The Immortal Xiaoqiang of the Great Desolation

Chapter 211 Ma Shan's Death, Burning Lamp and Centrifugation

Chapter 211 Ma Shan's Death, Burning Lamp and Centrifugation

Taoist Ran Deng came out of Yuanjue Cave in Lingjiu Mountain and came to Xiqi. Passing Qishan, he saw the Conferred God Platform, and his heart moved. When he came to the Conferred God Platform, he saw Na Baijian sitting cross-legged on the Conferred God Platform. In front of him was a list exuding a mysterious aura, and Taoist Ran Deng knew in his heart that this should be the list of gods mentioned by the head teacher Yuanshi Tianzun.Now he took a step forward and came in front of Bai Jian. Although that Bai Jian was the leader of the Three Realms, Eight Parts, 360 and Five Qing Fuzhengshen, he was ten times worse than Ran Deng, an old-fashioned monk who used to listen to Taoism in Zixiao Palace. Thousands of miles.When Bai Jian saw that there was suddenly a Taoist in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous. He didn't know the secrets of the Three Realms, and thought that this Taoist was here to snatch the list of gods, and he was afraid that he would ruin his job.But the Taoist smiled slightly and said: "Daoist friend, the poor Taoist is to teach and light the lamp. The senior brother of Jiang Ziya, the prime minister of the Western Zhou Dynasty, is here to ask for my junior brother Ziya. Is there a monk named Ma Shan recently?" on the list?"

Hearing that he was Jiang Ziya's senior brother, Bai Jian couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief, and said respectfully, "Don't wait for the elder, let me investigate for the elder." Bai Jian went to the list of gods After making a spiritual decision, a name with purple light appeared, it was Ma Shan, the Taoist who burned the lamp turned pale, snorted coldly, turned around, ignored Bai Jian, and left.Leaving the Fengshentai, half of Mount Sumeru, which is popular among Randeng Daoists, is half red. My heart is good to you, Jiang Shang Jiang Ziya. The poor Taoist has devoted all his energy to explaining the teachings for you, but you are here to destroy my foundation. The poor Taoist vows not to do anything with you stop.Immediately, he took out the Qiankun ruler, and slashed wildly at the unknown mountain, only to cut off half of it before he stopped.After the Taoist Ran Deng vented, his mood gradually calmed down, he straightened his messy Taoist robes, set up his escape light and headed towards Xiqi as before.

At this time, Jiang Ziya was discussing the military situation with everyone, but he didn't know that he was secretly hated by a great god whose heart was no less than that of the Zhunti leader of the Western religion.Inside the commander's tent of the Xiqi military camp, everyone was discussing, mainly around the mysterious green robe, thinking that the green robe could actually kill the Qingxu Daode Tianzun, it gave everyone a headache, but they didn't know that the green robe had already left .And listen to that Yang Jian came forward and said: "Uncle, why don't you go to Zhongnan Mountain to see Uncle Yun Zhongzi, and go and learn from the demon to see what Ma Shan is, so you can cure him." At this time, Jiang Ziya and others He didn't know that Ma Shan was dead, and he still had a headache because of his weird magic.Jiang Ziya had no choice but to nod in agreement.

Yang Jian left Xiqi, and came to Zhongnan Mountain by way of Tudun, and arrived in a short time. After entering the cave, he saw Yun Zhongzi saluting, and said, "Uncle! Recently, a man named Ma Shan came to Xiqi, Zhu Zhan No, water and fire can't hurt him, I don't know what is causing the monster? I specially borrowed the master's uncle to use it as a demon mirror. After this demon is eliminated, I will give it to you." Yun Zhongzi heard the words, and immediately handed over the treasure mirror to Yang Jian.Yang Jian left Zhongnan Mountain for Xiqi, and went to meet Jiang Ziya in the barracks.

In the Western Zhou Shuai Zhang, Yang Jian had just told everyone about the process of borrowing the mirror, and then he heard a report from outside, saying that a person who claimed to be the senior brother of the prime minister, called Daoist Randeng, came to pay a visit.Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, and hurried out of their tents to greet them in front of the gate.You must know that although the Lantern Taoist is not a direct disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, his status in explaining teachings is still higher than that of the bell-strike immortal Guang Chengzi, second only to Yuanshi Tianzun. Seeing him coming, how dare he neglect.I saw Jiang Ziya, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, Puxian Daoist, Nezha, Longxuhu, Wuji, Huang Tianhua, Yang Jian and others all came to meet them in front of the gate.Although Taoist Ran Deng hated Jiang Ziya in his heart at this time, he was a person with deep scheming, so naturally he would not show it, and he came down to the handsome tent surrounded by everyone.

Everyone sat down, Jiang Ziya stepped forward and said, "I don't know why Master Ran Deng came here?"

Ran Deng heard the words, and said: "Recently, the poor Taoist retreated to study the Taoism. A strange beast under my sect took advantage of this opportunity and ran down the mountain. Now in the midst of the catastrophe, I am afraid that he will be tainted with karma in vain. It is as follows The mountain came to find him." At this time, Taoist Ran Deng didn't want others to know that his natal magic weapon was damaged, so he said that he was a strange beast guarding the mountain.

"Oh, I don't know what this beast looks like under Master Ran Deng's sect. I, Xiqi, have many eyes and ears, and most of my teaching disciples are in the army. Let them pay attention to the teacher." Jiang Ziya said after hearing the words.

Daoist Ran Deng hated Jiang Ziya's incident and still deceived himself with clever words, so he said immediately: "This evil animal has already taken shape, and its name is Ma Shan."

Jiang Ziya and the others were overjoyed when they heard the words, and they stepped forward to Taoist Ran Deng and said, "The teacher is about to take action to subdue this evil obstacle. I will catch him a few days ago, but he escaped with the fire. I think he should be in the Yin Shang army at this time. Tomorrow, I will go forward and call for battle, and when that evil obstacle comes out, Teacher Lao will take action." Jiang Ziya was telling the truth, but unexpectedly, he almost exploded the lungs of Taoist Randeng, thinking: You Jiang Ziya is in charge of conferring the gods How can you not know that Ma Shan has already been on the list of gods, and now he dares to deceive me with words. Fortunately, Pindao went to the altar of gods before, otherwise he would have been kept in the dark by you and others. I also.Ran Deng was inherently suspicious, so he was preconceived at this time, so how could he still believe Jiang Ziya's words? Seeing that everyone in the tent nodded after hearing Jiang Ziya's words, no one was willing to come out and expose him, thinking that they all had a share. So he hated everyone.It's just that he knew that all the disciples present here were Chanjiao's disciples, and only his own position was awkward, so he didn't dare to break his face, and instead wanted to make some troubles for Chanjiao in the Conferred Gods, and immediately agreed to Jiang Ziya's request .

Because Daoist Randeng came to the Xiqi Camp, so early the next morning, Jiang Ziya beat drums to gather the generals and came to the Yinshang Camp to fight.At this time, there were more Daoist Ran Deng on Xiqi's side, but Wen Liang and Ma Shan were missing from the Shang army.At this time, the four generals of the Mo family and Deng Zhong, Xin Huan, Zhang Jie, and Tao Rong, who were subdued in Huanghua Mountain when Wen Taishi sent troops to Xiqi, came to fight.

Before the battle started, Mo Liqing came forward and asked, "Jiang Ziya, you captured Wen Liang and Ma Shan, two generals under my camp, how are they doing now?"

Jiang Ziya didn't have time to think about it, and in order to hit the morale of the merchant army, he immediately shouted: "I have already beheaded." He was at a loss when he did this, but he forgot that the Taoist who burned the lamp was beside him, Manjusri and Puxian heard Yan Buwu glanced at Taoist Ran Deng worriedly, and seeing that there was nothing unusual on his face, he breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't know that Ran Deng was already full of anger in his heart.

Mo Liqing was also furious when he heard the words, and slapped a horse to take Jiang Ziya. Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun and Puxian Daoist faced Deng Zhong, Xin Huan, Zhang Jie, and Tao Rong.

Tao Rong and the others were just mortal soldiers, how could they defeat the immortal methods of Ran Deng and others, and they were captured immediately.Manjusri and Puxian just captured these people and were about to hand them over to Jian Ziya, but Daoist Ran Deng was full of anger and had nowhere to vent, so he raised the Qiankun ruler and knocked the four of them to pieces. , making Manjusri and Puxian look sideways.But it is said that Jiang Ziya's master and apprentice fought against Mo Liqing over there. That Wuji was originally an ordinary person. Although he had learned Taoism from Jiang Ziya for several years, how could he be the opponent of Moliqing? Protected, but was beheaded by Mo Liqing with a sword, Jiang Ziya also immediately fell into a disadvantage.Here Manjusri and Puxian saw that Taoist Ran Deng had lost four generals, so they deceived themselves to help Jiang Ziya, and finally everyone worked together to send the four generals of the Mo family to the list of gods.

Wen Zhong and others in the Shang army camp heard that the four generals of the Demon family had died tragically, and the general Xin Huan and others were killed. They were shocked at the moment. Now that he is shocked by the bad news, even a strong man like Taishi Wen Zhong has red eyes, wishing he could pick up the golden whip and go out to kill in person.It's just that he also knows that as the coach, he can't be arrogant, and he can't decide who to call. Most of the time, it depends on the meaning of his elders. People, the career of cutting off teaching is more important. Although I sometimes seem a little foolish and loyal, I am definitely not an idiot who does not know the number of days if I can achieve the position of Yin Shang Taishi.Immediately, he forced himself to raise his voice and said: "The revenge of all the soldiers must be avenged. It's just that our army has lost its vigor and vigor. I will ask other masters to help me when I am the Grand Master."

In the early morning of the next day, in the Shang army camp, the artillery sounded and the formation was set up. Hearing that the grand master came to the gate in person on a black unicorn, he asked Jiang Ziya to answer, and the subordinates reported to enter the camp. The flag is divided into five packs, and the generals are magnificent.Jiang Ziya sat on the four different elephants, and looked at the Yin business camp, forming a formation; I heard that the grand master was sitting on a black unicorn, holding a golden whip in front: behind him were ten Taoists, very vicious, with five colors, blue, yellow, and red. Red, white, and red all came riding a deer.

Seeing that Jiang Ziya had left the gate, Wen Zhong came forward and said, "Jiang Shang, I heard that you came from the Kunlun sect. If you want to convert to the two religions, you always agree. If you want to kill and attack in the world of mortals, we don't have to think about it. Today I have ten Now, let's fight for wits to show the mystery of the two religions; if we want to rely on courage and strength, it is not what we and other Taoists do." Hearing this, Jiang Ziya did not dare to fall into the prestige of his master, so he nodded immediately. The two sides agreed to fight again in three days' time, and they both retreated.

When everyone returned to the camp, they didn't mention Jiang Ziya and the other senior brothers. The disciples had a headache, but said that Shi Tianjun was summoned to his camp by the grand master and gave more orders...

Not mentioning the confrontation between the armies of the Western Zhou Dynasty and the Yin and Shang Dynasties, but it is said that Xiao Qiang's second disciple, Huang Hua, and his younger disciple, Hong Fu, accompanied each other, and on this day they came to Jinji Ridge, the gate of the Yin and Shang Dynasties.

In Jinjiling, Huang Hua and his younger junior sister Hong Fu were walking slowly on the street. Passers-by looked at these two strangely dressed people and felt curious.Everyone stop and watch!
Hong Fu is not happy anymore!Being watched by so many mortals, there is an uncomfortable feeling in my heart!It stands to reason that according to Hong Fu and Huang Hua's cultivation, they can easily avoid the sight of these mortals.As long as the concealment method is changed, it can disappear from the attention of everyone.But……

Hong Fu is helpless!My senior brother just wants to do this, to expose his own existence!He couldn't disobey his senior brother, so he kept muttering in his heart.It seems to be complaining, and it seems to be angry...

Not to mention the depression in Hong Fu's heart, even the pedestrians in Jinji Ridge were very surprised at this moment.Although this small town next to Jinji Ridge is a well-known transportation fortress for big merchants, due to the time constraints, I have never seen Huang Hua in such a special dress.I was curious, so I acted a bit too much...

Whether it is past life or present life, whether it is modern or ancient, no matter which dynasty.There is never a shortage of this dude!It's not that Huang Hua and Hong Fu met this playboy just after they arrived in Jinji Ridge!
"Boy, stop!" At this moment, several shouts came from behind the onlookers!Trouble is coming!Huang Hua clearly felt a wave of mana!

At this time, the surrounding audience suddenly gave up a space.Expose the yellow flowers and red whiskers to the outsiders!Human nature!In the face of danger, people often instinctively choose to escape!

I saw that the people around me knew that I couldn't offend these Jinjiling dudes, so everyone couldn't help but take a few steps back!The body is even more exaggerated to step back more than ten meters!Expose the yellow flowers and red whisks.

"Boy, where are you from? I don't know what's the matter of coming to Jinji Ridge? You and I want to meet, it's also predestined. Tell me, listen, if you don't listen, brother can help you one or two..." One person walked in from the outside, one It looks like a dandy, with a pale face and excessive indulgence!Fortunately, there were still a few traces of mana fluctuations in his body, hanging his life, and did not go to see Yan Luo!
Huang Hua used to be the teacher of the emperor, and she still has some understanding of human nature. She chuckled and said, "Young master, I am just a passing businessman who sells some grains to help Dongyi..." Dongyi, the people here are tough However, he refused to obey the orders of the great merchants, so after King Zhou ascended the throne, in order to show his national strength.Then use the power of the whole country to punish Dongyi!After several years of war, Dongyi was finally merged into the land of Dashang, but Dongyi was drought this year, so Huanghua said so.

"Um, a businessman?" When this person heard Huang Hua say that he was a businessman, his eyes immediately rolled around!Although the status of a businessman is not low at this time, he is definitely not a noble person.The identity of a merchant is really a very embarrassing one. In the eyes of the nobles, the status of a merchant is not as good as that of a slave?They are cunning, wicked... they have no merits, only shortcomings.

"Since you are a businessman, then..." The young man suddenly showed a fierce look in his eyes, and the strange look flashed past! "Come here, arrest these two spies and send them to prison!"


Huang Hua turned out to be a spy?At this time, whether it was the surprise of the surrounding crowd, even Huang Hua's second apprentice was full of disbelief.There was a brother left just now, and those who had a brother turned against each other at this moment! !The speed at which human nature changes is shocking!

However, what surprised Hong Fu the most was the eyes of the people around him!In their eyes, they didn't believe it at first, but in the blink of an eye, there was a pitiful look in their eyes, with a hint of meaning!Not at all untrustworthy or hateful!Although Hong Fu is simple, he is not stupid, so he immediately understood that maybe this dude has done too many things, and people are already familiar with it! !

At this moment, Huang Hua was still smiling, her eyes still unchanged, and she said, "I don't know how this young master found out that we are spies. Is there any evidence?"

"Huh!" The young master snorted coldly, temporarily stopped his subordinates, and said, "What I said today is evidence! I said you are a spy, and you are a spy! Do it!"

Huang Hua was helpless, this dude seemed to have drunk too much, his smiling face didn't change at all, and he nodded to his junior sister Hong Fu!Seeing Huang Hua's nod, Hong Fu felt happy!This is Huang Hua's signal to allow him to do it!

Bump, slap.

Suddenly there was such a scene on the street, a long and stunning beauty punched and kicked several elders in front of her!How happy!But the surrounding onlookers were so surprised that they could stuff an egg into their mouths! !Hongfu is showing off his power!Vented a few times the sulking in my heart!

The dandy finally disappeared, but everyone around him also disappeared!Even running faster than the beating dude, Hong Fu didn't know why, and asked suspiciously: "Brother, they seem to be very afraid of us? Why are they all running away!"

Hong Fu was also surprised, just now when there were many people.She felt uncomfortable, but at this time people were running away, and she felt strange instead!Huang Hua still had a smiling face, and said, "Hehe, just keep watching!!" The two continued to walk on the street, but after a while, a meeting appeared ahead...


Yes, the army!
This dude can actually mobilize the army! !Hehe, it is really curious, it can be seen that the identity of this dude is not simple!In such a big pass as Jinji Ridge, the army can be mobilized at will. Can the identity be simple?

The army is agile, there is no foreplay, and when they meet, they shout: "Catch me!!'

Huhu, I saw that nearly hundreds of elite soldiers rushed straight up and surrounded Huang Hua and the two of them!With an order, all swords and swords were fired, and they rushed towards Huang Hua in an instant!

At this time, it's red and Coke!There is another battle, and you just haven't had enough fun in your heart yet?In an instant, like sheep among wolves, they fell into the battle of the entire army!ah!This is not sheep joining wolves, this, this is completely wolves joining sheep!
I saw the soldiers around suddenly staggered, and after a while, they fell to the ground!There is a trace of disbelief on the face, is this still human power?
Is it this kind of power that transcends human beings that appears on such a shy beauty?People don't believe it, but the truth is right in front of them...

"Shangxian?" At this moment, their eyes had already lost their luster!Shangxian?Ascetic!It must be!Otherwise, even if they were beaten to death, they wouldn't believe that a stunningly shy beauty is so powerful! !

They actually offended Shangxian?Huhu, is there still life...

ps: Jinji Ridge, in Journey to the West in later generations, the centipede essence and scorpion essence were killed by chickens

(End of this chapter)

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