The Immortal Xiaoqiang of the Great Desolation

Chapter 213 Two Apostles Breaking the Tribulation and Lu Pressing Down

Chapter 213 The Two Disciples Breaking the Tribulation and Land Pressing Down, The Origin of the Meishan Twin Girls

But it is said that Xiqi's army passed through Yanshan Mountain all the way, left Shouyang Mountain, and arrived in front of Jinji Ridge this day, but was blocked by a soldier.Jiang Ziya had no choice but to order the army to station on the spot, and sent scout horses to investigate the enemy's situation.Not long after, a report came from Malay, saying that the general in the army was named Wei Ben, and he meant to return to Zhou. Jiang Ziya and others were overjoyed when they heard the news.

It is said that Wei Ben led his troops out of the pass to Jinji Ridge and took refuge with Xiqi's army. He had already informed Gao Jineng about it in detail.Gao Jineng immediately ordered people to take precautions, so as to block Xiqi's throat from advancing eastward.Early the next morning, Chen Geng, an advance officer, came forward to ask for a fight, and Gao Jineng agreed.Chen Geng mounted his horse and descended to the Zhou camp to fight.General Huang Tianhua of the Western Zhou Dynasty came to fight, Chen Geng saw a young boy coming, he despised him, he rode his horse and swung his halberd, and went straight to Huang Tianhua;The battle between the two lasted thirty rounds, Huang Tianhua concealed a shot and left; Chen Geng didn't know what to do, so he rushed away.Huang Tianhua smells his head

Luan bell rang, hung up the double hammers, took the fire dragon dart, held it in his hand, and threw a dart back.He knocked Chen Geng off his horse, took his head back to his horse, and entered the camp with applause to hand over his orders.

The news of the battle reported back to Gao Jineng's camp, but Gao Jineng didn't take it seriously, but Sun He, who was under his tent, was full of dissatisfaction, and immediately stepped forward to ask for a fight, Gao Jineng agreed.Unexpectedly, not long after Sun He left, his horse ran back to the camp alone, but it was beheaded by Wei Hu on the spot.

Seeing that he had lost two generals in a row, Gao Jineng secretly cursed these people as useless, and immediately led the generals to fight in person.Not to be outdone, Jiang Ziya led the other general out of the camp, and brought all the generals under his tent to fight.Jiang Ziya came to the front of the battle with four different images, wanting to see through Gao Jineng's origin, but saw that there were yellow flowers behind Gao Jineng, Hong Fu and the two, Jiang Ziya was puzzled and couldn't recognize it.Gao Jineng was about to go up to question Jiang Ziya, but seeing Hong Jin following behind the formation, he immediately shouted, "Traitor! How dare you come to see me?"

But Hong Jin said: "The eight hundred princes in the world have all returned to Zhou. I expect you, a loyal minister, can't help you." Poke the gate of the flag into the ground, point the knife down, and the flag will become a gate.Hong Jin wanted to enter the door, but Gao Jineng stretched out his hand and summoned countless poisonous centipedes, and surrounded Hong Jin, making the soldiers in the distance on both sides terrified, until the swarm receded and only an empty horse stood in place .Everyone was stunned, none of them knew the technique Gao Jineng performed.At this moment, Gao Jineng took the opportunity to attack Jiang Ziya. Everyone was shocked and rushed to resist.Jiang Ziya also took the opportunity to sacrifice the magic whip to beat Gao Jineng, but Gao Jineng made another move, and poisonous centipedes flew all over the sky in an instant, Jiang Ziya was afraid and hurriedly called gold to withdraw his troops, and did not dare to fight again.

Jiang Ziya returned to the camp, thinking secretly that Gao Jineng was no match for him, so he wanted to take advantage of Gao Jineng's new victory and come to rob the camp at night.An order was sent immediately, ordering Yang Jian to rob Gao Jineng's Dayuan Gate, Huang Tianhua to rob Gao Jineng's left camp, and Lei Zhenzi to rob his right camp, in order to frustrate Gao Jineng's army first.Unexpectedly, Gao Jineng knew the opportunity in advance and set up an ambush. He ordered himself to ambush in the left camp, Zhou Xin to ambush in the right camp, and asked Huang Hua to sit in the middle army.night west
Sure enough, he came to rob the camp, but was defeated by Gao Jineng. Huang Tianhua didn't know the time, and he was beheaded by Gao Jineng in response to the words given by his teacher Qingxu Daode Tianzun. Although Lei Zhenzi killed Zhou Xin, he was killed together with Yang Jian. The two Huang Hua fought back, and the killed corpses of Xiqi's army were scattered all over the field.

When the battle report was sent back to Xiqi Commander's Tent, everyone was shocked, Wu Chengwang Huang Feihu and his son even cried bitterly.Jiang Ziya hurriedly stepped forward to comfort him, saying that Beibo Hou Chongheihu could kill Gao Jineng, and Huang Feihu wanted revenge.Please order to go to Chongcheng to ask Chong Heihu to come to help, Jiang Ziya agrees.

But Huang Feihu was eager for revenge and traveled day and night. On this day, he came to Feifeng Mountain and saw three fierce generals on the mountain fighting themselves.One will use the five-pronged sky fork, one will use the eight-lens cooked copper hammer, and the other will use the five-melon rotten silver catch;Huang Feihu didn't know why the three of them were fighting, so he patted the bull and stepped forward. Suddenly, the three of them saw a man with red phoenix eyes, crouching silkworm eyebrows, wearing royal clothes, and sitting on a five-colored cow came to the field.Stop fighting at the moment, come forward to meet, during the conversation, Huang Feihu knew that the three were brothers with different surnames, named Wenpin, Cui Ying, and Jiang Xiongye.After the three of them knew Huang Feihu's purpose, they asked him to rest in the stronghold overnight, and agreed to go to Chongcheng together tomorrow.Huang Feihu was overjoyed and readily agreed. Several days later, Huang Feihu and others finally invited Chong Heihu back to Jinji Ridge to see Jiang Ziya.

Several people didn't stop after seeing Jiang Ziya. Huang Feihu rode the five-color divine bull, Chong Heihu rode the fiery-eyed golden-eyed beast, and Wenpin, Cui Ying, and Jiang Xiong came to Jinjiling from left and right.Gao Jineng was asked to come out to answer by name. Gao Jineng heard the news and led his troops to fight.Huang Feihu had a vengeance with him for killing his son, so he immediately took it with a knife without talking nonsense.Chong Heihu and the others also went to use their weapons to aid in the battle. They saw Chong Heihu urge the beast with golden eyes, Wen Pin slapped the green horse, Cui Ying urged the yellow puma, and Jiang Xiong slammed the black horse.Five people surrounded Gao Jineng.A good Gao Jineng, facing the five people, was happy and not afraid, the spear in his hand turned over like a silver python, and the wind and rain rushed, resisting the weapons of several people.

Gao Jineng resisted the weapons of the five men, took the opportunity to shake the bag of centipedes, and saw the centipedes covering the sky and reflecting the sun, like locusts attacking the five men in a sudden rain.Wenpin and the others panicked, but they saw Chong Heihu remove the top of the red gourd behind his back, a puff of black smoke came out from inside, and there were thousands of iron-billed condors hidden in the smoke, flying out to devour centipedes.Seeing that the spell had been broken, Gao Jineng was frightened and angry, and the crowd rushed forward, confused, and finally was beheaded by Huang Feihu.

Huang Hua, who accompanied the army at the side, saw Chong Heihu unleash the iron-billed eagle, but he didn't understand where he was. Seeing Gao Jineng's death and it was too late to rescue him, he immediately became furious and used his supernatural powers. Chong Heihu had just released his supernatural powers. He was killed by Huang Hua, and Huang Feihu was also beheaded by Hong Fu. As for Huang Feihu's five-color divine bull and Chong Heihu's fire-eyed golden-eyed beast, they took them away and made them mounts.

When Jiang Ziya saw that several generals were all killed, he was furious and sent Wei Hu and Li Jing to rescue them.Unexpectedly, the two of them went to each other and never returned.Jiang Ziya was terrified, so he had to hang up the exemption card. After a few days, Jiang Ziya became more and more irritable.Hearing the words, Jiang Ziya was overjoyed and greeted him out of the gate in person. He knew very well that Lord Lu Ya was a powerful Taoist, and it was all thanks to his help that he defeated Zhao Gongming at the beginning, so he didn't dare to neglect. After a while, he narrated his own suffering.Lu Ya was here to help him defeat that Gao Jineng. Seeing that he dared to act in front of him, he sneered in his heart, and immediately stood up to fight.

Lu Ya went out of the big tent to call and see Huang Hua and the two, who knew that the city guard said that the two had already left, so Lu Ya had to leave in the form of Lihuo Changhong Shi Shiran.

It turned out that Lu Ya and Jinji Ridge were the doomed fates for the two of Huang Hua, but because Xiao Qiang forcibly changed his fate against the sky, and confirmed it on Chong Heihu and other Five Sacred Emperors, they were saved.Otherwise, in the battle of Jinji Ridge, the two of them would be the opponent of Lu Ya who held the Immortal Slaying Flying Knife.And Lu Ya came to Jinji Ridge to learn about the calamity according to Nuwa's order. He didn't know that his opponent had already left, but he made a trip in vain.

As for Xiao Qiang's other two apprentices, Zixia and Baixue, hehe, the two of them experienced a beautiful love in the mortal world. Zhu Zizhen of the Seven Monsters.These two people are the doom of her two lives.

However, Xiao Qiang doesn't care about these two apprentices now, his current energy is all focused on outside the Jiepai Pass...

(End of this chapter)

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