The world's ambitions are unparalleled

Chapter 102: Hazy as a dream and broken jejunum

Chapter 102: Hazy as a dream and broken jejunum (2)
When Su Mo finished washing and returned to the room, Jinse had already cleaned up everything before him. She was sitting on the edge of the bed, with her hands and feet stretched out on the edge of the bed, and was roasting on the brazier.

"Is it still cold?" He sat on the edge of the bed and reached out to touch her feet.

Jinse shook her head, silently held the quilt and lay down on her side, Su Mo then leaned over: "Tired?"

Jinse looked at him for a long time, then slowly shook her head.

Su Mo lowered his head and kissed her on the lips. Jinse greeted him, but just as he was about to leave, she put her arms around his neck.

Su Mo took advantage of the situation and covered her body, trying his best to comfort her, but on the other hand, he slowly put his hand under the soft pillow that Jinse was resting on.

When Jinse realized something was wrong, he had already taken out the small and exquisite dagger from under the pillow.

Her heart skipped a beat, but he just smiled: "Would it be comfortable to sleep on this thing?"

After finishing speaking, before Jinse could reply, he had already thrown the dagger out of the tent with a wave of his hand, and only heard a "clang", and he didn't know where it was thrown.

He lowered his head again, kissed her slightly stiff body, and only when both of them lost their breath, he whispered in her ear again: "If I didn't find out, would you use it?"

Jinse originally had her eyes closed, but upon hearing the words, she slowly opened them.

His eyes were deep and gloomy, and she was most familiar with him, but she suddenly felt sad.

I can't tell why, but I vaguely know why, but I don't dare to think deeply, just because I know clearly, once I figure everything out, what will be waiting for me.

"Su Mo..." She didn't answer, but called his name in a low voice, but tears quickly wet her eyes.

"Can you use it?" Su Mo still repeated his question, stubbornly trying to get an answer from her.

Jinse closed her eyes, put her heart on hold, tightly wrapped her arms around his neck, and pressed her lips to his.

Su Mo froze, and finally let her go.

A love that each other tried their best to burn people to ashes.

"Still don't want to think about it?" Jinse seemed to hear him sigh in a daze, her heart suddenly tightened, and her consciousness scattered all over the place quickly returned to the cage. When she opened her eyes, she saw him lying beside her, sleeping peacefully with.

It was already dawn, and she was stuck in bed, looking at his side face for a moment.

After so many years, this person is actually still the person she remembered.But she, in these years, has become so unrecognizable that she doesn't even recognize herself.

Fortunately, this unrecognizable appearance will soon become a thing of the past...

Jinse sat up, tried not to disturb Su Mo, and got out of bed in draped clothes.

She sat in front of the dressing table for a long time, looking at herself in the bronze mirror, she only felt that her face was extremely pale, so she opened the rouge box, trying to add a touch of rosiness to her face, but her hands kept trembling uncontrollably.

It took her a long time to finally make herself look better, and she started brushing her hair again.The strength in her hands seemed to have been used up when she was evening out the rouge just now, and now it was getting more and more difficult to comb her hair, Jinse was so anxious that she almost burst into tears.

She wanted to dress herself up properly, just like the original appearance, but why was it so difficult?

When she dropped the comb on the ground for the third time, Su Mo finally couldn't lie down on the bed, got up and walked towards her, and picked up the comb for her.

Jinse tightly grasped her palm, looked at him from the bronze mirror, but did not dare to move.

After a long time, she said softly: "You can comb my hair for me, okay? It's just the appearance after reaching the hairpin... Actually, it's not difficult..."

Su Mo looked at her, and after a while, he finally started to comb her hair.In fact, it was not an easy task for him, but he stumbled and stumbled for a long time, after all, he managed to comb the hair as Jinse wanted.

Only then did Jinse open the jewelry box, carefully picked out a golden hairpin, and handed it to him.

He hadn't seen her wearing a gold hairpin for a long time, and he was slightly startled when he took it over, but he still put it on her head for Jinse.

After finally getting everything done, Jinse looked at herself in the mirror carefully again, and finally smiled with satisfaction: "It looks like this, and it should look like this."

The ominous premonition that has been lingering in Su Mo's heart since yesterday finally spread boundlessly. He grabbed Jinse's hand and felt that her palm was as cold as ice. He couldn't help turning pale: "Jinse?"

Jinse turned around and raised her head to look at him with a smile on her lips, as bright as a beautiful face.

"You asked me last night if I would use that dagger." She smiled and shook her head at him, "No, definitely not."

"What would I do if I stabbed you to death?"

"I want to be with you, a long time ago, I wanted to be with you."

"No matter who you are, no matter how many days I have left to live, I want to be with you. I want to be with you no matter how much it hurts... no matter how hard it is, I also……"

At this point, her face suddenly changed, and the severe pain in her heart came one after another. It was a feeling that she was very familiar with and feared!She grabbed his shirt tightly, lowered her head to hold back for a long time, and finally spurted a mouthful of blood onto his heart!

"Jinse!" Su Mo was shocked for a moment, and suddenly hugged her into his arms.

Jinse still clutched his clothes tightly, and smiled at him with all her strength——

"I...wanted to be with you...but..." She couldn't help crying after all, "I can't...I can't..."

He just felt terrible. So far in his life, he has never been so confused as at this moment, and his voice is trembling: "Jinse, don't be afraid, I will take you to find Pei Yiqing, and go right away—"

"Su Mo—" Jinse was in unbearable pain, and in the midst of fluctuating mood, she spit out another big mouthful of blood!
"Begonia!" Su Mo suddenly remembered something, and suddenly roared.

In a short time, Haitang entered from the door, seeing such a scene, she was shocked: "Miss Song?"

Jinse was so painful that she almost fainted, but when she saw Haitang appearing suddenly, her blurred thoughts suddenly cleared up a little, she gasped violently, and hugged Su Mo with all her strength: " tried every means to remind me of I think of...Su's not that I don't want's that I don't dare...I can't..."

Su Mo froze suddenly, and immediately hugged Jinse tightly. Haitang hesitated for a moment, then raised her hand decisively, and knocked Jinse unconscious with a palm.

It wasn't until Jinse lost consciousness and passed out in Su Mo's arms that the heart-wrenching pain seemed to dissipate, but Su Mo's face was already miserable.

"My lord?"

After a long time, Su Mo finally spoke again, but his voice was already hoarse: "It's 'Hong Yan'."

There are some things that she can never forget easily if she wants to, but there are some things that she has to force herself to forget.

If forgetting and remembering is the choice between life and death, what should be the right choice?

In those chaotic years, at an age when she could not bear this kind of pain, she had already experienced this kind of heart-wrenching pain.It was too painful, too painful, unbearable, and when the pain was so painful that life was worse than death, I could only try my best to hide the pain.

However, there are still frequent clues.Some people cannot be touched, some things are not dared to think deeply, and some memories can only be erased.She has pushed herself into a heartless and ruthless desperate situation, but there are still times when she cannot escape.

Now, she personally pulled out the cage that was imprisoned in her heart, but she also personally sent herself to the brink of death!

Pei Yiqing traveled day and night, wearing the stars and wearing the moon to come from thousands of miles away. Without a moment's rest, he carefully checked Jinse's body in a coma, and did not leave the room until half an hour later. After cleaning his hands, he looked up and saw Haitang walking softly from the next room When he came out, he laughed: "When did Junior Sister die and come back to life?"

Haitang's expression changed immediately, and he was about to signal him to keep quiet, but Su Mo's soft call came from the room: "Haitang."

Haitang gave Pei Yiqing a helpless look, pushed the door open, and saw Su Mo sitting up on the bed, putting on his shoes and asking, "What time is it?"

Haitang had no choice but to change clothes with him, and said: "When you were a genius, the prince only slept for an hour, why did you wake up?"

Su Mo stood up from the bed and said, "I seemed to hear Mr. Pei's voice just now, but is he here?"

Haitang only nodded: "Yes, brother has checked Jinse's body."

Hearing this, Su Mo ignored the untied clothes, tidied up and went out, and saw Pei Yiqing standing in the porch, hurried forward: "Mr. Pei."

Pei Yiqing saluted lightly, and before he could speak again, she said to herself, "Mr. Pei's medical skills are not good, Miss Song's disease, Mr. Pei thinks she is incapable of consulting a doctor."

Hearing this, Su Mo's eyebrows moved slightly, but there was no extra expression on his face. It seemed that he had expected such a result long ago, and he just said indifferently: "Please trouble Mr. Pei."

Pei Yiqing nodded slightly, Su Mo had already turned his head and opened the door, and walked into the room.

On the bed in the house, Jinse was lying down like an ordinary person sleeping peacefully, with a stable face and a gentle expression, as if she would open her eyes when he called her slightly. Still looking at him.


Su Mo stretched out his hand to caress her face, and stroked her brows and eyes with his thumb, but there was still no movement from her.

It's not that she doesn't wake up, it's that he can't make her wake up.

Today's situation, to him, is already the same as the old days.

That year, shortly after Jin Yan lost the fetus in her womb, she began to vomit blood. At first, it was only occasionally, but later it reached a shocking level.He asked famous doctors to treat her, but he was still at a loss.In the end, it was Jinyan who told him personally that the hematemesis had originally started from a "beautiful girl" and there was no cure for it.

That should be the most touching name in the world, it should go with a cup of tea or a pot of fine wine, but now it is a kind of poison that hurts love, a poison that kills the beauties of the world!

"Jinse." He called her in a low voice, but couldn't help closing his eyes after all.

It's not that he didn't think how hard it would be for her to forget her love, but she never expected that it would be so hard.

In fact, she is far stronger than Jin Yan.At the beginning, Jin Yan couldn't bear this kind of pain, and finally submerged himself in the pool of water in the palace garden, but Jin Se chose a path that no one could think of—since love is hurting, why not Unrequited love?
But it was still him who insisted on pulling her out of that secluded and desolate land, but he never imagined that he would put her in the current desperate situation!

How can a person make the same mistake twice?
"My lord?" Haitang walked into the room quietly, seeing Su Mo's appearance, couldn't help twisting her heart, stepped forward and knelt down beside him, "Senior brother can't be cured, it doesn't mean that 'Hongyan' is really helpless Medicine can be cured. Since the poison came from Zhongli, why not go there to find the antidote?"

After a long time, I heard Su Mo laugh lightly: "Don't say whether Zhongli has the antidote, or if he does, who wants it? Song Heng?"

This was Haitang's favorite candidate, but Su Mo's tone seemed hopeless, and he couldn't help asking: "Didn't Song Heng always regard Miss Jinse as his own sister? If there is really an antidote, why would he refuse to save her?"

"Then do you know why Song Heng regards Jinse as his own sister?"

Haitang was startled, various thoughts flashed through her mind quickly, and finally stayed in one place.She opened her mouth, but finally said, "Could it be... because of Jin Yan?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Jin Se's eyebrows suddenly moved on the bed. Su Mo was still in a daze, but she had slowly opened her eyes.

She looked at him sitting by the bed, feeling warm in her heart, she stretched out her hand and pinched his sleeve, and wanted to smile at him again, but the corner of her mouth moved slightly, and the pain in her heart was overturned in the next instant The trend is coming!
Su Mo sat without moving, and she vomited blood into his arms, dyeing his moon-white brocade robe blooming like red plums in snow, but it was a shocking color.

"My lord!" Haitang hastily gave Su Mo a hand, "You can't stay here any longer! When she sees you, the poison will only attack faster, and the pain will be doubled!"

Su Mo's body was stiff, and he was pulled away slightly by Haitang, but the cuffs were tightened. When he looked down, it was Jinse who was still holding him tightly, never letting go.He couldn't help but broke away from Haitang's hand, and returned to the bedside position, Jinse's body leaned over, wrapping her arms around his waist tightly.


"Don't go..." Her voice was hoarse and trembling, but it seemed that she had exhausted all her strength, "You stay with me, don't go..."

No matter how unbearable the heart-wrenching pain was, it couldn't compare to the darkness and loneliness she had endured in the past five or six years.Now that I can finally open my heart, I realize how difficult the past was, how easy it is to face the world openly, and how happy it is to love him openly.

In the past, when she didn't dare to think deeply about many things, she only knew that thinking too much about some things would make her hurt, and that kind of pain that would make life worse than death would make her die, so she didn't dare to touch it.But now she finally realizes how insignificant the word "death" is compared to some things!

"Su Mo, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." She hugged him tightly, sobbing again and again, "I want to be with you..."

Standing behind Su Mo, Haitang saw his hands raised and lowered over and over again, but she didn't know whether she should hug Jinse or not. She finally couldn't bear it, turned around and walked to the door, just about to go out, but saw the butler standing Walking anxiously back and forth at the door.

Seeing Haitang coming out from inside, the housekeeper hurriedly stepped forward, and replied in a low voice, Haitang's expression changed slightly, and she turned and walked back into the room: "My lord, Mei Yueheng is here."

Jinse's body froze suddenly, Su Mo sensed her fear, his heart groaned, and finally sat back on the side of the bed, holding Jinse into his arms with his backhand.

"Don't see him, I don't want to see him!" Her voice was still trembling, but she was much firmer than before. Perhaps it was because he finally hugged her to make her feel at ease. Although the pain in her heart became worse, she felt relaxed .

"Okay, no see." Su Mo stroked her hair and whispered.

Only then did Jinse feel relieved, and after a while, she smiled softly, closed her eyes and buried her in his arms.

Su Mo lowered his head, only to see that she was frowning tightly, her lips were pale, and she was obviously suffering from great pain.His heart was shaking, but he couldn't push her away. He was silent for a long time, and finally he just said: "Sleep for a while, okay?"

Jinse still had her eyes closed, but shook her head firmly when she heard the words.

I don't want to sleep, because I'm afraid I won't be able to see him when I fall asleep.

A helpless smile appeared on the corner of Su Mo's lips, and he stroked her head again, before finally looking up at Haitang.

Haitang was anxious and sad, when she saw his gaze, she immediately understood, raised her hand, and knocked Jinse unconscious again.

Su Mo put Jinse back on the bed, then stood up: "Go see Mei Yueheng."

The flower hall is elegant and quiet, and Mei Yueheng is sitting quietly in it, drinking tea peacefully, as if in a fairy house.Su Mo strode in without looking at him, went straight to the first seat and sat down, then raised his eyes slightly: "Mr. Mei?"

Only then did Mei Yueheng stand up, and saluted according to the rules: "I have met the regent."

Su Mo's brows and eyes were cold, and his smile was weak: "I don't know if Mr. Mei is here, what's the matter?"

"I heard that Jinse's body is not well, and the old man was worried, so I came to visit." Mei Yueheng answered calmly, but when she raised her head, she still couldn't help but look at the blood on Su Mo's chest.

"Why bother?" Su Mo raised his hand to touch his forehead, but he didn't mind him looking at him a few more times, "For Mr. Mei, useless people should be eliminated. Back then, Jin Yan was a useless chess game. Now Jinse didn't listen to your order to kill me, but let herself fall into the desperate situation of "beautiful woman", isn't that what Mr. Mei is happy to see happen?"

Hearing this, Mei Yueheng's eyes flashed, as if touched, he lowered his head slightly, and said, "Jinse's current situation is not what I like to see."

Su Mo's eyes slowly froze, and he said in a cold voice: "If you are happy to see it, you will never have the opportunity to sit here and talk to me today. Now I just ask Mr. Mei one thing—Jinse's encounter with today's Painful, will Mr. Mei save it or not?"

Mei Yueheng paused for a moment, then said: "I don't understand medical principles, and I don't have any magic medicine to cure all kinds of poisons. If my heart hurts, how can I save Jinse?"

"Mr. Mei is too self-effacing." A cold smile curled up on the corner of Su Mo's lips, "Mr. Mei's three-inch tongue alone first coaxed Jin Yan to be obedient and obedient, and then taught me The third younger brother relies on trust, step by step to be used by the master, and now, Zhongli sent troops to attack Qingyue, needless to say, the master has contributed a lot. In terms of ability, where is there anyone in the world who is better than the master?"

Mei Yueheng slightly raised her eyes: "What does the lord mean, do you want the old man to go to Prince Zhongli?"

"I know that Mr. has been planning all these years, but he just wants to see Qingyue's internal strife and defeat. Today I can also clearly answer Mr., now that Qingyue's world is in my hands, I will definitely not watch my ancestors' country be ruined in my hands With me, Su Mo, there is no possibility of Qingyue's defeat!" Su Mo stared at him, "Song Heng, I ask myself that I can't hope for it. Asking Mr. to find the antidote is just a way of atonement for Mr. Opportunity, whether you want it or not, you can make your own choice!"

After he finished speaking, he got up and left, leaving Mei Yueheng sitting alone for a while, then also got up and left the palace.

Su Mo was actually not sure that Mei Yueheng would save Jinse. After all, for a person who has kept revenge in his heart for more than ten years, I am afraid that it is not just obsession.However, the battle ahead of Qingyue is critical, and he can't save Jinse with his own strength. The two evils add up. In addition to being devastated, he also has to give a glimmer of hope to Mei Yueheng.

I only hope that the family affection in Mei Yueheng's heart has not disappeared, and Song Heng can also feel pity for Jinse.

The snowy night was cold and silent, but the lights in Su Mo's study were still brightly lit.

It was already late at night, and after three or four hours of discussion with the courtiers, they still hadn't come up with a good strategy to defend against the enemy. Su Mo stood in front of the military plane map for a long time with his eyebrows frowned, and all the civil and military ministers behind him kept their voices quiet, but their brows were all concealed Unstoppable tiredness.

After a long time, Mr. Zhao Ge, the most prestigious among the ministers, finally broke the silence: "My lord, it's getting late, and my lord has not slept for days. I'm afraid I won't be able to take it anymore. Why don't I just leave today and let all the lords go back?" It’s good to have a rest, and we can resume the discussion tomorrow.”

Su Mo's eyebrow peak moved slightly, and then she recovered from her contemplation, paused for a moment, and finally said: "That's it for today, let's go."

Everyone in the room immediately resigned as if they had received an amnesty, but after a while, the room was as silent as before, but Su Mo was the only one left.

At this time, he took the cloak, stepped out of the door, and walked to the garden where Jinse lived.

Just after walking a few steps, he suddenly heard a familiar call coming from the corridor on the right, and when he turned his head to look, it was Rong Yue.

Rong Yue only felt that she hadn't seen him for a long time, and finally saw him after waiting for a long time today, her heart was both joyful and sad, she hurriedly came forward, looked at his face carefully, and said softly: "My lord, have you been busy these days? "

Su Mo looked down at her, and said with a smile, "It's so late, why don't you rest?"

Rong Yue lowered her head slightly: "The situation is so chaotic, and I haven't seen the prince for a few days, how can I sleep in my body? I heard that the prince is still discussing matters in the study, so I came here thinking that I could see him."

"Thank you for your hard work." Su Mo sighed slightly, "I have neglected you these days."

(End of this chapter)

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