he is secretly telling Shang Rong and others restrained King Zhou.

March [-]th is the birthday of the Holy Mother of the Human Race, Nuwa Empress. Seeing this, the judges will ask, how did Nuwa Empress know about Nuwa Empress's birthday when she attained enlightenment in Hongmeng?But it was because during the time of the emperor, Empress Nuwa once descended to her dharma body and married the reincarnated Fuxi, and that day was the fifteenth day of March. In order to worship Empress Nuwa, people took March [-]th as her birthday. birthday.

On this day, King Zhou came to the early court very reluctantly, and saw all the civil and military officials lined up on both sides.But seeing the auspicious mist, the king sits on the golden hall; the auspicious light surrounds, and the white jade steps are at the forefront of civil and military affairs.Shen sandalwood spraying gold furnace, you can see the high volume of the pearl; orchid musk enveloping the treasure fan, and see his pheasant tail low.

King Zhou asked the official and said: "If there is something to do, go to court, and if there is nothing to do, leave the court."

As soon as the words fell, I saw one of the civil servants walking out, prostrate on the golden steps, holding the ivory wat high. It was the Prime Minister Shangrong. It is the birthday of our human saint, Nuwa Empress, so I invite Your Majesty to come to Nuwa Temple and offer incense and pray for Nuwa Empress."

King Zhou asked: "I don't know what merits and virtues this Empress Nuwa has, but I, my lord of ten thousand chariots, want to move to pray for her?"

When Shang Rong heard this, he couldn't help sighing secretly, people's hearts are not ancient, and the Nuwa Empress and the Holy Ancestor were actually forgotten by people in this short period of a thousand years.Immediately stepped forward and said: "Nuwa Empress is the Holy Mother of our human race. She created our human race with her own blood, so our human race must be regarded as the descendants of the empress. Tilting to the northwest, the earth sinks to the southeast; Empress Nuwa used stones of five colors to refine stones to mend the sky; therefore, she made contributions to the common people, and Li and Shu set up sacrifices to repay them. Today, singing and worshiping this god of good fortune will make the four seasons prosperous, the country will last forever, and the rain will be adjusted in the long run Good luck, the disaster subsided. Your Majesty should go to this righteous god who protects the people of the blessed country!"

King Zhou heard the words and said, "Since this is the case, I will allow you to play."

On the second day, King Zhou took a chariot and led all the civil and military officials to the Nuwa Temple to offer incense.When the people in the city saw the emperor going out, they burned incense and decorated every household.On the chariot of King Zhou, Huang Feihu, the king of Wucheng, led [-] cavalry and [-] imperial guards as guards, accompanied by hundreds of court officials, all the way to the Nuwa Temple.

King Zhou and his entourage came to the Nuwa Temple, and saw that the front of the temple was gorgeous, colorful and golden.The golden boys hold the banners against each other; the jade girls both hold the wishes.The jade hook hangs obliquely, and the half-round crescent moon hangs in the air; the treasure tent is whirling, and thousands of pairs of colorful luan are fighting.Beside Biluo's bed, there are all dancing cranes and flying phoenixes; the throne of agarwood makes flying dragons and phoenixes.The fluttering and strange colors are unusual, the golden furnace is auspicious; the purple mist is soaring, and the silver candle is brilliant.Seeing that the Nuwa Temple was so magnificently built, one knew how highly respected the Nuwa Empress was among the human race. Thinking of this, King Zhou became more and more curious about the Nuwa Empress.

At this time, King Zhou, accompanied by Shang Rong and others, came to the palace, and after paying homage to Empress Nuwa under the guidance of the ceremonial officials, he just got up when suddenly a strange wind blew from nowhere and rolled up the curtains. , showing the holy statue of Nuwa, with a beautiful appearance, auspicious colors, a national beauty and a natural beauty, graceful as life.

Ordinarily, this King Zhou, as the king of a country, has never seen such a beautiful woman before, but for some reason, he suddenly felt in a trance, and in a daze, he had a different thought, thinking: I am the son of heaven, and I am rich. Even though there are six courtyards and three palaces in the four seas, there is no such beauty.Now order people to fetch the four treasures of the study.The servants hurriedly brought the four treasures of the study and presented them to King Zhou.King Zhou took the Zihao, dipped it in thick ink, and wrote a poem on the wall of the Nuwa Temple: "Feng Luanbao's tent is very beautiful, full of exquisite makeup made of gold and gold. The song and song are flying green in the distant mountains; dancing gracefully Sleeves reflect Xia clothes. Pear blossoms bring rain to compete for beauty; peony cages smoke and make up. But if you have to be enchanting, you can move, and take back Changle to serve the king."

The Prime Minister Shang Rong turned pale when he saw this, and immediately stepped forward and said: "Nuwa Empress is the holy mother of the human race, she has great merits and virtues for the common people in the world, I invite your majesty to come down to offer incense and pray for blessings, so that all people can work happily, the rain will be smooth and the wind will be smooth, and the fire of war will be relieved." Rest in peace. Your Majesty's poems today are blasphemy and devoid of pious sincerity. If you offend a saint because of this, it is not a gift for the emperor to visit and pray. May your majesty let people wash this obscene poem with water, otherwise if it is seen by others, Wouldn't it be said that His Majesty has no virtue?"

At this time, King Zhou had already come to his senses. He saw the poem on the wall, but before he could understand what was going on, he was robbed by Shang Rong.Although King Zhou regretted it in his heart at this time, Shang Rong shouted at him in front of everyone, feeling displeased, and said immediately: "I see that your lady's face has a peerless appearance, because I wrote poems to praise her, how can I praise her?" What does he mean? You don’t need to say too much. Kuang Gu is the lord of ten thousand chariots, and I leave it to the ten thousand surnames to see it. You can see that the empress is peerless in beauty, and you can also see Gu’s legacy." After speaking, he drove back to the palace.

When all the civil and military officials saw that King Zhou was angry, they didn't dare to say anything, and followed him back to the palace.Only the prime minister, Shang Rong, stayed behind to bring clean water to wash away the poems on the wall, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't wipe off the words on the wall, so he was terrified, so he could only find a curtain to cover the poems on the wall. The wall covered it, and then left.

But I didn't notice that the poem that King Zhou erased himself miraculously reappeared in the hall, Shi Ye! !Fate! !The world is full of conspiracies and tricks, and this world is not a pure world! !Someone's place changes with conspiracy and calculation...

King Zhou is nothing more than a victim of this conspiracy! !Jump out of the reincarnation of the five elements, but who can really jump out of this kind of human shackles? ?

Let’s talk about the Empress Nuwa who is 33 days away. Although she is a saint now, because she does not establish a great religion, she cannot directly intervene in the affairs of the human race.On the fifteenth day of the third month, Empress Nuwa came back from her elder brother Fuxi Shenghuang in Huoyun Cave, and came to the Chaoge City of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, in front of the Nuwa Temple, got down from the sacred bird of Qingluan, and came to the main hall.There was the jade girl and the golden boy who emerged from the Dharma form and stood aside after bowing to Empress Nuwa, but her expression was a little unnatural, Empress Nuwa didn't care.At this moment, Empress Nuwa suddenly raised her head, saw the poem mentioned on the wall, and was furious: "Yin Shou has no way, and he doesn't want to cultivate himself to protect the world, but now he is not afraid of heaven, and recites poems." Blasphemy against me is really abominable! Thinking about the 600 years of land that Cheng Tang Fajie obtained, he is now exhausted in his hands, if we don’t teach him some lessons, how will people know that the majesty of my saint cannot be desecrated.” At the moment Then he wanted to return to Wa Palace, planning a plan to destroy Shang.

"Boy, bring me the demon-calling banner!" The light is divided into five colors, and the auspicious reflections are thousands of stripes. It is called "Calling Demons". It was given to Nu Wa by Lu Ya!
The Caixia boy took the precious streamer and presented it to Nuwa, and saw Nuwa swinging it lightly three times, but it was sad wind howling, misty mist and cloudy clouds everywhere!After a few gusts of wind, all the monsters in the world responded, and all went to the palace to wait for the decree.The Nuwa thought for a moment, but she ordered Caiyun to let the monsters retreat, leaving only the three demons in Xuanyuan's tomb to see them!One of the three demons is a thousand-year-old vixen spirit, the other is a nine-headed pheasant spirit, and the other is a jade pipa spirit. After entering the palace, they bowed down and bowed down: "May your mother live forever!"

Nuwa nodded, and said: "You three monsters listen to my secret decree! Chengtang's fate is sad, and he should lose the world; Fengming Mountain, the Western Zhou Dynasty has given birth to a holy master. God's will has been determined, and the fate dictates it. You three monsters can hide their monster form , put yourself in the palace, and confuse the king's heart; wait for King Wu to overthrow Zhou to help you succeed, and don't harm all living beings. After you succeed, I will make you achieve the right result!"

The three demons were overjoyed, feeling deeply that they were so blessed, they kowtowed to Nuwa to express their gratitude, and descended into Wa's palace in a gust of breeze!But Nuwa turned to Lingzhu again, and saw that he was also eager, and couldn't help laughing: "Why, you can't be in a hurry anymore?" But she knew that he had always longed for the lower realm, and it was his chance, so she said "That's it, go ahead and take it. This time your chance is not shallow, but your fate is profound!" The Lingzhu was also overjoyed when he heard the words, and bowed down to Nuwa: "Thank you, Madam, for your kindness!" Go to the lower realm!

But it is said that since King Zhou saw the portrait of Nuwa, he has not thought about food and drink all day long, and he feels that the three palaces and six courtyards are all vulgar, and that is what he wants!
There is Fei Zhong, a villainous villain, who knows King Zhou's mind, and said: "Your Majesty is the lord of ten thousand chariots, rich in the world, worthy of Yao and Shun; everything in the world belongs to His Majesty, so why not? Just need your Majesty tomorrow Pass a decree, promulgate to the princes of the four routes, select a hundred beauties in each town, and pretend to be the king's court, worrying about the beauty of the world, if you don't enter the king's election!"

The king of Zhou was overjoyed, he was very happy to see Fei Zhong, he put aside the previous words that the grand master should not reuse this person, and sighed: "Aiqing's words are very kind, she is indeed an important minister of the few!" If so, the decree can be issued, ordering the princes of the world to pay tribute to beauties!I also heard that Hou Suhu of Jizhou had a daughter named Daji, but she was very beautiful, so he specially issued a decree, ordering Suhu to send her daughter to the
Su Hu happened to be staying at Chaoge, knowing this will, she was secretly annoyed, once she entered the Hou family, she always loved her daughter, how could she bear to send her daughter to the palace to suffer? Inscribed a poem, and turned out the court song: "The monarch is bad for the ministers, and the five constants are defeated. Su Hu of Jizhou will go to the court and merchants!"

King Zhou was looking forward to it, but when he heard about Su Hu's actions, he was furious and wanted to conquer Su Hu himself, but he was stopped by Fei Zhong and had to send Nanbohou Chonghouhu and Xibohou Jichang to attack Suhu together!

Nanbohou Chonghouhu is said to be a reckless man, but his brother Chongheihu is a rare general who has been taught by a stranger, but he is extraordinary.And Xibo Hou Jichang, who is proficient in Fuxi gossip, is a famous sage in the big business, and he ruled Minfeng Wufu, full of civil and military affairs!The princes of the two sides raised their armies, totaling millions, and went to Jizhou to kill them!
Jizhou is just a state, how can it resist the attack of the two princes?But they retreated steadily, and were soon besieged under the city of Jizhou. Only Su Quanzhong, the son of Su Hu, fought in and out of the army. He was a hero!

Ji Chang was reluctant before this time, but the king's order was difficult, but he was forced to do so. He was surprised when he saw this young hero, he asked around, and when he found out that he was the son of Su Hu, he sighed: " Su Hu is a hero, but his son is also extraordinary!"

Chong Heihu next to him couldn't bear to hear it, and said coldly: "You're just a brat, Ji Chang, why do you only uplift others' prestige, let's see how I deal with him when I go out!"

Unexpectedly, just after he put on the bundle and went out of the tent, he saw a bright light coming from the sky. Before he could dodge, he was hit on the left shoulder and knocked off his horse. Fortunately, the guards stopped him desperately, and he was rescued. , but he was too ashamed to look at Su Quanzhong, although he had a look of hatred on his face, but he was speechless!
Chong Heihu next to him looked like his elder brother, although he was unwilling to make a move, he had no choice but to ride out on horseback.He knew that Su Quanzhong had strange treasures to help him, but he was the first to strike. He took out a treasured gourd from his back, and took off the top of the red gourd. There was a hoarse sound in the middle of the sky, and it flew over to cover the sky and reflect the sun, and saw that there was an iron-billed condor, which opened its mouth and came to bite!
That Quanzhong was complacent, he had no defenses, it was too late when he realized the danger, his eyeballs were pecked out by the condor long ago when he sat down in the BMW.The horse was frightened and jumped up, but he fell into a golden crown and hung upside down, the armor left the saddle, and a group of people around him rushed up and arrested him!
That Chonghouhu hated him, but wanted to behead him to show the public, but thanks to Ji Chang's protection, he had to escort Chao Ge, so he saved his life!In Jizhou City, Su Hu was worried when he heard that his son had been arrested, but when he thought about the current situation, his face was full of sadness!

Na Daji couldn't bear to see the old father's sad appearance, and bowed down and bowed down: "My lord father, unfortunately, my daughter was favored by King Zhou, which led to war between the two countries, my brother was captured, my father was worried, and the people were displaced. I really can't bear it. I ask my father to escort my daughter to Beijing, so as to quell the war in Jizhou, save my brother, and save the people from suffering!"

But this is also helpless, Su Hu couldn't help crying and said: "A man who stands between heaven and earth, can't persuade the Cambodian king to stay away from the villain, and can't protect the children's life without worry. The father is really suffering!" Hugging Daji in pain, she said, "Daughter Gao Yi, I thanked my daughter for my father's behalf for the people of Jizhou!"

Now that Jizhou is under siege, Su Hu has nothing to do, thinking that if Daji enters the palace and can persuade King Zhou to do good, it would be a good thing, so she agreed with tears in her eyes!The next day, Su Hu opened the city gate and asked to surrender, sent Na Daji out of Jizhou City, and begged his old friend Ji Chang to take more care of his daughter, and Ji Chang agreed!

However, the army slowly arrived at the boundary of Na'en State. The thousand-year-old nine-tailed fox had been waiting here for a long time. When it saw the frame, it turned into a gust of monster wind and floated towards it. Entering the palace here will also confuse King Zhou!It just so happened that Xiao Qiang's obsessive incarnation was only one step away from buying Dzogchen, so he traveled around the world and understood people's hearts.

Seeing that the nine-tailed demon fox was about to commit murder, but with a single finger, it emitted a golden light and knocked her to the ground. He hurriedly stepped forward to check, took out the pill and fed it to Daji. Knowing that Daji was fine, he felt relieved. Come.Looking at the nine-tailed demon fox again, he said in a cold voice: "Since you have obtained the will, I will not hinder you. But you should also have some kind thoughts, refrain from doing evil things, and accumulate some merit!"

After hearing this, the nine-tailed demon fox didn't take it seriously, secretly thinking that I got the will of the Empress Nuwa, but what else should I care about?It's just that Xiao Qiang has high mana after all, she didn't dare to refute, she just kowtowed and said: "Thank you for reminding, Immortal, thank you for reminding, little demon can save it!"

Xiao Qiang was just grateful for the miserable death of those like Bigan, so he was reminded like this, but in the end it was due to calamity. If they entered the divine way, they could escape the suffering of reincarnation, which is a good deed and also a good thing. Regardless of whether she listened to the nine-tailed demon fox or not, she left!
The nine-tailed demon fox waited for quite a while, but did not see Xiao Qiang speaking again. Then he raised his head and saw that Xiao Qiang had already left, but he spat fiercely, cursed bad luck, and changed into Daji looks so good!

Ji Chang and the others were mortals after all, but they didn't know such a change, so they sent Daji transformed by the nine-tailed fox into Chaoge's palace. When King Zhou saw Daji, she was born charming and charming, like a begonia drunk in the sun Compared with Nuwa's dignified and beautiful, I feel inexplicably happy in my heart. Right now, I made Daji a noble concubine, which also saved Su Hu from the crime, and was promoted to three ranks in a row .

This demon fox Daji became a concubine. Firstly, she respected Nuwa's will, corrupted the Zhou dynasty, and ruined the great business fortune. She also gradually became self-satisfied, but she was cruel and ruthless. Chengzi and Chijingzi were rescued); built irons, set up pots, killed Shang Rong, Mei Bo and other upright ministers; built deer terraces, wine pools and meat forests for enjoyment!

That King Zhou was fascinated by Daji, and he refused to say anything to Daji, but he didn't realize that his actions had dragged himself and the 600-year-old foundation of the great business step by step into the abyss of destruction...

(End of this chapter)

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