Chapter 101 Unknown (3)
The crown prince hadn't called out yet, but the old doctor started howling first, and threw himself at the prince's feet, crying as if he wanted to kill his whole family, "Your Highness, please spare me! I didn't do it on purpose, Your Highness, Forgive me! This minister did not intend to, woo! Forgive me!"

The prince's face was dark, and the little boots father-in-law hugged his feet and blew them again and again, and looked at the old doctor with black lines on his face, "Even the doctor, please feel the pulse of the grandfather."

"Thank you for your grace, thank you for not killing me." Frightened by this, even the old doctor moved more slowly, and even took a long time to get a pulse diagnosis kit from the medicine box.

The prince's patience was completely gone, and he put the bronze mirror on the table, with a stern face, and violence appeared in his eyes, "I don't want to die!"

Even the old doctor faltered, but he didn't bother to get the hanging thread, and bowed to plead guilty, and put his old-fashioned fingers on the prince's wrist.After a while, trembling voice said, "Your Highness, you are in good health, but your anger is a little strong. I will prescribe a prescription for you."

"Just angry? What's the matter with your face?" The crown prince lazily propped his head up, his beautiful fox eyes slightly squinted, and his temperament was elegant and charming.If it was the handsome and charming face in the past paired with this free and easy temperament, it would definitely be more charming than a goblin, but... that face!Even the little boots father-in-law couldn't bear to look at it again.Quietly looked away, afraid to take another look, so he spit out the overnight meal.

Even the old doctor shook his beard and said tremblingly, "Look at the scars on His Highness's face, yes, yes, it should be... beaten."

Was beaten? !
Who is it?

Don't kill!

How dare you hit Jingui's prince!
The father-in-law of the little boot suddenly opened his eyes wide, and shouted, "Reverse! Reverse! How dare you hit the current prince! This is a serious crime to exterminate the nine clans, a serious crime! Come on!" The father-in-law was very excited and wanted to give the prince Lord revenge.

The crown prince lazily opened his eyes, and said in a sinister stern voice, "Okay, I dare to show my prestige in front of you."

The little boot was startled, and quickly knelt on the ground hugging the prince's leg and crying heartbrokenly, "Master, hooo! I don't dare, I don't dare. Woohoo, my lord, the sincerity of my slave to you can be proved day and night." You can learn from the moon, my lord!"

The father-in-law of little boots was wronged to death, crying with snot and tears.Who can be so bold, it must be the daughter of the Lei Ting Wang's family, who has injured the master before and has not asked her to blame her, but now she dares to hit the master.What's wrong with him venting his anger and standing up for the master, the master still blames him.Woohoo!Grandpa is too biased.

The crown prince kicked him in disdain, squinted at Lianqiao who thought he was deaf, and waved his hands in annoyance, "Get this old man out quickly, my eyes hurt when I look at him!"

After speaking, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

"Yes." The little boots father-in-law took out a champagne, wiped the tears on his face, got up and led the old doctor Lian out.

Outside the door, the little boots father-in-law was not in a hurry to send the old doctor away, but he took out the small bronze mirror and white face powder in his arms, and while applying makeup in front of the bronze mirror, he asked, "Master Lian, the old lady's face Was the injury really caused by someone hitting him?"

Lian the old imperial doctor obviously seemed to avoid suspicion, he didn't dare to speak, and just nodded slightly.Assaulting His Highness the Crown Prince is a serious crime of beheading. In order to save his old life, it is better for him not to know.

Seeing the old doctor nodding, the little boots father-in-law gritted his teeth and secretly resented, cursing in his heart: How can that woman bear it?Beat his handsome and perfect face like that, so she can do it with such a pretty face? !

After finishing the makeup, he put the small bronze mirror in his pocket and asked respectfully, "Does your lord have the holy medicine for treating bruises?" The Lord has the heart to protect Princess Ping An, and Princess Ping An will not be safe.

Even the old imperial doctor quickly took out a white porcelain vial from his embroidered robe, hurriedly stuffed it into the hands of Eunuch Boots, greeted him, and hurried away with the medicine box.That speed, dirty!Seeing the little boots burst into tongues!Shaking his head again and again, he sighed.

In the room, the prince had a pig's face on his face, and his smile was both sweet and rippling.My mind is full of images of him hugging Momo and kissing him under the moonlight last night, that soft waist, that refreshing fragrance, that delicate and warm touch... There is a fire in the prince's heart, a fire that can destroy the world Earth's fire of desire.

Close your eyes, imagine in your mind the moment when he and Momo were entangled to death.The crown prince felt that he was so beautiful that a moan of joy overflowed from his mouth unconsciously.

The little boot who had just stretched out his hand to push the door outside the door heard the sound, and immediately blushed and dared not go in, thinking in his heart that he must get a woman for the grandfather.

The prince had a wound on his face, so he dared not go out.Therefore, Yimo has been very free these days. Apart from practicing martial arts and meditation, he just deals with official duties and checks the battle reports.

At noon, Suzaku suddenly came to report, "Master, Mr. Gong is here and says he needs to see you urgently."

Yi Mo put down the ancient book in his hand, "Let him in."

When Gong Ling came, his face was a little anxious, and he cupped his hands and said anxiously, "Your Highness, Luo Chengfang is dead."

Yi Mo opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes filled with shock.Wangchuan has three provinces, Green Province, Massachusetts, and Industrial Province.Luo Chengfang is the chief envoy in charge of the Ministry of Industry.Luo Chengfang, Gong Ling, and Massachusetts Chief Envoy Qin Que were all single-handedly selected by the old prince.The three of them are loyal to the palace, and they are also conscientious in governing Wangchuan.And Luo Chengfang is the head of the three, and the Ministry of Industry is also the most in Wangchuan.

Yi Mo asked in a deep voice, "How did you die?"

"The cause of death is unknown." Leader Gong shook his head.

Turning his thoughts, Yi Mo asked again, "Who is temporarily in charge of the Ministry of Industry?"

Gong Ling's face darkened, and he said solemnly, "It's Jiang Kaizhi, the salt transport envoy of the capital."

As soon as the words 'salt transportation envoy' came out, even Yi Mo's face became gloomy.

According to the usual practice, if the chief envoy of a province dies, the procurator should be in charge of all affairs temporarily.

The local officials of Chengtian Kingdom are divided into three divisions, namely, the chief envoy, the procuratorial envoy, and the commander-in-chief. .When Emperor Yanli was in power, there were incidents where local officials embraced their own self-respect and wanted to rebel.The later emperors were afraid that this would happen again, so they changed the responsibilities of the three divisions, and the chief envoy was in charge of civil affairs and taxation;

The chief envoy passed away suddenly, and the third-rank envoy should have been in power. How could He De let the fourth-rank salt transport envoy leapfrog the helm!

Although the others didn't understand, Ke Mo and Gong Ling did.

There has always been a saying in Chengtian Kingdom, "The prosperity of Wangchuan is filled with salt."

The Ministry of Industry has a special status and is located in the famous Huaihe River.The land of Huaihe River and Huai River is rich in salt, and the salt industry is very developed.The tax value of its salt accounted for one-fifth of Chengtian Kingdom's salt tax revenue!

(End of this chapter)

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