The Immortal Xiaoqiang of the Great Desolation

Chapter 209 The six apprentices went out of the mountain to overcome the catastrophe, and the green

Chapter 209 The six apprentices went out of the mountain to overcome the catastrophe, and the green robe helped Wen Taishi

Seeing that the important figures of the Conferred Gods were in place, Xiao Qiang also summoned six disciples from Luojia Mountain in the South China Sea, and asked them to enter the world to cross the catastrophe. Xiao Qiang did not forcefully stipulate which camp they must join, but only asked them After the catastrophe, you must return to Mount Luojia immediately, and you are not allowed to stay outside.

Among them, as soon as the green robe came out of the mountain, he met the Four Sages of Jiulong Island, and saw Wang Mo wearing a one-character scarf and a hydration robe, with a face like a full moon.Yang Sen's lotus seed hoop is dressed like a toutuo, wearing soap clothes, his face is like the bottom of a pot, his beard is like cinnabar, and he has two yellow eyebrows.Gao Yougan wears a double-clawed bun and wears a scarlet suit. His face is like indigo, his beard is like cinnabar, and he has fangs up and down.Li Xingba wears a gold fishtail crown and light yellow clothes. His face is like a jujube, and he has a long beard, which is about five or six feet long.When the green robe saw the steed steed of the Four Saints, it was joyful in its heart, but the words of the two sides clashed, which made it easier for the Four Saints to fight. Although the Four Saints alone could not match the Green Robe's mana, but the four of them teamed up and added the orb in their hands. It was also to fight with the green robe, and seeing that they could not win for a long time, they shook hands and made peace.

Not long after, Wen Zhong came to ask for help, and seeing that the green robe had powerful mana, he tried his best to invite him, and even gave him the sitting ink unicorn as a gift. The green robe saw that Zhong Zhong was sincere, so he agreed, but he did not accept Wen Zhong's gift.

The general Wen Zhong invited, the two sides sent troops to fight. Early the next morning, Jiang Ziya led all the generals in his tent to the front of the Yin merchant camp. The pear blossoms in the courtyard are flying auspiciously.The red flag is flashing, like a burning mountain; the soap cover is shaken, and the black cloud covers the top of the iron mountain.The apricot-yellow flag moves to protect the generals of the Chinese army; although Ying is like a tiger, there are many heroes on both sides.Jiang Ziya was riding a green-maned horse, holding a sword in his hand, standing under the treasure banner, looking vigorous and pointing at the river. At this moment, he saw the gate of the Yin Shang camp was wide open, and four generals were riding a strange beast. walked out.

Wang Moqi's Majesty, Yang Sen's Suanni, Gao Yougan's piebald leopard, and Li Xingba's is ferocious; the four beasts rushed out.The generals on both sides of Ziya fell off their horses.Dragons are promiscuous. Although the sons of the ancestor dragon, Bi Yan and Suan Ni, were sealed into Jiuding by King Dayu to suppress the luck of the human race, they did leave a lot of blood on the prehistoric land.These war horses could not stand the evil spirit of the black beast; all the war horses had weak bones and tendons, except for Huang Feihu who rode the five-colored bull, and they all fell off their horses without any setbacks.Seeing that Ziya's crown and slanted robe were messed up, the four Taoists couldn't stop laughing.Seeing this, Jiang Ziya had no choice but to make false claims with the four people. The four sages of Jiulong Island immediately stepped forward and said three conditions: first, King Wu should be a minister;The third is to send Huang Feihu out of the city and let everyone escort him back to Chaoge.Jiang Ziya pretended to agree when he heard the words, and after the four left, he gathered soldiers and horses with the others and returned to the camp.

Jiang Ziya and all the generals went to the city, and sat down in the Xiangfu Shengdian to appease everyone.He also gave a brief account of the affairs in the camp, then got up and bathed in fragrant soup, and ordered Wuji and others to defend.Jiang Ziya borrowed the soil to escape to Kunlun and came to Yuxu Palace.

The Four Sages of Kowloon Island defeated Jiang Ziya and returned to the big tent to hand in orders, and everyone stepped forward to congratulate him first.At this moment, I heard the green robe say: "This time the four fellow Taoists have defeated the Western Zhou army. It is gratifying to congratulate, but I think that with Jiang Ziya's temper, I will definitely go to Kunlun again and ask the sage Yuqing for help, so I will wait for you." Don't be careless." Wen Zhong nodded at the side, deeply convinced, but many generals in the tent were dazzled by the successive victories, and did not take Daoist Duobao's words to heart.

It is said that Jiang Ziya drove Tudun here to Yuxu Palace, and entered the hall to meet Yuanshi Tianzun.Yuan Tianzun said: "Nine Dragon Island King Demon and other four people are attacking you in Xiqi, and the four beasts they ride have the blood of the ancestor dragon. Because of the incident of all beasts turning to the sky, all the beasts in the world are captured by their blood. Boy Baihe, go to the Peach Garden and bring my mount." Boy Baihe went to the Peach Garden and led the four elephants.I saw it with a scaled head, a leopard tail and a body like a dragon, with its feet stepping on the auspicious light to Jiuchong; everywhere in the world and nine states at will, and the three mountains and five mountains meet in an instant, it is really miraculous.Yuanshi Tianzun handed over the four elephants to Jiang Ziya, and ordered the Nanji fairy to take a wooden whip, three feet five inches long, with 26 sections, each section had four talisman seals, a total of 84 talisman seals, called the whip The magic whip was also handed over to Jiang Ziya, and then he said to him: "After you leave, go to Beihai. There is a person waiting for you there. Now that you are doing the work of enshrining the gods on behalf of the heavens, you are also in great danger. This Central Wuji Xinghuang Banner gives you protection, and it will protect you." After speaking, he handed over a small banner exuding the color of Tude to Jiang Ziya.Jiang Ziya was overjoyed and kowtowed endlessly, saying goodbye to his teacher and leaving Yuxu Palace since nothing happened at the moment.

Jiang Ziya got on Sibuxiang, and slapped the top corner of his head, and the beast glowed red, and the bell rang loudly, and it came towards Xiqi.While walking, the four elephants fluttered down on a mountain. The mountain was close to the island, and there were thousands of peaks lined up with halberds, and thousands of people opened their screens;Strange flowers and grasses, tall bamboos and pine trees.You birds are singing close by, and the surging sea waves are singing; there are many ravines surrounded by Zhilan, and moss grows everywhere on the cliffs.Jiang Ziya was fascinated when he saw a strange cloud rolling up at the foot of the mountain.Where the clouds passed by, there was wind, and there was something in the place where the wind was blowing. He had a ferocious and ferocious head like a hunchback, a neck like a goose with a straight folded owl, whiskers like a shrimp, up and down, and ears like half-protruding eyes.The body is like a fish with brilliance, the hands are like an eagle with lightning and steel hooks; the feet are like a tiger drilling a mountain and jumping into a ravine, and the dragon is divided into different shapes.Harvesting the aura of heaven and earth, receiving the elites of the sun and the moon; sending out stones is so mysterious, and uttering words is unparalleled in the world.The monster came to Jiang Ziya, uttered words, and said that he would worship Jiang Ziya as his teacher and help Jiang Ziya resist the Shang Dynasty.Jiang Ziya was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately took him to Xiqi, and at the same time took the opportunity to find out about him, and found out that this person was named Longxuhu.He was born in the time of Shaohao, absorbed the aura of heaven and earth, absorbed the essence of yin and yang, and became immortal.Jiang Ziya knew that this person must be the person the teacher said, and his heart was indeed a great help.

It is said that Jiang Ziya left Beihai with his novice disciple Longxuhu, and traveled all the way in a hurry, and finally returned to Xiqi on this day.The two came to the camp, and Jiang Ziya found that there were two little Taoist boys in the camp.As soon as Jiang Ziya sat down in the tent, he saw the two little Taoist boys coming forward to salute and said, "Disciple Jin Zha and Mu Zha pay respects to Jiang Shishu. The disciple came here to help Shi Shu fight against the Yin merchants under the order of the teacher." The two Taoist boys are Lingzhu's nominal elder brother, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun in Yunxiao Cave, Wulong Mountain, and Jin Zha and Mu Zha, disciples of Puxian Daoist Master Puxian in Baihe Cave, Jiugong Mountain.Jiang Ziya saw that he had obtained a new magic weapon, and now he had reinforcements, so he made up his mind and decided to rest for the night, and tomorrow he would go to the Shang army camp to call for battle.

As the Golden Crow rises from the east, a new battle is about to begin. Both the Shang and Zhou armies began to dispatch troops.That Jiang Ziya was originally a very high-minded person, and he was frustrated even after repeated setbacks. Now Jiang Ziya has newly obtained the most treasured whip and the central Wuji Xinghuang Banner, and there are four different saint mounts to help him, plus Jin Zha, Mu Zha The confidence of these two disciples, who were holding top-grade magic weapons, suddenly increased greatly, and they wanted to feel proud in one fell swoop.At present, Huang Feihu, Nezha, Longxuhu, Huang Tianxiang, Jinzha, and Muzha came forward to call for battle, while the Shang army sent the four saints of Jiulong Island to fight.

Here, Wang Mo and the others saw that Jiang Ziya was sitting on top of the four different images, how could they still not understand that they had been deceived, and immediately said angrily: "Jiang Shang, you are so shameless that you are teasing us with words." An knocked, holding the sword to take Ziya.Seeing this, Jin Zha at the side immediately held his sword to block each other. The two swords collided with each other. It was a vicious battle, and the winner was not decided for a while.There was Yang Sen who rode a suanni to help out, but was stopped by the dragon-bearded tiger.Gao Yougan on the spotted leopard saw that the dragon beard and tiger were ferocious, Yang Sen had no power to fight back, so he was in a hurry, he hurriedly took the Hunyuan orb, and struck him face to face, hitting the dragon beard tiger on the arm.He was so beaten that he turned his head and jumped, Huang Feihu hurriedly stepped forward to rescue him, and Nezha came to help.Everyone is looking for a personal opponent, and Mu Zha found Li Xingba, which can be regarded as a match.

The Four Sages of Jiulong Island, seeing many enemy generals, sacrificed orbs one after another, and the generals of the Zhou army were caught off guard for a while. Among them, Huang Feihu and Longxuhu were injured and retreated to the camp.

At this time, only Yang Sen and Prime Minister Xiqi were left on the battlefield. He didn't want Yang Sen to fight off the dragon beard and tiger just now. Before Jiang Ziya could react, he hit the back of the heart with the Pidizhu. He fell to the ground, turned his back to the sky, and was beaten to death in one fell swoop.Huang Feihu and the others were shocked when they saw this, and immediately struck hard, snatched Jiang Ziya's body, and fled back to the camp.

Jiang Ziya was snatched back to the Shang army camp by everyone, already cold and unconscious.Everyone seemed to have lost their backbone, especially the Martial King Ji Fa, who seemed to have died again as if his own father had died again. He was like ants on a hot pot for a while, not knowing what to do.At this time, a singing voice came from outside the tent: the wind blows in the wild water, and flowers float on the water surface in the pool; where do you live, and the depths of the white clouds are your home.After a while, they came to the tent, and all the people went out to watch, but they all didn't know.At this time, Jin Zha and Mu Zha also squeezed in front of the crowd, and when they saw the people, they were shocked and hurried forward to salute.

The person who came was none other than Master Jin Zha, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun in Yunxiao Cave, Wulong Mountain.He came forward and said to the crowd: "Brother Ziya is a god on behalf of the heavens. He is destined to have seven deaths and three disasters. Now he is the first death. Wait for the poor Taoist to revive him, and then he can help King Wu crusade against Yin and Shang." Under the guidance of the crowd, he came to the tent, took out a golden elixir from his bosom, ground the elixir with water, and poured it into Ziya's mouth.After a while Jiang Ziya woke up, looked around, and knew that he was in the handsome tent at this time.I saw Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun again and said: "How did you get here, brother?" Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun just smiled and said nothing.

Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun saw that Jiang Ziya was waking up now, and he left immediately. Everyone got up and saw him off. Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun said to his disciple Jin Zha: "Disciple, I will lend you the Dunlong Post for a while, so that I can help your son." Uncle Tooth Master." After saying that, he took out the Dunlong Stake and handed it to Jin Zha, then turned and left.

Wen Zhong and the others in the Shang army saw that Jiang Ziya had been beheaded today, and they were excited, thinking that the general situation had been settled, and now it was time to prepare a banquet to celebrate, and at this time they did not ignore the rule of no drinking in the army.Only the green robe heard Xiao Qiang talk about it, and knew that Jiang Ziya, as the person who was conferred with the gods, would not die just like this, but he had other thoughts in his heart, and he didn't point out to everyone.Early the next morning, the Four Sages of Kowloon Island came to fight in front of Zhou's camp, and the green robes also came to join the battle at the rear.It's just that Zhou Jun opened the gate wide open, and saw Jiang Ziya riding out of the camp on Sibuxiang, and the Four Saints of Jiulong Island and others were shocked.That Pidi Orb is a third-rate innate spiritual treasure, not to mention Jiang Ziya who has not yet become a fairy, even Jinxian is still alive and dead under this Pidi Orb, his heart is really evil.That Jiang Ziya didn't care what they were thinking, and he didn't say hello. He immediately raised his magic whip, only heard the thunder and fire, and hit Gao Yougan on top.He was beaten until his brains burst out, and he died unexpectedly. A true spirit went to the Conferred God Stage.

When Wang Mo and others saw their brother died, their eyes were red, and they took up weapons and went to kill Jiang Ziya and others.For a time, only the misty red clouds enveloped the universe, and the murderous aura shone across the mountains and rivers.The sword in Wang Mo's hand pointed directly at Jiang Ziya, who was above the four different images, but Jin Zha in front of him sacrificed the dragon escape post. He saw three gold circles on the dragon escape post. The devil is in a hurry to escape, so there is a circle around the neck, a circle around the waist, and a circle under the feet, and the upright ones lean on this stake.Seeing that Bao had bound Wang Mo, Jin Zha raised his sword and dropped it, which also ended his life.Seeing that the two Taoist brothers were both dead, Yang Sen lost his mind, and roared to kill Jiang Ziya.Jin Zha hurriedly hit him with the dragon-escaping stake, and escaped Yang Sen again; poor Yang Sen couldn't use his magical powers, and was also split into two parts by Jin Zha's sword, and a true spirit also went to the Conferred God Platform.

That Jin Zha killed two masters of the Three Realms one after another, and he was very complacent and proud for a while.Seeing his ferociousness, the green robe was frightened and angry, and dared not let him strike, and immediately hit Xuan Mizhu, Jin Zha was in Namei at the moment, might as well be injured by Xuan Mizhu at once, only to feel dizzy, At this moment, a big knife fell from the top and cut off his head abruptly.At this time, no one was manipulating the dragon-escaping pile, it turned into a golden light and cast it into the distance, and a true spirit also escaped from Jin Zha's body, and threw it into the altar of conferred gods.

When Mu Zha, who was fighting Li Xingba, saw his brother's tragic death, he was shocked at first, and then his eyes were red. Everyone saw that one of them moved lightly, and the other turned hemp shoes; Unsheath; quickly turn the hemp shoes, and drag the two swords out of the box.It is said that Mu Zha fought against Li Xingba, and the two swords on Mu Zha's back were named: Wu Gou.This sword is the like of generals Mo Xie, there are male and female.Mu Zha shook his left shoulder, and the male sword was raised, and it was honed in the air. Poor Li Xingba's thousands of years of practice were useless, and his blood was stained in the nine palaces.Seeing that the four sages were all dead, the green robe knew that this battle would be difficult to win, so he waved his sleeves, took away the orbs and mounts of the four sages, and led his troops back.

It is said that the defeated soldiers fled all the way back to the commercial camp, and reported the battle situation to the grand master Wen Zhong. When the grand master heard that the four fellow Taoists had died, he felt his heart hurt like a knife, and the pain pierced his bones. Will.Hearing that the grand master was going to fight again, he didn't think that the master would come to have a leg on this day, all of a sudden everyone felt hot and unbearable, the green robe frowned, observing that it didn't seem to be caused by someone casting a spell, they couldn't help but wonder.

But I saw that the universe is like a fire dragon, and a round of fire umbrellas shines in it; there is no cloud in the four fields, and the wind is exhausted, and hot air rises into the sky from all directions.On the top of the high mountain, the sea is in the waves; on the top of the high mountain, only the stones are cracked and ashes fly;A bird perched in a cup, with its feathers peeled off in the sun, don't want to fly into the air and spread its wings; fish swimming in the bottom, steaming its scales, how can a fool drill into the mud.Only the bricks are as hot as the bottom of a red-hot pot, and even Tieshi's body is sweating.Affected by the weather, the Shang and Zhou armies had to stop fighting temporarily, and no one dared to fight in such hot weather.

It's just that the Shang army can wait, but the Zhou army can't wait. The Shang army is sitting on the world. Although there are wars all over the world, they still have a rich family background, which is not comparable to the princes of the Western Zhou Dynasty.What's more, Jiang Ziya devoted himself to helping Wu Wang Jifa to build a career. Now that he is [-] years old, how can he let the years pass by, and immediately ordered Wu Ji to build a Dharma platform and prepare to cast spells.

The Dharma platform was built in one day. Jiang Ziya came to the stage, draped his hair and wielded a sword, looked at the East Kunlun and bowed down.I saw: Ziya made a move, and suddenly there was a strong wind, roaring through the trees.Only the dust is blowing, and the world is covered in fog;The sound of the building was like a bronze drum, and it was hard for the generals and school to open their eyes; for a while, the golden wind disappeared without a trace, and the three armies happened to bet on winning or losing.Recite the mysterious formula of Yuxu, and the secret teaching of magic talismans is even better; exorcise evil spirits and subdue evil spirits at any time, call rain and wind like rolling sand.All of a sudden, the dry and hot air was swept away, and even the merchant army benefited a lot.Jiang Ziya was about to attack the Shang army's camp, but saw a long clear light rising in the Shang army's camp. What he did had no effect. Knowing that there were experts in the Shang army's camp, he had to give up.

That clear light was emitted by the green robe. Although he didn't care about the life and death of the Shang army, but thinking that this was not the time for the Shang army to fail, he immediately cast a spell to protect the camp, making Jiang Ziya return without success.

Now that the war has progressed, it has entered the cruelest time. The green robe has learned some military tactics from Peng Yun, and knows that the most taboo thing in the battle is the refueling tactic. No matter how many people come, they will be exhausted unconsciously. Now After a long battle, the Shang army camp was full of wounded soldiers, and it was even more unbearable to come to the Zhou army camp.The weather here has just turned better, and they heard that Lu Xiong brought reinforcements to support him. Hearing that the Grand Master was overjoyed, he raised his tent immediately to help Lu Xiong clean up the dust.Na Luxiong entered the big tent, and Wen Zhong introduced everyone to him.The reinforcements from the merchant army came here, and a general came to the Zhou army camp. It was Huang Tianhua who had helped his father Huang Feihu escape from the merchant army. Learn supernatural powers as soon as possible, and go down the mountain to help his father.Today, I finally got the approval of my master Qingxu Daodezhenjun in Ziyang Cave of Qingfeng Mountain, and came down to the mountain.When going down the mountain, the teacher gave a saying: "Don't fight when you are at a high level, and return quickly when you can. If you look at the golden rooster's head, you will know the opportunity if you flock to it. If you don't know the current affairs, you will know the opportunity. If you don't know the current affairs, it will be difficult for you to defend yourself. It's dangerous." But Huang Tianhua had no idea what he heard, so he had to give up, but he left a disaster for the future.

(End of this chapter)

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